Zhu Rongrong was at the intersection of the official road and the path of Ningguan village. Sure enough, he saw the scholar Lang coming from the south. Her heart immediately began to jump wildly, her big hand rubbed hard on her apron, and her palm was full of sweat.

"Fourth uncle." the little guy said hello to the scholar very politely.

"Oh ~ it's Wulang. What are you?" shushulang looked at the two people in front of him in some surprise. It seems that there is no intersection between the two people, right?

"I... this, i... that ~"

Zhu Rongrong hesitated for a long time and didn't even say a word. At this time, her face was already red.

Shushulang had no impression of this kind and simple pig killing woman for a long time. He just met Zhu Rongrong once when he followed Li to the market. Another is that Zhu Rongrong went to their house to send new year's gifts that day. After that, he regarded this woman as a passer-by in his life.

I didn't expect to meet again today. She is still with Wulang.

"Fourth uncle, this is Zhu Rongrong and sister Rong. She specially sent me home today. Anyway, we're on our way. We might as well go together." the little guy said with a smile.

Reading Lang nodded his head: "Oh, that's good."

Zhu Rongrong couldn't calm down. She didn't expect the little guy to be so considerate. She was so happy. The child really didn't waste his time. For him, he offended the village head's family at once. It's so cute. I really want to kiss him.

Restraining the excitement in his heart, Zhu Rongrong followed shushulang and walked towards the mountain village.

Although the little guy was young, he also noticed that Zhu Rongrong was wrong. He tilted his head and asked, "sister Rong, are you sick? Why is your face so red?"

Zhu Rongrong subconsciously touched his face with his rough hands. It's a little hot, but it's definitely not because of illness. Since she was a child, Zhu Rongrong has never known what illness is.

"Well, I may have caught a cold," said Zhu Rongrong, pretending to be a lady.

The little guy suddenly felt that she was even more wrong. At the beginning, she just blushed. Now why can't even walk smoothly?

Shushulang doesn't walk very fast. He doesn't go out of the gate and two doors on weekdays. Walking back and forth every day is enough for him to drink a pot.

The heavy bookcase was still on his back, and a wooden food box was still in his hand. In order to keep warm, the food box is made of heavy wood, and the weight can be imagined.

He noticed that the scholar Lang was panting, and Zhu Rongrong was a little distressed. He took two steps to catch up with the scholar. Without asking, he went straight forward and picked up the food box in his hand.

Before the scholar Lang returned, the bookcase on his back was also entrusted.

"Miss Zhu, what are you doing?" the scholar frowned. His bookcase was full of sages' books. How could a pig killing woman touch it? That's disrespect for saints.

Zhu Rongrong didn't care so much. He said bluntly, "it's all right. You've worked hard all the way. Take care of Wulang for me. I'll just carry these things for you."

The scholar Lang robbed and couldn't rob her. He disliked the apron on her that hadn't been changed in time, and there was a lot of pig blood and oil on it.

He loves his bookcase very much, but it's hard to open his mouth. His face turns white. I wish this section of the road could end quickly. His poor bookcase~

Looking at the woman who was carrying a box of books and a heavy food box in front of him, but still able to walk fast, shushulang felt his head big for a while.

For Zhu Rongrong's feelings, even if he was stupid in reading, he still knew more.

At the thought of such a tough woman, if she really became his daughter-in-law, she would be in deep water in the future.

Not to mention that she is five big and three thick, two circles thicker than her sister-in-law. It's estimated that she can't do well with her strength. Why don't she slap herself to death?

And she smells like lard. If she really marries such a woman in the future, when she goes to bed at night, she feels like sleeping with a half son of pork in her arms. It will be a nightmare!

The more he thought about it, the more he felt he couldn't do it. He couldn't let such a woman like him say anything. So he hurried two steps and came to Zhu Rongrong's side.

"Miss Zhu, I'm a man anyway. If I'm seen, don't you want to laugh at me?"

Zhu Rongrong avoided the scholar Lang and said with a smile, "Oh, it doesn't matter. Just your little body and carrying so many things, I'm afraid you can't stand it. There's no light load on the long way. It's too hard for you to walk back from the county. Why don't I pick you up every day in the future? I can also help you carry some things."

When the scholar heard this, he was so frightened that he quickly released his hand. For one thing, he was worried that his Satin clothes would be dirty. For another, he really couldn't rob the Zhu Rongrong.

At this time, Zhu Rongrong saw that the long shirt on shushulang was the satin she had given him before. Her heart felt warm.

It seems that he still cares about himself. He's afraid he's tired. Such a handsome and considerate man can't be found with a lantern.

Zhu Rongrong's affection for shushulang immediately rose to a higher level.

Their thinking is not on the same channel at all, but they barely finished this road.

The little guy was left out by himself. He suddenly felt that all the way was so boring. It was more comfortable to ride with big brother.

Finally, when he arrived at the old house of the Tian family, he put down his heart.

When he thought his bookcase was about to be rescued, he heard a "bang". His beloved bookcase was thrown directly into the yard by Zhu Rongrong.

In fact, she didn't mean it. After all, she used to throw pork at home. She's used to it.

The scholar Lang is so distressed that he almost lost his breath. All the way, he was in a panic, but he didn't get angry because people took ten liang of silver for their family during the new year.

"Oh, old four, how did you come back with Miss Rong?" Li asked with a smile.

"Mom, we just met by chance. It's nothing." the scholar Lang didn't bother to explain.

At this time, Zhu Rongrong was also embarrassed to stay at others, so he led the little guy to the foot of the mountain.

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