Tian Yuqiao reached an agreement with huikong because she had a recipe left by master Huiyuan in her hand. Although this is a little strange, after all, the goal has been achieved.

With the help of such a skillful monk, although it may not be available for the time being, it will certainly be available in the future.

Big head carried huikong back to Nanshan Temple. Yuanji and Yuantong struggled to hold the big red carp longer than them and walked back.

Wang Shi is still immersed in the joy that her man is not dead. If others say this, she can only think that the other party is comforting herself. However, since this is what huikong said, it is different.

I'm in a very good mood today. On the way back, Wang even hummed a little song.

The big fish add up to dozens of kilograms. Wang and Fang Wenhao carry a pot of fry alone. A lot of water was added to the jar of the fry, and the weight was dozens of kilograms, so the fish could only be borne by Tian Yuqiao and the little guy.

Tian Yuqiao was really unable to lift it, so he tied the bamboo basket left and right on both sides of Thor's body with a rope.

"It's hard for you, Thor. The fish is too heavy. Help us take the fish to the foot of the mountain. Remember to come home to eat the fish tonight. I'll call Hua Hua together."

After listening to Tian Yuqiao's words, Thor immediately wagged his tail happily. Around Tian Yuqiao, I was as happy as a child.

Raytheon hasn't seen Huahua for a long time, because Huahua has just had a puppy baby. Her whole heart is on her cub, and her attitude towards Raytheon is also very cold.

Today, when Tian Yuqiao asked him to meet Huahua, Thor was naturally very happy.

Fortunately, it is tall and stands up like a little donkey. With the two baskets on it, it can still walk like a fly.

Ash is also a little tired. He has learned to act like a spoiled child with his father. It lingered around Thor. Thor had no choice but to pick up the ash with his mouth and put it on his back.

Ash sat proudly on Thor's dark back and looked very proud. Wealth and gold also felt fun, so they all jumped on the back of Thor.

The look on the little guy's face was a little dim and muttered, "if dad was there, maybe I couldn't walk, and he would carry me behind his back."

Wang listened and sighed, "Yutang, don't worry. When your father comes back, my mother will let him carry you every day."

The family came back with a full load and brought back two large pots of fish fry. When they went down the mountain, Wang and Fang Wenhao seemed to unload a heavy burden and directly poured the fry into their own pond.

The water in the pond was drained by Tian Yuqiao from the nearby stream. Of course, when people didn't pay attention, she also added a lot of virtual lotus pond water. During this time, the birds around him often came to drink water. Wang was worried that the young fish would be caught and eaten by the birds.

Thor was liberated when he was about to reach the foot of the mountain. Now Wang and Fang Wenhao just poured the fry in the earthen pot into the pond, so they hurried back to pick up Tian Yuqiao and the little guy.

Along the way, Tian Yuqiao secretly poured a lot of virtual lotus pond water on the four big fish in order to prevent them from dying. So when I got home, the fish were still alive.

Wang Shi directly threw them all into his own large water tank. The water there naturally added a lot of virtual lotus pond water, so after the fish went in, although the place was a little crowded, they were still very happy.

"Mom, I'm going to ask big brother to take me to the town tomorrow. These fish have to be sold quickly. If they die, they're worthless, so they have to take advantage of the freshness." Tian Yuqiao said.

At this time, big head came down from the mountain. He heard that Tian Yuqiao would stew fish in the evening, so as soon as he sent huikong to Nanshan Temple, he took the trouble to run down the mountain.

When Tian Yuqiao said that the fish could sell for a lot of money, the big head immediately said to Wang: "aunt, it's still early anyway. Why don't I drive a donkey cart to the town now."

"It's a little late this day. You've worked too hard today. You'd better go tomorrow." Wang was a little distressed.

The big head shook his head and said, "it's nothing. It's the same with the army. Sometimes we meet the enemy in the middle of the night, and we have to get up against the enemy. Sister Joel is right. It's better to sell the fish as soon as possible so as not to die tomorrow."

"This......" Wang frowned.

At this time, Tian Yuqiao had put on his clothes and came out of the house with a smile.

"Mom, brother Hao'er is going with us, too. Yutang is already asleep, so the three of us will go. Anyway, there is a donkey cart now, and you don't have to walk. You won't be very tired."

Wang nodded and told them to be careful, so he let them out.

The big head is responsible for driving the car, while Tian Yuqiao and Fang Wenhao sit side by side behind the big head, their backs facing the front, and their eyes are always from the big wooden pots containing fish on the car.

Fang Wenhao frowned and thought for a long time before he said, "Joe, why do I think this fish is not quite right? At first, I remember I caught four fish in total, but now there are seven in this basin."

"That must be your mistake. Yutang said there were fewer fish before. Now you say more, ha ha."

Tian Yuqiao is deliberately careless, and Fang Wenhao is too lazy to care about such things. The happiest thing this time is that he can sit so close to Tian Yuqiao. Occasionally, when the donkey cart bumps, he can help her intentionally or unintentionally.

That slender and soft little arm feels good. Er... When did he feel this way about little girls? In the past, when he was in the palace, he didn't know how many beautiful little maids, and he regarded them as air.

Soon came to aftertaste Zhai. Kan Dashan saw that it was Tian Yuqiao and immediately came down from the second floor to meet him with a smile.

"Girl Joel, what good things are you bringing me?"

Tian Yuqiao smiled and said, "these are all fresh fish just caught from the river on the mountain. What do you think?"

She then jumped out of the donkey cart, while Kan Dashan stretched her neck and came forward to check it carefully.

"Oh, if you don't tell me, I really can't see that the fish was caught from the mountain. It looks like it was just picked up from the river. Tut Tut, it's really fresh."

When he finished, he asked the boy to carry all the fish to the back kitchen, and then he readily took five liang of silver to Tian Yuqiao.

Tian Yuqiao didn't expect that these fish could sell so much money. After refusing, he accepted them.

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