Big head and Zhu Rongrong went to the town together. As a result, they actually witnessed the reading Lang and a girl together. It seems that they have known each other for a long time. The intimacy of their actions tells us that they are making friends.

Even if Zhu Rongrong's mind is so thick, she is also a woman after all. Women may be careless in other things, but Zhu Rongrong is a thorough person in such matters of men and women.

Although Zhu Rongrong has a big heart, she is also very sensitive in this regard. Dismount all the way and walk back along the path with big head. Neither of them said a word.

After Zhu Rongrong returned to the Zhu family in Ningguan village, the boss personally sent her to the house and gave two instructions to sister-in-law Zhu: "Miss Rong, she's not in a good mood today. Sister-in-law, please help and persuade more."

"Oh, well, take your time. It's dark now. It's hard to walk on this mountain road. Be careful on the road."

"Oh, I see. Thank you for your concern. Brother, you all go back. Don't send it."

After big head returned from Zhu's house, he told Fang Wenhao all the things he saw. Fang Wenhao told Tian Yuqiao about these things. After all, it had something to do with the Tian family's old house, so although he felt it was unnecessary, he told Qiao.

"Hehe, in that case, it's good."

"Qiao'er, why do you say that? You said before that the girl of the Zhu family had a crush on your fourth uncle?" Fang Wenhao asked in some confusion.

"Yes, but my fourth uncle may not be the best destination for her. The lofty spirit of the scholar and the bloody gas accumulated by sister Rong's killing pigs all year round are fundamentally wrong. How can such two people be happy together?" Tian Yuqiao explained with a smile.

Fang Wenhao frowned, "qiao'er, it's actually all your love and my wish. You don't have to marry the lady of the family if you want to study. Also, I don't think it's practical to be a good match now. As long as two people really like each other, such as origin and portal, it's not a problem, do you think?"

Tian Yuqiao was stunned. He always thought this boy was weird today?

"Don't you see?"

"What do I see?" Fang Wenhao was puzzled.

Tian Yuqiao gave him a big white eye, an expression that can't be taught, and said, "big head also likes sister Rong. You can't see such an obvious thing? How do you lead others?"

"Leadership? What is leadership?" Fang Wenhao looked confused.

Tian Yuqiao quickly changed his mind and said, "the leader means the superior. Thanks to others, he still follows you all day and calls you the boss. You didn't even find such a big thing. It's really incompetent."

Fang Wenhao smiled awkwardly. While helping Tian Yuqiao pick up the fruit trees, he smiled and said, "that's really good. If your fourth uncle doesn't like sister Rong, doesn't he have an opportunity?"

"That's not true. Otherwise, why do you think I let the big head take sister Rong home every day? In fact, you don't know. I know the thoughts of the people in the old house very well. They didn't have any good intentions at the beginning. Now it's good to be caught by sister Rong. Fortunately, she didn't fall into the fire pit."

Fang Wenhao frowned as if he thought of something, looked at Tian Yuqiao gently and said: "Joel, I've heard about the hardships your family suffered in the old house. Now I let your two uncles learn crafts in the mountains. I'm also worried that they will come to trouble your family. Otherwise, I wouldn't have let anyone catch them and beat the board for what they did. It's hateful to sell you."

Tian Yuqiao smiled and waved his hand and said, "it's not so bad. They are really hateful. But anyway, it's also my mother's mother-in-law's family. We can't go too far. By the way, tomorrow we have to find someone to help and plant those fruit trees first."

"Don't you know that? I've asked my men to help dig a hole on the edge of the fish pond. Just plant the fruit trees tomorrow."

Tian Yuqiao gave Fang Wenhao a small look of approval, which means that you know. However, in someone's opinion, does this look ~ like it?

His heart was pounding, so he almost wanted to hold Tian Yuqiao in his arms. At this time, an disharmonious voice suddenly "hissed" from Tian Yuqiao's waist, breaking the harmony between the two.

"Ah ah, people are hungry. Hurry up and get me something to eat." Honghong raised her small head and said vaguely.

Fang Wenhao really wanted to take this little thing down and throw it outside. Why is it so annoying and ignorant?

In Fang Wenhao's angry eyes, Honghong saw the two recipes of braised and steamed, and was so frightened that it quickly retracted back to Tian Yuqiao's waist.

"It's terrible. He's so fierce."

Tian Yuqiao smiled and touched the flesh pimple on Honghong's head, which covered up the palpitation in his heart.

Zhu Rongrong cried at home all night. The next day, it is said that he didn't go out of the meat stall, but the two brothers of the Zhu family went to set up the stall.

Tian Yuqiao's family started planting trees early in the morning before the sun rose.

The ten young men under Fang Wenhao's hands were unambiguous. As soon as they heard that they could have dinner with Wang at noon, they immediately began to work. And Tian Yuqiao's two uncles and cousins, they all joined the ranks of this kind of tree.

Wang's and Wang Xiuer's sisters helped everyone boil water. Now it's early summer and it's hot in a while.

"Er Niu, we have to hurry up. Don't delay your eldest sister to send water to those people." Zhao urged.

"Mom, don't follow me. My sister and I can be busy."

"Oh, during my stay at your sister's house, I feel happy and my eyes seem to work well. Now, I can see the birds on the tree outside the yard." Zhao said with a smile.

As soon as Wang heard this, he immediately put down the ladle in his hand. "Ah, mother, is that true? Look, how many fingers are these?"

When Wang finished, she reached out and shook in front of Zhao's eyes. Then she stepped back and continued to shake two fingers.

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