Li Shi led a large group of people to make trouble at the edge of Tian Yuqiao's fish pond. Suddenly she killed a group of local mangs. As a result, Li Shi thought that the old Wang Mang was not right in his eyes, so she was angry and directly hit her old shoes on his face.

The gray dog shit on the bottom of the shoe tastes like sweet potato. Wang laomang swore that he would never eat sweet potatoes again. This sole of Li's shoes has caused psychological shadow to Wang laomang.

After Wang laomang vomited for a while, he looked back and saw Li rubbing the soles of his shoes on the grass.

The more the king saw, the more angry he became. Immediately, he rushed to the front and directly picked up the Li family. He also came up in a hurry and pushed Li Shi. They both slipped directly into Tian Yuqiao's fish pond.

All the people watching the excitement were stunned. When the village head saw it, he quickly called the villagers in the village: "come on, who knows the water? Hurry down and save people."

As soon as they heard this, they all shook their heads.

"Village head, how can any man in the valley know the water? If he goes down, he will die. If he goes down, he will die. If he goes down, he will die."

Li Shi and Wang laomang are all fluttering in the fish pond now. Maybe he was worried that he would sink first. The old Wang tried his best to press Li's head down, thinking that he might live a little longer by stepping on her.

At a time when his life was at stake, Li Shi did not show weakness. He tried his best to flutter with his hands, and even scratched the Wang laomang's face.

Although the villagers couldn't get water, they quickly looked everywhere for branches and wanted to drag them up.

The people in the old house of the Tian family, especially Gao Shi, now she thought to herself, if only her mother-in-law had really drowned. At that time, you can blackmail Wang's money. She is the eldest daughter-in-law at home. At that time, the head of the Tian family's old house will be himself?

When she saw someone helping to pull people up, she really wanted to pick up the dirt next to her and hit anyone who saved her.

The little gangsters under the hand of old Wang Mang began to untie their belts in public. Most of the belts of ancient people were tied with long cloth. Only the rich rich man could afford belts and jade belts.

In this era, there is no elastic belt. Once the belt is untied, the pants outside will be bald and fall off directly.

The women who followed the onlookers all blushed with shame. And those unmarried girls turned their faces and didn't dare to look at them.

"Oh, why are you playing hooligans? Really."

"Girl, don't look. Be careful. Look at the eye of a needle."

The gangsters looked deliberately. When they saw that all the big girls and little daughters-in-law in the village were shy, they immediately smiled obscene.

They tied their belts together and threw them into the pond. Only then did they pull people up.

At this time, Li Shi and Wang laomang still cling to each other and want to step on each other under their feet as a shield.

His chest was white. Although Li was the old lady of the farmer's family, his skin was well maintained at ordinary times. Old Wang Mang couldn't help it and deliberately went up and pinched it hard.

Li Shi was already half full of water in the fish pond. She woke up after feeling that her chest was pinched.

Old man Tian just came from the field and saw his old woman in the arms of the village head's younger brother. He was still untidy. What's the matter?

"Well, you Wang laomang, dare to pinch me. I won't scratch you to death."

"You bitch, who cares for you? It's wrinkled like an old salted fish. Bah, I think you feel sick."

They fought as if there were no one else, and there was no sense of weakness that a drowning person should have.

Tian Yuqiao was a little tired now, so he asked Ergou to go back and help her get a small bench. She sat aside and began to watch the play. The big dog was also very sensible and helped Wang move a small stool.

After tossing around all day, everyone was very tired. Wang didn't care so much, so he sat down, which annoyed the people in the old Tian house.

"Oh, see? My mother fell into the water, and she still sat there watching a good play. Tut Tut, it's really unfilial." Jiang urged in the crowd.

Sure enough, some people in the crowd couldn't see it and pointed their spears at Wang's side.

At this time, master Tian grabbed Wang laomang's collar and overturned him to the ground.

Yelled at Li, "you shameless old woman, your clothes are broken. What does it look like?"

Then he took Li's back, waved his hoe and took away a lively look.

Without Li's leadership, Gao's and Jiang's are two runaways. The big boys in the Tian family's old house are not the opponents of the Wang family. So he took advantage of it and went back with his tail in his hands.

The village head here also yelled at Wang laomang and evacuated the villagers. Only then did he comfort Wang and Tian Yuqiao, and then he left.

This time it's very noisy. Fortunately, my home is close to Dr. Lin's house. It's very convenient to ask for a doctor at this time.

Li's side fell into the fish pond. Naturally, the old house will come to invite Dr. Lin. However, the Wang family invited people to go first, so the one who came to invite people immediately made a scene at Tian Yu Qiao's house.

Thanks to the exposed tusks of ash, people were scared away.

When the little guy came back in the evening, he heard about things here and immediately gave him two pieces of meat bones.

"Hey, ash is so good. Thanks to you today. Come and eat more. If you see bad guys in the future, bite them."

Wang's son is not in the mood to eat today. His two brothers are hurt. Even his two nephews have several bruises on their faces.

After Dr. Lin read it to the eldest and second brother of the Wang family, he said it was OK. Wang was relieved.

"Hey, there are so many things about your old Tian family. I've treated your family these days. I didn't expect that they can make so much trouble over there now that they are separated. Hey, it's also thanks to our proximity. I'll go to the old house to see your milk later."

"Grandpa Lin, please take your time. This is a 200 Wen fee. You must take it. I'm really sorry to bother you this time."

After refusing, Dr. Lin accepted the copper money and went to the Tian family's old house.

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