With the addition of xiaonaigou Huihui at home, the atmosphere of Tian Yuqiao's family has become a lot more active. The emptiness brought to Wang by Yuanji and Yuantong's departure was not as strong as before. No matter how busy they were, the two brothers insisted on coming down the mountain every day. They said they were sending firewood to the Wang family, but they actually came to see the Wang family.

The reconstruction of temples on the mountain has been put on the agenda. With the support of a large amount of money, nothing else is a problem. Timber is all over the mountains and fields, with the help of the villagers, so the progress is still very fast.

In order to speed up the reconstruction of the temple, Fang Wenhao decided to ask the women in the village to help cook for the soldiers, so that more strong labor can be released to join the construction.

"Mom, I'll leave it to you. I need to find some women in the village and ask them to go up the mountain to help cook twice a day at noon and at night." Fang Wenhao said.

Wang Shi is a little nervous because she has never done such a big thing. So he decided to pull the mother-in-law of village head Wang Heng's family to help.

"Mom, it's better to discuss this matter with the village head's family, and the village head's wife must be more familiar with the people in the village than you." Tian Yuqiao said.

"Well, that's what my mother thinks. But my mother is also selfish. For example, aunt chrysanthemum's house, aunt chrysanthemum's daughter-in-law and widow Li are all invited." Wang said with some embarrassment.

"What's the matter? It's up to my mother. Every woman who comes to help in the mountain will pay ten Wen a day. At that time, sister Qiao needs to help record it and come to me every night to get the money." Fang Wenhao said.

Tian Yuqiao said with a smile, "it's easy to do. It's just such a big project. I'm afraid you're still too busy. Now most of the strong workers in the village are idle. I don't know how many you have recruited?"

Fang Wenhao frowned: "Hey, don't mention it. Some of those people are old, weak, sick and disabled. Naturally, I won't want them. Although I have lived in this village for some days and have some feelings for the people in the village, it's estimated that it will be difficult to trust others if I use those people."

"Yes, those people can't use it naturally." Tian Yuqiao said.

"But... Er, your uncle and third uncle have also applied for the job. I said we should consider it." Fang Wenhao frowned and said.

In fact, he didn't want these two people, but they were Joel's uncles after all. It's better to discuss the matter with them.

Tian Yuqiao looked at Wang Shi and saw that Wang Shi seemed to be moved, so he said, "Mom, now sister Rong Rong has also taken ten liang of silver to the old house. Plus the six liang of silver obtained from selling old sows, there must not be a lack of money."

Wang also knows that the two children are dissatisfied with the people over there. Isn't she so?

"Yes, I don't care about men. Tomorrow I'll go to the village head's house and talk to Aunt Fang about recruiting a cooking woman."

Just after dinner, the door was knocked. Wang didn't know who it would be. He came and knocked at the door at this time.

Now Fang Wenhao is an official, so his family has a lot of courage. Yutang directly opened the door and saw Gao and Jiang coming together.

"Aunt and uncle, what are you doing here?" the little guy was stunned. Then he remembered to call someone.

"Oh, it's Wulang. Tut Tut, look at this child. It's only been a while since I haven't seen him and he's growing tall again." Gao rarely said a nice word.

Jiang's hand was still carrying a basket with some things in it, covered by a cloth with white flowers on a blue background.

"Mom, it's Auntie and aunt. They're coming."

Wang frowned: "it's so late. What are they doing at our house?"

Fang Wenhao shook the knife around his waist and said, "if they dare to make trouble here, the knife in my hand is not vegetarian."

"Oh, Hao'er, hang up the knife quickly. Don't take out this thing to scare people."

"Don't worry, mother. The child is measured." Fang Wenhao put his Sabre directly on the edge of the Kang.

At this time, Gao and Jiang had come in with Tian Yutang. Caicai turned his eyes and looked at them. He snorted and ignored them.

After ash shouted at them, he was comforted by the little guy. I didn't expect that this little thing is so small now that it can help look after the house.

"Oh, third sister-in-law, your little Greyhound is very powerful."

"Isn't it? Second brother and sister, is your cat a wild cat in the mountain? Why do you still have flowers?"

Wang didn't bother to talk to them, so he smiled and said, "ha ha, yes. Ash is the cub of the bitch of the eldest child's family. It's not a rare dog in Yutang. I'll have one. The puppy has just reached the full moon and won't bite. You don't have to be afraid. But this wealth is not easy to provoke. I dare not approach it easily."

She said it on purpose, because Caicai caught a wild boar beyond recognition. If it is true, it is estimated that Gao and Jiang will suffer. Although their skin is also very thick, no matter what, it should not be thicker than that boar's skin, right?

"Second sister-in-law, this is the egg my mother hatched for you personally. Look, the chicken is just ready to be raised." Jiang opened the basket and revealed a pile of soft waxy light yellow things.

It's not so warm now, so all the little guys crowded together to keep warm. They didn't make a few "Jiao Jiao" calls until the cloth was lifted.

"Ah, it's a chicken!" the little guy's eyes lit up immediately.

There are twenty chickens here. Tian Yutang likes them very much. Now there are two ducks at home. They lay eggs every day, but the duck eggs are fishy. Everyone doesn't like them very much.

"Third aunt, what's the matter with you coming to my mother this time?" Tian Yuqiao asked, looking at Jiang with a smile.

Jiang's face changed. Before she could speak, Gao over there couldn't help talking: "Joe, this time we just want to come to your mother to help talk?"

She finished and looked at Fang Wenhao with a cold face.

"Hehe, yes, my second sister-in-law is in charge of my brother and my family. She also wants to go up the mountain to help. This year, the fourth son took a lot of money from his family. My parents thought about asking my brother to work and earn some money."

After listening to Jiang's words, Wang was a little silent. After all, the man's business is the business of the government, and she can't intervene.

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