The two brothers, Tian Dajiang and Tian Dahu, have experienced a lot of ups and downs along the way. They have already tossed themselves into a mess before they reach the fish pond of Tian Yuqiao's family.

The most tragic thing was Tian Dajiang, who was filled with quicklime, and then stepped into the cesspit with his eyes closed. Tian Dahu is not much better. He has a hot voice. He wants to breathe more fresh air. As a result, he opened his mouth and gasped. He fell into a cesspit and ate his mouth full of shit.

Disgusting, both brothers were so angry that they wanted to scold their mother, but they were afraid of being found out, so they had to give up. My heart is as uncomfortable as eating shit, plus nausea.

It took a lot of effort to climb out of the pit. Finally came to the edge of the fish pond, trembling and took out what they had brought from their respective bodies.

Fortunately, they were all packed in bamboo tubes and sealed, so they didn't get wet.

When I saw the fish pond, I felt that the surrounding was as bright as day.

Tian Dajiang can't see, but Tian Dahu can see. He saw the eldest and second brothers of the Wang family, Fang Wenhao, Tian Yuqiao and the Wang boys.

Everyone was smiling at them, especially Tian Yuqiao.

"Uncle and uncle, you don't sleep this big night, but you run to our fish pond. What are you going to do?" Tian Yuqiao asked with a smile.

The eldest brother of the Wang family grabbed the bamboo tube in their hands, frowned and asked, "what's this? If you don't say it, I'll take it to Dr. Lin for examination. If it's found to be fishy, I don't mind sending you to see the official."

Fang Wenhao shook the sword in his hand and said coldly, "it's not necessary to send an official. I'm an official now, and they work under my hands now. Since they don't want to make progress and do such sneaky things, you don't have to go to work in the future."

The big head bowed to Fang Wenhao and said, "boss, do you want your subordinates to deal with these two people according to military regulations?"

As soon as they heard that they should be dealt with in accordance with the military law, the two brothers of the Tian family were scared to their knees.

"No, don't. We'll never work in the mountains in the future, so it won't belong to your army. Moreover, it's all our personal grievances with the second family, and it doesn't involve the army at all." Tian Dajiang said with his eyes closed.

"Yes, Joe, where's your mother? We want to see our second sister-in-law." Tian Dahu deliberately shouted.

Tian Yuqiao waved his hand and said with a smile, "uncle and uncle, our fish pond is a private industry. In the future, even you'd better not get close easily. Otherwise, if you accidentally fall into the pit with a knife, you won't be so lucky as today."

"What? There's still a knife buried here? I said Joe, you girl's mind is too vicious?" Tian Dajiang said angrily.

"Hehe, how can you say that Joel's mind is vicious? It's estimated that once you two bring this thing into the fish pond, it won't be long before all the fry will die? Should I go to the military doctor for an examination?" Fang Wenhao said coldly.

Hearing what he said, the two brothers suddenly withered and quickly kowtowed to Fang Wenhao to make amends. "Villains really don't mean it. What's loaded here is actually a folk prescription. A friend of mine said that once this medicine is put into the fish pond, it can make the fish grow very fast and the meat is fat."

Too lazy to listen to the two men arguing here, Fang Wenhao directly confiscated the things in their hands. I searched them again. Oh, this smell ~ is really heavy.

After a search, there was nothing suspicious except the two bamboo tubes.

"Joe, are you sure you're going to let them go like this? Isn't it a little too cheap for them?" Fang Wenhao said with a frown.

Tian Yuqiao smiled and waved his hand and said, "let the wind out and let the whole village know that they came to our house to harm the fish tonight. If they come again and again in the future, don't blame us for being rude."

Tian Yuqiao said that with a look of old age, he patted Fang Wenhao on the shoulder and said, "Hey, you don't understand it. Learn from me in the future. We can't deal with them at once. After all, they are my father's brothers. We are morally unreasonable."

"Oh, you little girl, I don't know where you learned so many twists and turns. I'll just listen to you. Next time they fall into my hands, I'll want them to look good. Alas, it's a pity that the project on the mountain may not be much better until autumn."

Fang Wenhao was a little lost when he said this. He found that he liked to be with the little girl in front of him more and more. If he really left, what would his family do if they were bullied again in the future?

"Don't worry, brother Hao'er. When our glass shed is built, we will buy some people to help grow vegetables. I can also find some good players to take them up the mountain to learn some Kung Fu from master huikong. Then someone will help us guard the house." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

"How about this? Before I leave, I'll help you arrange all these things, otherwise I won't be at ease." Fang Wenhao said solemnly.

"Oh, I'm so sleepy. Let's go. Let's go back to bed." Tian Yuqiao said, slapping his little hand in front of his nose, looking very disgusted.

He bounced on the little guy's head and said angrily, "don't make such disgusting things in the future, do you hear? It's disgusting."

"Big head, you should deal with it quickly. The trap still needs to be recovered. But be careful. This trap has been improved by the little guy. Don't fall into it." Fang Wenhao asked.

"Don't worry, boss. I remember the location of the trap. Hey, hey."

As soon as big head finished speaking, he "pooped" and accidentally stepped into a water filled pit

Fortunately, there were two brothers of the Wang family. Several people wasted a lot of time before they dragged them up.

"Fortunately, if I fall into a cesspit, it's estimated that my brothers won't sleep next to me tonight." big head smiled and wiped the water on his head.

After cleaning up here, the sky has turned white, and the sky will be bright.

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