With Wang's face, huikong can conclude that her man is not dead, which makes Wang very relieved and feels that there is more hope for this day.

Tian Yuqiao saw huikong's ability. He could smell the smell five miles away, and could track it in such a short time, which was definitely a match with Thor.

As long as it's food, Tian Yuqiao is confident that he can handle it. In order to make a fair deal with him, Tian Yuqiao decided to let huikong pay some labor this time.

Tian Yuqiao decided to ask huikong to help catch fish.

After cleaning the pot used to cook wild vegetables, Tian Yuqiao grabbed huikong and asked him to fill the pot with fish fry.

Poor old monk huikong is soft spoken. He can only recognize others.

Everyone was just full and didn't want to move. They all gathered around the river to watch master huikong's performance alone.

He tucked the hem of the monk's robe into his belt, and he rolled up the wide sleeves. Then he directly used the Kung Fu of "floating on the water", stepped on the water surface, carried the earthen pot, and directly rushed to the center of the river.

Then he saw him chop a few times with one palm towards the head of the river, and then four or five big fish two meters long were beaten out from the depths of the river.

When the fish jumped out of the water, huikong raised his feet and kicked all the fish to the shore.

The biggest red carp had a close contact with big head. Caught off guard, the big head was smashed and his lips were bitten by the big fish, which made the big head frown with pain.

"Hey, look at the clothes of these fish, but the earthen pot is a little small." master huikong looked light.

After showing his hand, he didn't even breathe.

Tian Yuqiao also opened her mouth. When people didn't pay attention, she directly collected the big fish still fluttering on the bank into the virtual environment and threw them into the lotus pond.

The little guy counted it. As a result, he found that there seemed to be a few fish missing. He immediately frowned and sighed: "Hey, it's my fault that I'm too slow. The fish were too close to the shore just now. Maybe they ran away again."

Looking at the lost look of the little guy, Tian Yuqiao could only smile helplessly.

In order not to let the big red carp die, Tian Yuqiao hurriedly let everyone down the mountain, hoping to make the fish live a little longer. At that time, he will get it to kandashan's restaurant and sell it at a good price.

"Hahaha, if you take this fish down the mountain, it is estimated that it will also die. Why don't you give it to the poor monk? When the temple is officially completed, I'm going to build a release pond inside. This big red fish is destined for my Buddha, so the poor monk will take it away."

"Wait a minute, let Yuanji take the fish back first. I'm going to talk to you." Tian Yuqiao said seriously.

"Well, you can say anything." Hui Kong smiled like an old fox.

After thinking about it, Tian Yuqiao said, "when our family makes delicious food in the future, we will remember to send you one. However, if our family asks you for help, you can't refuse."

"This... Should be a gentleman's agreement? But what you pay is some physical work. What I want to do is to understand the secret of heaven. Just after watching the photo for your mother, I feel terrible pain in my leg." master huikong took it deliberately.

"What, your leg hurts? Is it because the leg lifting span is too large when kicking the fish just now?" the big head said with a smile.

"You boy, don't plan to steal wine from me in the future." master huikong said angrily.

Big head hurriedly apologized: "master, you don't remember villains. Don't be general with me. Although I have a big head, there are straw bags in my head. Don't be angry."

"Hum, don't forget what you begged me before. I was going to tell you the result today, but now the poor monk's leg hurts. You can do it."

Big head looked at Fang Wenhao with a sad face, while Fang Wenhao said with a smile: "big head, I've decided to give you half a day off. You can carry master huikong back. It's really difficult for him to come all the way for a bite at such an old age."

"You boy, don't force me to tell you the details. I dare to make fun of the poor monk. I really don't understand the rules."

Fang Wenhao suddenly burst into a layer of virtual sweat. He was really worried that the old monk could count and tell his true identity.

If his cruel brother knows, he will kill himself.

The big head bared his teeth and carried huikong away, while the remaining two pots were carried by Fang Wenhao and Wang.

Tian Yuqiao and the little guy walked back with those big fish. She really wanted to take them all into the virtual environment.

"Master huikong, you can consider the request I just made. Our family will have stewed fish in the evening. My prescription was just collected by your senior brother when he traveled all over the country."

As soon as huikong heard this, he jumped down directly from big head's back.

"What? You said that the unique recipe left by my senior brother is in your hands? No wonder you dare to negotiate with me. It's a killer mace. Why didn't you say it earlier? OK, I promised you. But you can't ask me to help figure out who the next emperor is. Maybe it will kill me."

Tian Yuqiao said with a smile, "I won't come. At most, I want you to help calculate and see how many piglets our old sow can have in the future."

"By the way, Joel, your chrysanthemum grandmother will go back to her mother's house in two days. My mother plans to ask her to help catch two piglets. Don't worry, my mother will be able to get busy."

Wang raised the issue of raising pigs again, which is an idea that all the farmers have.

Even if they have enough money in their hands, they also feel it necessary to raise a few pigs at home. Only in this way can the six animals flourish.

Tian Yuqiao nodded and promised, "well, it's really not good at that time. Let's find Zhuangzi's mother to help. We'll give her some money at that time."

"It's not necessary. My mother can do it alone."

In fact, Tian Yuqiao has planned for a long time. Anyway, he needs to find someone to help him in his pond. Although there is no lotus root yet, the fry should be raised as soon as possible.

I don't have enough land, so I can still get busy.

She plans to invest less fish fry this year. By then, when the things on the mountain are over, she can recruit people to help in the village.

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