Caicai and Jinjin worked together to beat the cockscomb snake that looked very "poisonous". Now they are lying there wilting and pretending to be a harmless rotten hemp rope.

Tian Yuqiao is optimistic about the poison of the cockscomb snake. After all, it is taken directly. When it is used as medicine, it can also improve the toxicity of the pill. Even if it's not for this, it's a good choice to occasionally spray some poison and add a meal to Caicai's little thing.

Anyway, raising a snake doesn't cost grass or material. It will find something to eat by itself. So this is definitely a business that can make no loss, so Tian Yuqiao stretched out his "round hand" towards the poor cockscomb snake.

"HIA HIA HIA, little thing, now you're in my sister's hand, don't struggle." Tian Yuqiao looked at the cockscomb snake with a grim smile, which made the hair on Caicai's back stand up.

Caicaixin: God, this stupid woman smiles so evil!

Gold heart: Wow, this woman is crazy. It's terrible. Fortunately, she doesn't stand against her.

As early as Caicai and Jinjin fought with the cockscomb snake, Tian Yuqiao had thrown all the people lying on the ground into the virtual environment. Because the Reiki in the virtual environment can keep fresh, and it can also reduce the attack speed of toxins on them.

"Gold, you translate for it and tell it to either let me be its boss in the future and listen to me. Or let's help it end its life today. Maybe it can be reincarnated as a person in the next life. Let it think it over. Oh, and if it doesn't mind, its body can also give Caicai teeth at that time Sacrifice. "

After listening to Tian Yuqiao's words, the hair on the gold's head exploded. God, it's terrible! It's not over to kill others. Even the body is not spared. However, at the thought of relying on snake meat, gold was still a little excited.

When translating, it said to the cockscomb snake seriously and menacingly: "Boy, if you don't obey that woman, she will have a hundred ways to make your life worse than death. When you die, we will have snake hotpot and roast snake meat to eat. Choose yourself. Oh, by the way, I suggest you'd better choose the latter, because then I can eat snake meat soon."

The cockscomb snake had a stiff body, but now it can't help shaking a few times. It soon turns into a stool like shape. All the scales on its body open. It's really frightening the baby this time!

"Woo woo, you bully silver! If people's parents know, they will not let you go."

"Shit, you can speak human words! God, Caicai and Jinjin, it turns out that this guy can speak human words like you." Tian Yuqiao was a little surprised.

Caicai saw that there was no one around, so he also talked about people: "it should not be an ordinary small role, just because it is still young. Otherwise, when it comes of age, I may not be able to beat it. After all, I am just a spirit."

"Hum, I'm really powerful. All the snakes here are my men. If you hurt me so badly this time, my parents won't agree if they know."

The cockscomb snake's cute little voice sounded again. Facing its threat, Tian Yuqiao not only didn't feel afraid, but also smiled.

"Hehe, you little thing, you have a good temper. Well, I'll help you heal your injury, and then I'll give you some delicious food. You'll follow me later."

"Hum, you humble human, what good food can I eat? There are a lot of ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum in the deep mountains here."

Tian Yuqiao poured out some water from the virtual lotus pond. The cockscomb snake wriggled and explored its probe. Then he carefully drank some water in Tian Yuqiao's palm with his forked tongue.

After drinking, Tian Yuqiao threw it directly into the virtual environment.

"Wow, there are so many delicious food here. I feel so happy!"

When the cockscomb snake saw the rare medicinal materials all over the ground, he was so excited that he forgot his pain and rushed directly to the medicine field. Without saying a word, he began to eat it. Tian Yuqiao kept his mouth shut and his money was a little unhappy.

After the guy had enough to eat and drink, he jumped into the lotus pond in the backyard by himself. After swimming inside for a few times, the pain on his body was alleviated a lot.

He swam happily inside and wanted to catch the small fish in the lotus pond, but he found that the small fish were illusory and could not be caught at all. He was so angry that the sarcoma on the head of the chicken crown snake shook. Now the sarcoma on its head quickly recovered to half the size of the previous one.

Exposed a black, red triangular head and looked at Tian Yuqiao eagerly.

"I promise to hang out with you in the future, but I have to have delicious food every day."

Tian Yuqiao smiled cunningly, nodded and said, "OK, but now all you have to do is save my brothers."

"But I really can only poison, not save people," said the cockscomb snake.

At this time, Caicai suddenly rushed to one side, pouted his little ass and began to defecate.

Tian Yuqiao suddenly had an idea. This is the stool that Cai Cai only excreted after eating the blood of the cockscomb snake. In other words, its stool should actually be an antidote.

No matter how much, in order not to let those people be eroded by toxins for too long, Tian Yuqiao asked Jin to help rub Caicai's excrement into pills the size of black beans.

After feeding everyone one by one, Tian Yuqiao put them outside the virtual environment.

He took a bucket of water from the virtual environment and fed some to everyone. After a time of incense, Fang Wenhao and others woke up.

They were not hurt, and although the poison of the cockscomb snake was powerful, it was not sprayed directly on them, but on Tian Yuqiao's face. So these people are just temporarily unconscious by the relatively thin poisonous fog.

"What do you think? Can you still move?" Tian Yuqiao asked with some worry.

The big head shook his big head, moved his body, heard the bone sound "click, click" twice, and then said, "it's okay. I feel like I've slept."

Fang Wenhao also woke up long ago. He was checking the injuries of his men at this time. He was relieved to see that everyone was all right. Big tiger and two tigers have nothing to do. They feel like they have a dream.

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