On the first day of school, the little guy was made sleepy by the boring Three Character Classic. In addition, he was too excited in the morning. Now the excitement subsided somewhat, and the sleepiness suddenly swept over.

The old man is really a talent. He just makes the little guy sleep.

When people were sleeping, he smashed the table with a ruler, which made the little guy's ears "buzzing".

When the old man heard that the Three Character Classic he taught was boring, he was so angry that he blew his beard and stared.

"If you can recite everything I taught, sir, you can sleep freely in class, and I won't care about you anymore. Otherwise, this bundle of silver will be returned to you, and you crazy student won't have to study here from tomorrow."

Other children around were also stunned. Although they all knew that the old man was usually very strict, they didn't expect that he was so strict today.

Don't you just get some sleep? Who doesn't slip past the number in class? He just didn't see it.

Everyone looked at Tian Yutang sympathetically and felt that today's new student was going to be unlucky. Originally, my husband didn't like students who came to school after missing the opening day of school, let alone nearly a month late this time? It is clear that Mr. wants to drive the children out of the village.

However, the little guy's stubborn temper also came up this time. Unexpectedly, he accidentally fell asleep in class. His husband would make it so difficult.

The little guy's little face was red and recited the Three Character Classic from beginning to end. That's the full version of the Three Character Classic! Now my husband has only taught for a month. These children haven't even learned half of them.

At first, when the little guys recited, some of them could nod their heads, while others shook their heads and recited silently in their hearts. When the little guy carried his back to the place where his husband hadn't taught him, the children stared one by one. They didn't know whether his back was right or not.

Although Zhang Xiucai hated this kind of non-low-key student at the beginning, when he found that the baby in front of him would get so much, his heart immediately began to love talents.

As if nothing had happened before, after the little guy recited, he smiled and touched the little guy's head.

"Yutang, right? Come here and change positions with Li a Mao."

"Li Amao, come here and exchange with him."

After hearing this, the little guy named by him with two long runny noses immediately changed to Ning Erya with a bitter face and his own things.

Ning Erya drew a line in the middle of the table with a charcoal pen and said to Li Amao, "stay away from me. Don't cross this line, or I'll let my brothers beat you after school."

The threat of red fruit is the special skill of the granddaughter of the village head's little bully.

The little guy didn't expect that he could carry his seats forward two rows by reciting the simplest Three Character Classic.

Seeing the position in the first row, there was still a vacancy there. The little guy was excited.

After pulling his sleeve, the little guy widened his big eyes, pointed to the position and asked, "Sir, how can I sit there? It's closest to Mr. and it's easier to hear his teachings."

Although Zhang Xiucai's attitude towards the little guy has changed, he looks like he can advance by an inch and suddenly wants to be angry.

But judging from the talent he just showed, the little guy seems to have something else. So Zhang Xiucai smiled and said, "Yutang, if you can recite" hundred family names "and" thousand character text ", you can sit there."

In fact, there was no one sitting in that position. If they can recite those things, they can almost be upgraded to the next level. He thought that such a small hairy head should not recite it, so he said it on purpose.

Unexpectedly, the little guy really shook his head and began to recite. After reciting the two books, he came back and began to recite the Analects of Confucius.

This surprised everyone, but also shocked Zhang Xiucai.

"God, doll, how many things can you still have? You don't mean you don't have enlightenment... Oh no, your brother, although he is a little old, I don't mind it, sir. When you go home today, tell him that if he wants to continue his study, I can teach him."

The little guy frowned and nodded reluctantly.

"But Sir, I need to go back and ask. I can't guarantee that my brother is willing to study."

"That's good. You must remember to bring me my words. Hey, no wonder you're so late. It seems that this room is no longer suitable for you. Well, how about going to the intermediate class to study with those older brothers? Would you like to?"

The little guy still shook his head and said, "I still want to go back and ask my sister. My sister said, don't let me be too high-profile. If I wasn't worried that I would be driven back by my husband today, I wouldn't recite everything I know."

When this scholar heard this, he was more or less balanced. The heart said that you could read these books too. Although it is good compared with other children, it still owes me a little heat compared with my childhood. You know, when I was six years old, I would count more than eighty

The first day was over, and the little guy soon became the "learning bully" in the junior class.

When he left the private school, he was about to go out when he was stopped by the bully flower of the village head's house.

"Hum, it's great to be able to endorse. I'll duel with you. If you can win me, I'll let you be the boss here in the future, otherwise you'll be a man with your tail in your hand. You'll listen to me and let me copy your homework in the future."

The little guy was a little speechless. I didn't expect that the little girl would haunt herself so hauntingly.

But looking at the four or five boys who followed her, they looked like senior students. The little guy hesitated.

If they really fight with her, those people will come up to help. If they do not agree, then it is estimated that these people will not easily let themselves go. What should I do? If only my sister were here at this time.

He moved out bit by bit and finally scraped out of the door of the private school.

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