Tian Yuqiao's family went up the mountain and went to the river to catch fish fry. After tossing about for most of the day, it was finally filled with two pots. Unexpectedly, Raytheon helped catch a big grass carp more than one meter long. Although the eldest fish is not worth money, it is estimated that it can be sold in the county for half a liang of silver.

"No, there isn't such a big jar?" the little guy frowned when he looked at the big fish.

"Hehe, little brother, we can't bring this fish back alive, but we didn't eat at noon. We might as well roast it directly." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Wang was a little reluctant and said in a very tangled way, "Joe, if a fish as big as this is sold in the town, it can be changed for hundreds of Wen on purpose. My mother was a little reluctant. Besides, didn't we bring dry food this time?"

"Mom, this fish is new in our mountain village, and it's not easy to catch. Thanks to Thor this time, otherwise we might be too tired to catch such a big fish. Our family didn't eat fish this year, so we might as well make up for it."

The little guy is also curious about the big fish, and ash. It seems that he is also very interested in this big fish. The money over there is also money. Although there are small fish in the lotus pond in the virtual environment, money can't be eaten.

Gold is even happier. It has learned to threaten Tian Yuqiao. Before, Tian Yuqiao didn't let him eavesdrop on the old house. Let's see what they think about shushulang and Zhu Rongrong.

As a result, when Jin Jin used his ability to overhear, he didn't tell Tian Yuqiao. This time, looking at such a big fish, gold's eyes lit up.

"Zhizhi" shouted twice. Tian Yuqiao understood that Jin told her that if he didn't give him a piece of big fish this time, he wouldn't tell Tian Yuqiao what he heard this time.

Tian Yuqiao felt angry and funny. So he asked several boys to pick up firewood, and the big fish was taught to big head.

However, the money over there was suddenly unhappy. It had a pair of sharp claws. Why should that guy with such a big head help?

Aware of Caicai's unhappiness, Tian Yuqiao said, "well, let Caicai handle it. Brother Big head, you can help build a temporary stove with stones."

The big head looked at the little flower cat that looked very round. He didn't understand why Tian Yuqiao arranged so. But after looking at Fang Wenhao, seeing that Fang Wenhao also nodded, big head looked for stones and suitable wood and planned to build a barbecue rack.

This is a very common thing for big head. After all, he follows the prince and often sleeps outside. Therefore, his skills of survival in the wild are no worse than those of Bei ye and de ye, which Tian Yuqiao knew in his previous life.

A barbecue grill was soon set up, and the action of Caicai was also very agile. The big fish, who looked three or four times bigger than Caicai, had no resistance under Caicai's "magic claws".

Just fluttered a few times on the shore and was torn open by Caicai. All the messy things in the fish's stomach were washed away directly along the river. When the big head went to pick up the fish, he saw a dead fish that could no longer die. It was cleaned up and put on the shore.

Even the scales on the fish were gone, and there was no trace around.

"Oh, Caicai, you are really a talent. If you can go out with us, how much can we save by then." the big head shook his big head and praised him.

The fish was pierced into a relatively straight branch through its mouth, and then stabbed directly through the fish's tail.

When Tian Yuqiao saw the big head, she would put the fish on the shelf and roast it. She quickly stopped it.

"Brother Big head, the fish hasn't been finished yet. Go and have a rest first. Let's leave the next thing to us."

Big head seldom ate a ready-made one, so he put the big fish on a pile of clean leaves with a smile.

Tian Yuqiao and Wang went over and directly touched a small knife from the virtual environment and drew many fishing net patterns on the big fish. Pretending to touch the bamboo basket behind him, a small bag of salt was taken out.

Wang opened his mouth in surprise and then asked, "Joel, why did you bring these things?"

The little guy smiled and said, "Mom, my sister must know that we can catch a big fish today, so she made such sufficient preparations. Hey, my sister is not the most greedy person in our family, but my sister."

Round ass bumps with ash, and dug back some wild vegetables from the woods not far away.

"Take these wild vegetables back and chop them up for the chicken."

"Ah, these are mother-in-law Ding. It's very good for people to eat. Moreover, it's spring now. It can burn the fire and is very suitable for this time. Well, let's cook another pot of wild vegetable soup to drink, so as not to eat too dry fish." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Tian Yutang and Yuantong went to the river to wash wild vegetables, but now there is no pot. Tian Yuqiao took out the empty pot and planned to use it to hang up and cook wild vegetable soup.

Big head began to put up shelves again, ready to hang pots and cook soup.

Everyone was busy. Seeing that he didn't need his own help here, Wang went to the other side to get wild vegetables.

When Tian Yuqiao saw Wang's departure, she secretly took out some virtual lotus pond water from the virtual environment, quietly washed the fish, and then put a layer of salt on it.

There are also some delicious herbs in the virtual environment, such as hemp pepper and pepper.

Mash the hemp pepper and Chinese prickly ash, and then take out the chili noodles she had stored before, as well as garlic and so on.

After smashing all these things, they spread them evenly on the fish. A handful of flax leaves are also placed in the belly of the fish, which can better remove the fishy smell.

After finishing these, he handed the fish to big head and asked him to roast it.

Tian Yuqiao went to add some virtual lotus pond water to the earthen pot for cooking wild vegetables, and then put some salt, while the others didn't put anything.

In this way, the green and pollution-free original wild vegetables are most suitable for this season. People are easy to get angry in spring, and this wild vegetable can just lose the fire, so Tian Yuqiao doesn't want other spices to destroy this bitterness.

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