On the first day of tianyutang's private school, a lot of people were "thrilled". For example, when I slept in class, I was almost rushed back by my husband. In addition, I offended Ning Erya, the bully in the Academy.

He didn't know where he had offended her. When he left school, he was surrounded by his brothers at the door of the private school. But fortunately, he spoke to distract each other's attention, while the other side slowly retreated out.

Just outside the private school, other students saw several grandchildren of the village head's family here, and they were scared to walk around the road one by one. In other people's one-third of an acre, no one is willing to cause trouble for himself. And this bully bullies his classmates, not once or twice.

I just didn't expect that this time she would bully a child who had just entered school, and she was still from a village. Everyone was sweating at Tian Yutang and said that he hoped that the poor little one would not be bullied too badly this time.

"Boy, don't try to run away. If you offend my sister, we'll make you look good. Don't say you're not from our village. Even if you're from our village, you can't get any advantage this time."

A twelve or thirteen year old boy came up to carry Tian Yutang's collar.

The little guy also practiced at home. When he saw the other party coming towards him, he bent directly, and then fastened his wrist under the boy's wrist.

He pushed forward so hard that he heard a "ouch". The boy leaned forward and couldn't stop the car. A somersault hit the front. Fortunately, there were many of them, so the boy didn't fall.

"Elder brother, are you all right?" Ning Erya asked with a worried face.

"I'm fine. The boy seems to have practiced. Hum, I don't believe it. Get out of the way. I'll have a good fight with him."

The young man was so excited that he threw off his coat directly and wanted to fight with Tian Yutang.

The height difference between the two people is two heads short. The boy's height is higher than Yuanji. The little guy looked at him with his head up. It was obviously an unfair duel.

But although the little guy looked up, he was not afraid of each other. Anyway, it's already like this. Even if he admits counseling, the other party may not be able to let go of himself.

"Wait a minute, I want to ask this little sister. I don't know where I offended you?" the little guy asked with a frown.

"Hum, we used to sit at the same table. It's because you deliberately show off your talent and learning in front of your husband that I sat with that crying Li Amao." Ning Erya said with a small mouth.

The little guy was speechless. He didn't think it was because of this. But I can't blame myself. My husband asked me to. Besides, if I didn't do that at the beginning, I might be kicked out of the private school by my husband.

His face flushed with anger, but the little guy still straightened his chest, and there was no fear in his eyes. He is ready to fight with the other party. Although he may not win, he should have no problem getting away.

However, when the two sides were in a stalemate, I suddenly heard a loud roar: "come on, who dares to bully Tian Yutang? I think he doesn't want to live. Well, smelly boys, you usually bully other children in the village. I hit you this time."

Everyone glanced and saw that the visitor was big and thick, and he was still wearing an oil exposed and twisted apron. That's not Zhu Rongrong. Who else can there be?

She suddenly collected two pigs at home this evening, so she was busy living until now to pick up the little guy. Unexpectedly, as soon as I got to the door of the private school, I saw several worthless grandchildren at the village head's house bullying the little guy.

Ning Erya's small mouth is in the shape of a duck's egg. In this village, she is really not afraid of heaven and earth, but she is afraid of Zhu Rongrong, the "Ningguan flower" who kills pigs without blinking.

"You... How is it you? Why don't you kill pigs at home and come to the private school?" Ning Erya's mouth was a little bad.

"Hum, you usually bully the village by relying on the relationship of the village head. Unexpectedly, you bullied him today? Do you know who he is?" Zhu Rongrong asked, pointing to Tian Yutang.

The children shook their heads together like a rattle, looking very confused.

"Then I'll tell you that he is a relative of our family. If you bully him, you'll hit me in the face. The consequences ~ hey, you should know very well in your heart?"

Threat, this is definitely the threat of red fruit. However, I didn't expect that Ning Erya really ate this set. She immediately changed her attitude towards the little guy.

He came forward with a smile and held the little guy's hand. "I'm sorry, Tian Yutang. I know you're very good. In fact, I want to give you a slap in the face because I'm jealous that you were praised by your husband. In fact, I didn't mean to target you. Other students have been repaired by me, so now they let me be your boss."

Tian Yutang was speechless for a moment. What is this?

Seeing that he didn't say a word, Na Ning Erya then said, "who doesn't know? Sister Rong Rong is the eldest sister in our village. Since he is a relative of your family, and he will be a very powerful book like the Analects of Confucius. So I decided to give my position as the boss to him in the future."

Two children just hold hands, which is a handshake.

Zhu Rongrong worried that the Tian family would be worried, and some worried that he would miss the opportunity to study, so he took the little guy to the mountain village.

"Sister Rong, thank you so much this time, otherwise I might be beaten today." the little guy said with a smile.

"Hey, it's all my sister's fault. Joe came to me during the day. I'll pick you up and take you home every night in the future. I'm late today because there's something temporary at home. Fortunately, you haven't been bullied by them, otherwise I'll have no face to see your family." Zhu Rongrong said with some regret.

They talked and laughed and came to the intersection of Ningguan village and the pipeline. They just met the scholar Lang who came back from the county school.

With his lunch box and some books borrowed from his classmates, he is going back dusty.

Originally, he didn't have to go so often, but now it's time to take an examination of scholars, so he will run to the county every day.

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