After the old house made trouble this time, Tian Yuqiao realized the seriousness of the problem. In her previous life, she had seen a very tearful drama, which seemed to be called "sister-in-law". There, the female owner's family opened a fish pond, and it seemed that she had been drugged.

Today, the old Wang also mentioned that someone gave some medicine or something. Tian Yuqiao really has to guard against this, otherwise he will lose himself in the end.

Just by virtue of her uncle and second uncle, they were watching there. Although it was day and night shift, the tiger still had time to nap. Tian Yuqiao can't help worrying that these are hidden dangers.

Some people just can't see that other people's families are rich. Although the folk customs here are simple, they can't do harm to others and guard against others. Today, Wang laomang is right. Tian Yuqiao thought things too simple before.

"Mom, we have to think about what to do next in the fish pond. Today, I milk them. They can come and make trouble for us. It is estimated that Wang laolan may come and make trouble every three or five times. Now those people are very jealous because they have watched our family live a good life."

"It's not why. Today you brought your uncle and them here. That's why you fell in love with the job of your two uncles. What's more, you also fell in love with our newly built house over there."

Zhao sighed, opened his two godless eyes and said to Wang, "big girl, it's your mother and your two brothers who have dragged you down. If our family hadn't come here, you wouldn't have been bothered by your mother-in-law. Alas, it's all your mother's fault."

"Grandma, don't cry. Dr. Lin said that you can't cry all the time, or you won't be able to take any medicine." Tian Yuqiao hurriedly advised.

Tian Yutang also said, "yes, grandma, you don't have to take care of me to nurse them. When we lived together before, they..."

"Yutang, don't talk nonsense. You're a child's family. Don't be big or small." Wang quickly stopped the little guy.

Fang Wenhao didn't go home until very late today. After hearing what happened here, he originally wanted to catch Wang laomang and their gangsters and beat them up, so as not to make trouble with them. However, he was stopped by Tian Yuqiao. After all, the old Wang Mang is the brother of the village head Wang Heng. It doesn't look at the monk's face, but also the Buddha's face.

"Sister qiao'er, these people are a disaster in the village. They dare to run wild in the village by relying on their brother as the village head. I don't think the village head is a good man, otherwise how can they connive at their own brother's misdeeds?"

"Hao'er, in fact, village head Wang is still very good. Before our family was separated, the village head helped to divide it. Otherwise, ah, it is estimated that qiao'er and Yutang don't know what will happen." Wang was a little sad again.

When Zhao heard her daughter say this, he immediately hugged her painfully. "Big girl, it's your father's fault. He wouldn't have married you so far if he hadn't been for that bag of brown rice. We don't even know that you were bullied by your mother-in-law's family."

Wang Decheng said, "sister, now the brothers are here. If your mother-in-law family dares to bully you again in the future, I'll beat them. Today, we didn't know that you were so angry in their house before. We didn't dare to lay a heavy hand because she was your mother-in-law."

"That's right. When the third man of the Tian family beat me today, he really didn't show us mercy at all. If I knew so, I should have slapped him more so as to vent my anger on my sister."

The second sister-in-law of the Wang family turned her man with her elbow and said in a low voice, "look, you've hurt someone. What have relatives done in the future?"

Wang Shi was so excited when she saw that so many people in her family helped her support. Before, every time she saw Jiang's wronged, her mother's family came out to help. She didn't know how envious she was. For this reason, she secretly wiped her tears several times.

After a sad meal, Tian Yuqiao and the little guy sent off their two uncles.

The slope at the edge of Tian Yuqiao's fish pond is very large, so it's easy for people to fall down. It's difficult to climb up again. Someone has to pull it with a rope outside.

Now Tian Yuqiao began to think, how can we prevent someone from doing harm to his family? In fact, she didn't worry about the old Wang's family. After all, the group wanted money. She is worried about the old house of the Tian family. Now they have not achieved their goals and will certainly not stop.

Jin Jin told Tian Yuqiao that the old house of the Tian family is now crazy. He even plans to let the scholar marry Zhu Rongrong first. When he gets admitted to the scholar, he will give her a rest, and then marry a young and beautiful woman to enter the door.

The original Honda Yuqiao thought Zhu Rongrong and xueshulang were also very suitable. After all, behind every soft man, he needed a tough woman to support him. But now when she knew it was just a conspiracy, she couldn't watch Zhu Rongrong jump into the fire pit of the Tian family.

"Gold, please help me to listen to the news from the old house and the fish pond. I'm afraid someone will make trouble for our family."

Gold "squeaked" twice. It was actually protesting.

Tian Yuqiao looked at the little thing with a smile, touched its golden hair, smiled and said: "Come on, gold, don't you have two ears? It's not difficult for you. Look, your left ear will help me listen to the old house and see what conspiracy they have. I can guard against it in advance. Your right ear will pay more attention to the fish pond and don't let the bad guys get close."

Early the next morning, after big head sent the little guy away, Tian Yuqiao went up the mountain with Fang Wenhao.

She heard from Dahu and erhu that behind the hill in the northwest corner, there seemed to be many fruit trees. Tian Yuqiao planned to dig back some fruit trees and plant them on the edge of the fish pond.

In this way, you can eat delicious fruit in autumn, and you can also use the fruit forest as a boundary to keep people away from the fish pond.

After making up his mind, the whole family also felt that this method was feasible. The most important thing is that there will be wild fruits to eat in the future.

Fang Wenhao took big head and their ten people up the mountain together. They took knives, saws and ropes. They happily followed big tiger and two tigers and headed for the fruit forest at the top of the mountain.

Everyone talked and laughed all the way, and only big head was unhappy.

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