The little guy has missed the school season. Now he has come to report a month late, so he is one month behind other children who have not been enlightened.

Naturally, the old man didn't want his students to get in halfway, so he didn't give them a good face.

After waiting for a quarter of an hour outside the private school, the scholar came out slowly.

Tian Yuqiao looked at the old man. He looked about 50 years old. He had a few sparse beards. He spoke with a sour smell. He looked like a stubborn old scholar.

However, it is said that this person is a scholar. In this era, scholars are already great. After all, in the scholar's home, the land can be rent free, which is a special treatment for scholars.

"I heard you live in a mountain village?"

"Mr. Hui, yes," Tian Yuqiao said.

"I didn't ask you, I was asking him." Zhang Xiucai pointed to Tian Yutang.

Because we don't accept too old children here. Seeing that the other two teenagers are over age, he firmly believes that the little guy should be the student who comes to school this time. The most important thing was that he saw the schoolbag on the little guy's back, which was very special.

Tian Yutang respectfully saluted the old man and said, "if you come back, you are a student. The student's name is Tian Yutang. Because there is only a widowed mother at home and the student can't bear his mother's hard work, he helped the family finish spring ploughing and came to report for duty. Please don't be surprised if you come late."

The little guy is very talkative. It is clear that he is reluctant to separate from Fang Wenhao and Eryuan. He actually says he is helping his mother. Filial piety is greater than heaven these days. After listening to this reason, Zhang Xiucai didn't say much.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect this to be a filial child. Come on, you go first."

He then invited several people in, but when he arrived at Tian Yuqiao, he frowned and said, "the private school is where gentlemen read sages' books. Women can't come in. Please forgive me, girl."

Tian Yuqiao's eyebrows jumped and his heart said what kind of shit rule is this? It's just that you don't let women go to school. You can't even let them in. Aren't you a sour scholar? Why don't you go to heaven?

It seemed that Tian Yuqiao was dissatisfied. Fang Wenhao quickly pulled her sleeve and whispered, "sister Qiao, the school has this rule. It's not just for you."

Tian Yuqiao didn't argue with the old man.

Fang Wenhao and big head helped to bring Wang's worship to the teacher. In fact, it was a strip of meat, four bags of snacks and a basket of eggs bought from Tian chrysanthemum's house.

Tian Yutang's children at this stage have less money to repair, just like the nursery in her previous life. So they helped you take care of your children, so they only received three liang of silver this year, which is much less than the silver spent by Tian Xuelang every year.

The most important thing is that xueshulang is an adult and has the reputation of a child student. Every time he goes to the county school, he has to invite his classmates to dinner and wine, so the cost is a little expensive. In addition to pen, ink, paper and inkstone, he spent more money on useless entertainment.

Tian Yuqiao waited outside alone. Fang Wenhao and the boss accompanied Tian Yutang into the private school.

Ningguan village is the largest and richest village near here. So the villagers took money together to build such a private school, and they also paid for an old scholar who had been on the ground many times to teach.

The old scholar is so conceited that ordinary people can't get into his eyes at all. Although Tian Yutang was accompanied by two officers this time, he didn't give the little guy a good face.

Although Wang's salute to the teacher was more generous than that of other students, after all, they were not from the village, so this scholar didn't have a special liking for the little guy.

According to the normal procedure, after walking through the show, I received gifts and money, and accepted Tian Yutang's kneeling, it was all done.

"OK, your name is Yutang, isn't it?"

"Yes, sir."

"You'll sit in the junior class later and listen to the class with children about your age. However, you've missed a month's course. You have to go back and find a way to make up for it yourself. Otherwise, when you fail in the exam next month, you'll have to beat the palm of your hand. Do you understand?"

The little guy nodded heavily and said solemnly, "the students understand. They must try to make up for the lessons they have left before, or they will be palmed by the thugs."

"Yes, yes, the child has a strong understanding ability. By the way, have you ever been enlightened at home?" Zhang Xiucai asked.

The little guy looked at Fang Wenhao and saw Fang Wenhao nod. He said, "well, there are. My brother taught me."

"Oh? That's your brother?" Zhang Xiucai looked at Fang Wenhao in some doubt. Seeing that he was dressed as a military general, he asked with some disdain: "I don't know, little brother, but do you have a reputation?"

Joke, Fang Wenhao is a prince. Does he still need to rely on a scholar and raise people?

Fang Wenhao shook his head and said, "I'm a martial artist at home. I haven't taken any honors."

The scholar Zhang was suspicious at first, but when he heard Fang Wenhao say that he didn't have any fame, he immediately became indifferent.

Directly took the little guy to a small classroom, where there were about ten children aged six or seven. Pointing to the seats in the back row, he said to Tian Yutang, "no, that's your seat. We all arrange seats here according to your academic grades. If you get your next exam results, you can sit in the front."

The little guy doesn't seem to care about these. It's like a dream for him to come to school. He thought everything was new. Even if his husband deliberately made trouble for himself, he didn't take it to heart.

But the little guy doesn't care, but it doesn't mean that a prince is also a good kind.

Fang Wenhao whispered with the big head outside, and then they said goodbye to the little guy and said they would come to pick him up in the evening.

"Why did you come out so slowly?" Tian Yuqiao rubbed his sore legs.

"Hey, Joe, is Zhu Rongrong's family in this village? We should go and see others this time." Fang Wenhao said with a smile.

"Well, it makes sense. I should go and have a look, and I'm a little tired. I'm just going to have a rest."

When they finished, they took the horse and went to Zhu Rongrong's house.

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