The road at the foot of the mountain has begun to be repaired. Don't underestimate the strength of these big soldiers. They actually covered the foot of the mountain to Tian Yuqiao's house with a layer of broken stones in only one day.

Then there are some people who are mainly responsible for leveling the road. On both sides of the road, in the northeast dialect, it is a horse's teeth. However, at this time, the road teeth were not made of long stones, but made of some large stones. This was Tian Yuqiao's idea, which Fang Wenhao naturally happily adopted.

Zeng Changsheng used to run to Tian Yuqiao's house during this period. He said that he was a blacksmith and didn't have much land. He wanted to help Tian Yuqiao's family grow land. However, when Fang Wenhao knew the reason, he immediately asked his ten "best friends" to help in Tian Yuqiao's field.

With these ten strong labors and Wang's considerate care for his own hillside, they plowed it all very soon.

Tian Yuqiao was speechless. Wen Hao said, "brother Hao, I said before that I planned to use that land to dig ponds, plant lotus roots and raise fish..."

Fang Wenhao suddenly had a black face. How could he forget it? I blame myself for being too reckless. This time, I let Zeng Changsheng watch a big joke.

"Joe, sister, I'll go back and let my father shovel you some shovels." Ceng Changsheng hurried over to offer his attentions.

Tian Yuqiao said, "well, just give me some when father Zeng is free, but I must give it to you according to the market price. If you don't charge me as before, it's OK. After all, the imperial court still asks your father to help build some objects for repairing the mausoleum."

Zeng Changsheng didn't know what to say, so he had to harden his head and nod: "well, sister Qiao, you don't have to be too polite to me. You didn't forget to send us delicious food before."

"One yard to one yard, that's what you deserve. Didn't you give me a pheasant and rabbit when you went hunting in the mountains?"

When Fang Wenhao saw the two of them coming and going, his face suddenly couldn't hang up.

"Joel, in fact, I think most of the prey he sent you were robbed from Thor's mouth? I know his skills, but I'm just careless."

Tian Yuqiao was speechless and said in his heart, can you two stop pinching as soon as you meet? From the intersection of their eyes, Tian Yuqiao could feel the sound of chakra collision.

These two little Zhengtai's eyes are lethal. Although they can't cause any physical damage to each other, they hurt her by magic. It turns out that women are jealous and men are cool!

In this warm spring season, every time Tian Yuqiao is around them, he has a feeling of being in three or nine days, and it's still cloudy.

After the arrangements are made, Wen Hao will let someone help dig the pond when the shovel of the old father's side arrives. Anyway, this is the privilege of being a leader. It doesn't have to be in vain. It will expire.

Tian Yuqiao still entered the virtual environment and went to study the "Chrysanthemum" of wealth.

Now she likes to carry Caicai's tail, so that she can observe it more closely.

"Gold, or you can help go in and touch it to see if Caicai is constipated?" Tian Yuqiao looked at gold with a bad smile.

Gold "squeaked" twice and expressed strong protest against it. It is said that the tiger's ass can't be touched. Can the little leopard's ass be touched by a mouse?

Tian Yuqiao read it from gold's eyes. The goods were saying, "master, don't let me die."

Completely ignoring Caicai's anger, Tian Yuqiao still regarded Caicai as a pendulum, swinging from side to side.

Caicai doesn't want to smoke Tian Yuqiao, but she is the host. To a certain extent, she is the master of Caicai. Therefore, no matter how capable Caicai is, it is impossible to hurt Tian Yuqiao. That's why she dares to have confidence in wealth.

Carrying Caicai's tail, "Duan Duan" swayed up and down the ground twice. "Why don't you pull it? It's really easy to get. It's hard to get it at once." Tian Yuqiao couldn't help but sigh.

Caicai's face was so angry that it turned orange skin, while gold jumped around proudly. Heart said, good guy, did you suffer this time? Let you always bully me.

Tian Yuqiao was helpless and finally loosened his magic grip. The money that regained freedom immediately rushed to the top of the hut and could not be killed.

"Cut, small sample, I see you come down. Don't come out when you have the ability to eat." Tian Yuqiao threatened.

Caicai was so angry that he farted a few times, and then ~ er, it was going to start defecating!

Gold covered his nose with his little claws and "squeaked" twice. Tian Yuqiao saw Caicai squat down, then raised his tail, and immediately knew what he was going to do.

Roar: "don't pull that thing on the roof. Come down."

"Hey, you have the ability to come up. Who let you bully others like that?" Caicai looked disdainful.

Tian Yuqiao was speechless. He could only pick a snow lotus from the lotus pond and threw it over the hut.

Nima, that's a priceless good thing. She actually treats her as a dog ignoring steamed stuffed bun to beat a leopard here.

Caicai saw that he couldn't clean his shit, so he ran down angrily. The little ass sat directly on Tian Yuqiao's feet, and then two black things appeared on the red cotton padded shoes made by Wang Shi for Tian Yuqiao.

Tian Yuqiao was half angry, but this was the first time she got money. Although this thing comes from there, as long as it is a good thing, don't care how it comes. Tian Yuqiao just wants to know whose stomach this thing will go into in the future.

Hei hei, Tian Yuqiao took out a wooden bottle and directly collected Caicai's excrement after little evil.

Seeing someone treat his stink so precious and important, Caicai's arrogance came up again. Holding his tail high, he turned around the medicine field like an emperor patrolling his territory.

I completely forgot the treatment I had suffered before. It's really good. I forget the pain when the scar is good. The above are Tian Yuqiao's most pertinent comments on Cai Cai.

Although it looks cold on the surface, it's actually a master who knows whether to eat or not.

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