Since Tian Yuqiao accepted the cockscomb snake, the little snake relied on her. Originally, I wanted to wrap it around Tian Yuqiao's neck and be closest to her. However, the gold on one side did not do anything and refused to let the cockscomb snake approach, because that was its position.

There is no way, the cockscomb snake can only find another place. In the end, it was wrapped around Tian Yuqiao's waist. The little red head was at Tian Yuqiao's waist and looked like an agate belt buckle.

It's motionless. It looks like that.

With the addition of cockscomb snake red, Tian Yuqiao's search for fruit trees has become extremely simple.

It was supposed to be a place to go through the "9981 difficulty", but the road was unimpeded. This is actually a huge snake nest, but all the snakes have been cleaned up by Honghong. Now they are all his little brothers.

Honghong even drove a boa constrictor with a hundred year old trunk to serve as a mount for Tian Yuqiao. The head of the boa constrictor is like a big millstone.

It directly put everyone on its back, and then quickly walked towards the depths of the small hill.

There is a mountain depression, which is impossible for ordinary people to reach. And Honghong, a little thing, can be regarded as finding someone to communicate with. It's like a little Tang monk, lying on Tian Yuqiao's waist and chattering there.

"Boss, boss, you don't know. There was a snake king here at the beginning. He wanted to bully me, but he was bitten to death by me. The little poison he sprayed was not enough."

"Also, I had a terrible fight. At the beginning, when I was fighting with big gray, they bullied me more than one snake. I relied on my small body, and then ran around. In the end, they were all entangled together and couldn't open. Ha ha, isn't it interesting?"

"By the way, Caicai, those little guys you killed this time are actually my new brothers. Alas, it's a pity that they died. If I had known this, I should have arranged some simple jobs for them."


Not only Tian Yuqiao, but also Caicai and Jinjin can't stand this wordy red. And Honghong is still happy, talking to herself endlessly.

God, Tian Yuqiao thought, it seems that he should take some cotton with him in the future. At the critical moment, it can be used to plug his ears. This is devastation. Alas, I didn't expect to receive a nag this time.

After arriving at the deep valley, the boa constrictor took Tian Yuqiao and his party to find the big stick on the edge of the cliff under the red instructions. In the northeast dialect, the mallet is actually ginseng.

Tian Yuqiao naturally doesn't refuse these good things. Although she can't take out the medicinal materials in the virtual environment, she can take out the cultivated medicinal materials from outside.

How many herbs do you dig up now? When they grow up, you can get them out for silver. At the thought of their own glass greenhouse, I don't know whether this adult has enough participation.

Soon, the boa constrictor took them to find several Ganoderma lucidum plants with more than 100 years and a millennium snow lotus.

"There is also a small piece of ginseng over there. It's just that the year is too short. It should be of little value. Forget it."

When Tian Yuqiao heard Honghong say this, he immediately took a picture of the red sarcoma in his waist, smiled and said, "dig it out, dig it out, dig it all out."

"The things in your medicine field are no worse than this." the cockscomb snake secretly said to Tian Yuqiao.

Because it knew that Tian Yuqiao's space could not be known by outsiders, it didn't say it out loud and stingy this time.

Tian Yuqiao praised Honghong's current affairs.

After digging a small piece of ginseng, Tian Yuqiao planted her own herbs in the empty world. These are all good things. You can sell them for money when you take them out.

After planting those newly dug medicinal materials, Tian Yuqiao repeatedly ordered the three small things that can enter and leave the virtual world: "remember, you can eat the original medicinal materials of the virtual world. After all, you can grow again after eating them. But you can't touch any of them I took from outside this time, otherwise I'll starve it for three days."

"Cut, just those junk things you just planted. We don't want to eat them for nothing." Honghong glanced.

Caicai also gave Tian Yuqiao a very contemptuous look. The heart said that this thing is not rare.

Gold is even more so. For it, it still prefers to eat meat and vegetables made by Wang.

Tian Yuqiao was relieved to see that none of them looked up to their own herbs.

Fang Wenhao also told the people who brought him this time that Tian Yuqiao must not tell about the herbs he dug in the mountain this time, otherwise he will be served by the military law.

As for Dahu and erhu, these two brothers are very grateful to Tian Yuqiao's family, so they swear: "cousin, even if we are put on our neck with a knife, we won't tell about it. We won't even tell about Honghong's ability to speak people."

Tian Yuqiao smiled and said, "we are all our own people. There's no need to do this."

"By the way, we've been out for so long today, and the fruit trees haven't been dug yet." Tian Yuqiao remembered the business of coming this time.

Honghong on the other side said again, "I don't need you. I'll let ah Huang help them. They can uproot the trees directly with their tails."

According to what Honghong said, he ran up the branch and sprayed a green poisonous arrow in the direction of the snake's nest. Soon there was a rustling sound around, and then a large group of thick snakes of different colors and shapes swam towards this side.

The boa constrictors soon began to coil on the trunk at Honghong's command, and then used their muscles to pull up the trees by roots and bring a lot of soil from the roots.

Tian Yuqiao couldn't throw all the fruit trees into the virtual environment in front of Fang Wenhao, so he secretly hid some in it. Those outside secretly poured some virtual lotus pond water at the roots, so as to improve the survival rate of fruit trees.

The boa constrictors helped carry more than 100 fruit trees to the foot of the mountain outside, and they avoided the villagers and soldiers all the way. Anyway, it's easy to avoid people with gold.

But none of this escaped a man's eye.

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