Gao and Jiang came together and brought a basket of more than 20 chicks to Tian Yuqiao's family. They were all hatched by their own hens, and Li helped hatch them on the Kang at home.

This time it was to find a job for Tian Dajiang and Tian Dahu, so Gao asked them to bring it to Tian Yuqiao's family.

This makes Wang a little tangled. In fact, she didn't intend to take care of things over there. But now that people have brought chickens to the door, it's not good for them not to take them. If you accept it, you can't do anything.

Looking at her steamed stuffed bun mother, the expression on her face has become a "steamed stuffed bun", Tian Yuqiao knew what Wang was thinking.

Has the final say has the final say on the mountain, the elder brother is also only a person who is under the hands of a family member, who needs to be unarmed, and who has to say the same thing. The big brother, three aunt, you should go up the mountain to find those who are the senior officials, and find my mother.

"Oh, Joe, you're wrong to say that. Now who doesn't know in the village, the wild one your family picked up from the mountain..."

"Sister-in-law." Jiang quickly interrupted Gao. Then he said with a smile, "I wonder if Hao'er has been doing well these days. I wonder if he can help me say a good word to the boss? If you can make big brother and our leader earn two money on the mountain, it's better to make up for the family, isn't it?"

Wang was still stunned and didn't know how to pick it up. Now she feels like an ant roasted on a hot pot. She feels really in a dilemma.

When Fang Wenhao saw that the two people put the problem on their own head, he said coldly, "I can only take care of the ten people under my hand. As for other things, I can't take care of them. Take these chickens back. I won't take them."

It's Gao's turn and Jiang's turn to be silly. What do you mean you don't accept it? It's not for you. Persimmons are soft to pinch and ask people to do things. Naturally, they also start from Wang's steamed stuffed bun.

However, the current situation has been turned around by Fang Wenhao and rescued Wang from the inside, which made Wang feel relieved immediately.

"Hehe, this chick was given to Joel and Wulang by the old house. Didn't Erlang and Shiro accidentally burn the two hens they gave you? These should be a little compensation for you. Take it."

Tian Yuqiao took the basket with a smile, smiled and said, "thank you, aunt and aunt. Just now our chicken coop is still empty."

She then handed the basket to Tian Yutang and asked him to put the chickens with the two ducks.

After pulling the idle film for a while, Gao and Jiang saw that they couldn't take advantage of anything, so they walked away in dismay. However, Tian Yuqiao didn't say anything. He just asked Fang Wenhao to help him talk to him when he had a chance, but he didn't guarantee it.

Just draw them a big cake. Anyway, appease the people first, so as not to run to their own house all the time.

After everyone else left, the little guy had settled the chickens in the chicken coop. It happened that the two ducks were a pair and there were no ducklings, so the mother duck really took the chickens as her own children and took good care of them.

At first, the little guy was worried that the two ducks would bully the new chicken, but he found that he was completely worried.

"Mom, I'm going to find a light job for these two people. It's not for anything else. If they have a job, they won't always gamble or have a chance to make wrong ideas. If they can really correct their mistakes, it's also very good. After all, with a skill, they can make money in the future." Fang Wenhao analyzed.

Wang's eyes suddenly lit up. If the eldest and third of the Tian family had this job and could make money, they would have no time to think about their children. This is also very good, otherwise she would always worry that the Tian family would steal their daughter.

Tian Yuqiao naturally saw Wang's thoughts, so he smiled and said, "well, it's best to let uncle and third uncle learn carpenter or bricklayer. Don't let them learn Blacksmithing, otherwise they will rob business with Uncle Zeng."

Fang Wenhao promised, but he had another idea in his heart. The heart said, hum, I'll let them go to the blood to make iron. The more I block Zeng Changsheng, the happier I am. Who wants the boy to run to Joe's house all day?

Tian Yuqiao naturally doesn't know what Fang Wenhao thinks. Now she has shifted her energy to the new chickens. According to her experience of raising once and dying once in her previous life. The chicken can't be fed water directly, otherwise it will have diarrhea.

Now that there are no wild vegetables at home, Tian Yuqiao can only choose to sacrifice half a cabbage. After chopping the cabbage with a kitchen knife, add some corn flour to it. I felt a little dry and added some virtual lotus pond water to the inside.

I felt that I didn't stir very evenly, so I grabbed it directly by hand. As a result, the big bowl of chicken food turned into a strange bowl of ~ vegetable balls.

After Wang finished cleaning the house, he found that the two children were still tossing about outside. Seeing Tian Yuqiao's expression of bitter hatred on his face, Wang immediately smiled.

"Hehe, Joel, you can't do this chicken food. Just let your mother do it."

Wang then began to stir the chicken food evenly and added some millet to it. Then he came to the front of the chicken coop, made a sound of "coo, COO", and directly threw the chicken food into the chicken coop.

The chicken coop is covered with loess. In the chicken nest, some thatch is paved. The outside is paved with green bricks, so it's easier to clean up when there is chicken excrement.

The next afternoon, Fang Wenhao asked big head to go to Tian's old house, informed Tian Dajiang and Tian Dahu, and asked them to report to the mountain the next day.

After getting the news, the old Tian house was excited for a while.

"Boss and third brother, you must meet more dignitaries on the mountain this time. Especially those who are officials, I don't think they can give you a good future in the army," Li said.

Master Tian said, "what do you know? Now the second is already in the army. I don't know whether it's dead or alive. If you put the first and third in, I don't think you can even find a way to cry. Hum, it's really a woman's opinion. Don't get involved in this kind of thing in the future."

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