Tian Yuqiao, Fang Wenhao and the big three sent Tian Yutang to study in the private school in Ningguan village. As a result, just before entering the door, Tian Yuqiao touched the ash on his nose. She didn't expect such injustice to women in this age. Let alone let them read and read. Even the door of the private school is not allowed to enter.

However, she can't change everyone's thoughts alone, so she can only admit it. After Fang Wenhao and others came out, Tian Yuqiao asked what had happened in the private school.

Fang Wenhao told Tian Yuqiao what he could say, but Jin Jin had already told her everything that happened inside.

Tian Yuqiao doesn't have much favor with the sour scholars of this era, especially the kind of guy who is conceited but always feels that he is a guy who doesn't have talent. He feels disgusted when he sees it.

Today, Tian Yuqiao was very upset by the way the scholar looked at his brother. She said in her heart, grandma drops, just because she is a sour scholar? When my sister comes out, I'm sure to teach our little Zhengtai so that she can pass the exam.

Tian Yuqiao was angry all the way. Fang Wenhao didn't know if he had provoked her, so he didn't dare to hit the nail. Joel was angry and the consequences were serious, which he knew very well.

Big head is the first time to see his boss so careful. He can't help feeling a little funny. I didn't expect that the two subordinates were afraid of their little sister. It was really interesting.

This news is definitely a big gossip. I'll tell everyone when I go back. Even if I annoy the boss in the future, I can't annoy his sister Joel, otherwise I'll die miserably.

When she came to Zhu Rongrong's house at the entrance of the village, Tian Yuqiao suddenly seemed to have changed. From the moment she knocked on the door, the smile on her face came back again.

Seeing Zhu Rongrong, Tian Yuqiao smiled and said, "sister Rongrong, why haven't you been to our village for a long time?"

Zhu Rongrong blushed and said, "Hey, he goes to school during the day and studies at home at night. Don't I have no chance?"

Holding hands, they went into the courtyard of the Zhu family. Good guy, it's like a slaughterhouse. There are slaughtering and slaughtered pork halves hanging there to control blood.

The pungent smell of blood made Tian Yuqiao feel a little uncomfortable. Zhu Rongrong quickly led her into the house.

"Sister qiao'er, why are you here when you have time? Great. My mother just wants stew at noon." Zhu Rongrong said with a smile.

"Ha ha, sister Rong Rong, I won't be polite to you. But this time I'm not alone. There are two of them. One is brother Hao'er, you've met. The other is his er... Friend."

Zhu Rongrong smiled and looked into the yard and saw a tall boy. At this time, she was helping her eldest brother and second brother put pork on the case in the yard.

Fang Wenhao stood with his hands on his back, as if enjoying a beautiful scenery.

"Who is that big man?" asked Zhu Rongrong curiously.

"Oh, he's actually a soldier. It's a long story. Anyway, something happened on the mountain. Then brother Hao'er was watched by an official and made him a small leader. That man is the brother he knew in the barracks. His name is big head." Tian Yuqiao explained with a smile.

"Oh, don't tell me. That boy's head is really big."

They were in the room together. After covering their mouths and laughing for a while, Tian Yuqiao said, "sister Rong, can I trouble you one thing?"

In fact, Tian Yuqiao intended to help Zhu Rongrong. Although her fourth uncle was not very optimistic about her, she was also a scholar. She really matched Zhu Rongrong, so she planned to make it happen on purpose.

"Come on, sister qiao'er, it's just that the new year has just passed. There are not many people killing pigs, and the meat skin can't be kept..."

"That's not the case. I'm actually here to send my brother Yutang to study here. The private school is near the ancestral hall at the end of the village and is a little far away from our family. I think about him going to school alone, and I'm a little worried. I can find someone to send him in the morning, but it's inconvenient to pick him up when he goes to school. Hey..."

Tian Yuqiao deliberately lengthened his voice, while Zhu Rongrong over there said eagerly, "it's easy to do. They leave school later than the county school. Every night I go to help you take your brother back to the village. Maybe I can meet your fourth uncle at that time ~ er, in fact, I don't mean that."

Seeing that Zhu Rongrong accidentally said what he meant, Tian Yuqiao didn't poke it, but pretended not to understand.

"In that case, I can only trouble sister Rong. Now the temple on the mountain needs to be rebuilt, so Yuanji and Yuantong are very busy. Brother Hao'er has his own job, and my mother and I are left at home. There are still a lot of work to do at home. I come out to pick up my brother alone. My mother is not at ease, so I can only trouble sister Rong."

Zhu Rongrong took Tian Yuqiao's hand and said with a smile, "Hey, what's the trouble? We may be a family in the future. Isn't it right for me to help you?"

A sense of guilt arises spontaneously. Does Tian Yuqiao think he is too dark? After all, the girl and the scholar haven't left a word between them.

Zhu Rongrong seemed to have received a very sacred mission. At noon, in order to celebrate that she had more opportunities to contact shushulang in the mountain village, he specially asked Zhu's father and her sister-in-law to add some dishes.

Big head shook off his cheeks and bumped his big teeth. He ate like crazy.

Originally, the eating pictures of the Zhu brothers were scary enough. I didn't expect that there was a hungry ghost reincarnated here!

"Cough, big head, pay attention to the influence." Fang Wenhao whispered.

"I can't help it. The food is really delicious. I feel like eating in my own home."

Zhu's father is also very cool. Seeing the big head, he is tall and burly, young and strong. He can't help admiring him. He drank some wine with big head. The more he looked at big head, the more comfortable he felt.

I can't wait to detain him at home and let him be his son-in-law.

However, he knew that there was someone in his daughter's heart, so he could only look at the heroic young man in front of him and sigh secretly.

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