Tian Yuqiao and his party caught fish fry in the river on the mountain. As a result, Thor caught a big fish. She had hardly eaten fish since she crossed over, so this time she went against Wang's will and decided to eat the big fish instead of selling it.

I don't know whether it's the effect of Tian Yuqiao's spices or the big head's fish roasting skills. It's really first-class. The smell of grilled fish spread quickly, causing Thor and ash who were playing in the distance to run with their tails wagging.

"You two little greedy dogs, this fish should be what Cai Cai likes to eat?" the big head said to Thor with a smile.

The Thor was like a divine dog in the hearts of their soldiers. During this period, I helped catch a few small groups of bandits who were going to steal refined steel. If Thor were not there, those bandits might have really infiltrated the army and succeeded in stealing.

Big head has long wanted to make friends with Thor, but that guy is even more arrogant than the wolf. Now I didn't expect that he was attracted by the roast fish in his hand. This is a good way to "seduce" Thor.

Tian Yuqiao seemed to see big head's mind and said, "Brother Big head, Thor has a big appetite. He can't buy it twice at a time."

Big head's face turned red and smiled awkwardly. "Yes, the fish is almost baked. Ask everyone to come and get ready to eat."

A one meter long fish was quickly dismembered by several people.

Yuanji and Yuantong, on the other hand, were pitifully scooping the potherb soup in the earthen pot with the spoons they had brought.

There was a sudden roar, and then I saw an old monk in a new monk's robe.

Let's not say that his lightness skill can definitely be regarded as the level of a great master.

"I'll come too. Oh, thank God I came in time, otherwise this good thing might not have my share."

The visitor was master huikong, the current abbot of Nanshan Temple. He grabbed the big fish head that was going to be thrown to Thor.

"Hey, hey, what I like to eat most is the fish head," he said, and with his hands, he directly divided the fish head into two parts, and then began to eat it.

Looking at master huikong's very professional eating method, everyone was stunned.

When he finished eating a fish head, he put the fish bone in his hand on Yuanji and Yuantong's head.

"Oh, martial uncle, what are you doing?" Yuantong covered his little bald head and looked unhappy.

"What else do you two pack? You're drinking soup here with a earthen pot. Don't you hurry over and grab fish with them?"

The two brothers were embarrassed by master huikong's remark.

In fact, Wang didn't have much obsession with monks. At first, she also felt that such a young child didn't eat meat, which was a very unfair thing for the children.

When master huikong said that, Wang smiled and gave the remaining fish to the bald teachers and disciples.

With the addition of huikong and Eryuan, there was only barely enough fish left.

Fortunately, Tian Yuqiao saved money and gold from his mouth. Otherwise, it is estimated that the two little things will rebel every minute.

Big head was even more sad. At the beginning, he had promised to give Raytheon a piece, but he was robbed by old monk huikong. What else can he say? I can only give Thor more than half of my share.

The little guy threw a piece of ash from his fish. Looking at ash and Thor together, he can afford to eat. The little guy thinks it's all worth it.

"Zhizhi", people didn't eat enough and wanted it.

Gold continued to play its "big stomach king" strength level. After eating a piece bigger than its whole body, it was not full.

Wealth is even more unbalanced. Why did you give yourself such a small piece of such delicious fish? I helped clean up the fish just now.

"Master huikong, don't you have time today?" Tian Yuqiao asked with a smile while sucking his fingers.

"Amitabha, although I don't have time, the smell on your side is really delicious. I can smell it five miles away. I came in time."

"Ah, master huikong, are you really good at calculating? Can you help me calculate whether my head is dead or alive now?" Wang was so excited that tears would fall down.

Originally, everyone was drinking the wild vegetable soup. As a result, when Wang suddenly asked such a heavy topic, everyone had no appetite and felt that the soup was a little bitter.

Tian Yuqiao also put down the spoon in his hand and focused on the old monk huikong.

She had heard two brothers Eryuan say that martial uncle huikong seemed to be more powerful than master Huiyuan. Master Huiyuan can predict some future things at most, but huikong is different. He can even calculate people's past and present lives.

Everyone stared at master huikong curiously, and huikong picked his teeth leisurely with a thick fishbone.

His lazy appearance is completely out of touch with the word "eminent monk".

Wang Shi still looked expectantly at huikong, and huikong sat up straight and rubbed it with his fingers. I don't know. I thought he was rubbing the oil stains on his hands. After that, he smelled it under his nose.

"Hahaha, from your face, you are not a widow. So your man should not die suddenly. Just wait patiently. Madam, you don't have to worry. He will come back naturally when it's time to come. It's no use worrying."

"What the master said is true?" Wang's eyes were staring out.

"Amitabha, I've never used this kind of thing to comfort people. Believe it or not, it's up to you."

Master huikong said that, then he rushed to a big tree next to him and sat cross legged.

After eating and drinking enough, Tian Yuqiao said to huikong with a smile: "master, everyone who eats our grilled fish this time has made efforts. It's not good for you to eat free food. Otherwise, I'll tell you about your drinking and eating meat."

After hearing this, Hui Kong ignored Tian Yuqiao.

"Well, since you want to get something for nothing, I won't give you food in the future." Tian Yuqiao then threatened.

If you want to catch the monk's heart, you must catch his stomach. Tian Yuqiao was deliberately angry and empty this time in order to get along with him better in the future.

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