Zhao's eyes can see things and recover quickly. Wang quickly asked Dr. Lin next door for help. At this point, he got a very exciting news. That is, Zhao's eyes have improved. After conditioning for some time, it is estimated that they can recover.

According to Tian Yuqiao's previous life, if 1.5 is normal vision, Zhao's eyes can at least recover to 1.0. This is very good news for the Wang family.

With such a good thing, Wang decided to add more dishes to everyone at noon. Originally, she made a lot of arrangements. Since then, the dish has become more abundant. Even Dr. Lin was left with her to let the old man eat at home at noon.

Dr. Lin had never been invited by the patient's family, but when he saw the bright colored vegetables and vegetables arranged by Wang, he couldn't say anything to refuse.

On the edge of the fish pond, everyone is busy planting trees, talking and laughing, so it's not lively.

"I said big head, what's the matter with you? Look at the trees you helped. None of them is not crooked."

"Yes, you're following the boss all day. Can't you do any work now?"

Big head just regained his mind and returned to reality from a trance.

I looked at the trees I had just planted. It's not all crooked. Why?

Some were embarrassed and hurried to dig out those fruit trees and plant them again. When Fang Wenhao saw it, he whispered a few words to big head's ear. As a result, big head immediately seemed to have beaten chicken blood.

It was already behind others, old and young, and several trees were reworked. After listening to Fang Wenhao's words, he caught up and surpassed others at once.

"Oh, no, it's the boss who promised you what benefits?"

"Yes, did the boss promise to tell you a daughter-in-law? Otherwise, how can you suddenly look like the God of war?"

When I heard about my daughter-in-law, my big head's face suddenly turned red, and even my neck was implicated, which was really red.

Originally, those soldiers were not outside the Department. That's just a joke. However, seeing such a big response from the big head, they immediately became gossip.

I didn't care about my work, so I quickly gathered around, one by one, just like those good faith women in the village.

"Hey, big head, tell your brothers quickly. When did you do this?"

"Yes, big brother, you're not authentic. When did you have a sister-in-law? Why don't we know?"

"No, I said big head, you are so disgraceful. Tell your brothers quickly. Who are you after?"

"That's right. Talk to everyone quickly. Hurry up. The big guy is waiting here. Hurry up and stop the ink, old man. Besides, it's not a shady thing, is it?"

"Not really. It's a good thing. It's estimated that you can get married by talking to the boss."

"Yes, we are all waiting to drink your wedding wine. Oh, by the way, isn't it the woman who sent you back to Ningguan village all day?"

"Oh, I said big head, if you really marry that woman as your daughter-in-law, it must be quite exciting in the future. It's probably easy to beat you like that."

Big head's face was reddened by this group of people. Then he waved his hand and patted the boy who was the most provocative.

"Hurry to work for me. If you can't finish it today, you'll be punished for running fifty miles in the evening." Fang Wenhao said with a straight face.

Although he is young, in the eyes of these people, he is a little boss that ordinary people can't afford. So he put up his eight diagrams and continued to work with his shovel.

Under the moistening of love, the big head is like a cow. The shovel whirlwind is like a whirlwind shovel. Soon, the two meter deep tree hole is filled.

Fill in one by one, as if you will never be tired.

"See, big head, this boy must be crazy."

"Well, I think so. I don't know what our boss told him. Look at his blushing, like a monkey's ass. hey, we must ask when we go to bed at night."

"Yes, the boy has the problem of talking in his sleep. He will be able to find out at that time."

People here are thinking big. This is a very interesting thing in the army. There is no war now, but because the twelve princes are dead, they recently proposed to get married. It is estimated that they will not agree.

Big head's heart is naturally clear, with even some entanglement.

At noon, because they were "Crazy" with big heads, they just went back half an hour late and planted all those trees.

On the way, Wang led Wang Cuicui and sent them water twice. He went home and cooked his lunch and got two big tables full of vegetables.

The two sisters in law of the Wang family also helped to make arrangements together. They steamed hot white flour bean buns and baked a large basin of white flour sugar cakes. The fragrance can be smelled from a long distance.

Doctor Lin was naturally invited to sit on the table. Tian Yuqiao's two uncles were there to accompany them, while Fang Wenhao and big head led the group of soldiers to eat at the same table.

Wang asked the women to help serve. Everyone was very satisfied.

"I said, niece, your food is delicious. I can always smell it when I'm next to your house, but I can't eat it. I'm really happy today, ha ha ha." Dr. Lin said with a smile.

"Oh, look what you said. My mother's eyes are thanks to your help. If you want to eat anything in the future, come to our house and I'll make it for you."

"Yes, Grandpa Lin, we'll make delicious food in the future, and I'll let Yutang send it to you." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

"No, don't bother you so much. My old man has a lot of savings. He can't always take advantage of your family, can he?"

"Old brother, you can't say that. I heard from our big girl that you helped the family before. Thank you so much for taking care of their wives." Zhao also said some words of gratitude.

Everyone had a good meal and was satisfied. Now the dishes in the field, moistened by the virtual lotus pond water, grow many times better than those of others, so let alone the taste.

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