Li Shi was worried about this night. After waiting for a long time, she didn't see her two black sheep sons come back. However, she planned to let Tian Guihua take her to the end of the village to see the situation.

However, as soon as they were about to go out with lanterns, they saw two dark shadows coming towards them.

Tian Guihua immediately pinched her nose and said, "Mom, what's the smell? It's not the north wind today. Why is the smell at the end of the pigsty blowing here?"

"You girl, what's so pretentious? Look if those two are your eldest brother and third brother."

Tian Guihua went out, looked closer, and immediately said with a disdain on her face, "Yo, big brother and third brother, what did you do? Did you fall into the fish pond?"

Hearing the speech, Li hurried forward and asked with concern, "boss, third. How are you doing? Have you put all that stuff in the fish pond?"

"Oh, mom, don't ask here. Hurry back to the house and cook us a big pot of water. It stinks to death." Tian Dajiang said.

Tian Dahu also said, "yes, mom, don't talk about those useless things. Hurry to get some water and wash our brothers. Big brother can't open his eyes. Hey, let's talk in the house."

Li quickly opened the door and let his two smelly sons in. Gao and Jiang heard the noise, and they all came out of the East-West wing rooms on both sides.

"Oh, I said you were in charge. Didn't you go to the second family's fish pond? It's like falling into a pit?" Gao asked with a frown.

Jiang Shi didn't say much, but quickly took out a towel and helped Tian Dahu wipe his hands and face. "The head of the family, hurry in and change your clothes so that I can wash you. Don't catch cold. I'll boil water for you and let you take a hot bath."

"Pa!" Tian Dajiang slapped Gao's face.

"Hey, I said to be the head of the family. What are you doing? You made a mess of shit yourself. Why hit me? You're taking it out on me. Mom, look at him..."

Gao angrily covered his face and complained to Li.

"Bah, you still have the face to say. Look at other people's third brothers and sisters. That's the man who really cares about his family. You'd better go back and boil water for me." Tian Dajiang angrily said.

Gao glanced helplessly at Jiang and whispered, "hum, you'll be cheap with men. What's difficult to learn."

"What are you talking about?"

Although Tian Dajiang can't see with his eyes, he can still hear the movement with his ears. They were so close that he could naturally hear what his woman said.

"Ah, that, nothing... Nothing. I'll boil water for you now. Oh, by the way, Dalang, hurry to find your father a clean dress." Gao Shi also talked like Jiang Shi.

Tian Dajiang snorted coldly and entered the house. After asking Dalang to bring him a basin of cold water, he washed his face with a wet towel.

This quicklime is not for fun. If it rubs against the skin, it has a burning feeling. In particular, the outside was pasted with a layer of shit, and the lime burned Tian Dajiang hot and uncomfortable.

After Dalang changed several pots of water for him, he washed his eyes. Ears, eyes and nostrils are also washed clean. A pair of eyes are like two peaches, red.

When Gao saw it, he couldn't help laughing and said, "hehe, I said to be in charge, why are your eyes swollen like two peaches?"

"Bah, you loser, you are eager for your man to die, aren't you? Do you like other men?" Tian Dajiang was angry immediately.

If it weren't for his discomfort, he was in a hurry to take a bath. It's estimated that he would teach Gao a good lesson at this time.

Gao also knew that he had made a mistake, so he closed his mouth and put firewood into the stove pit diligently.

A large pot of hot water was cooked. After Tian Dajiang mixed the water, he directly stood in the stove and poured a bucket of warm water from head to foot. There was a smell of pig dung at the beginning of the house, and it spread all over the stove.

"Oh, I said to be the master. Why don't you pour it outside? You're shit..."

"You mother-in-law, don't shut up."

Dalang quickly pulled Gao aside for fear that his parents would fight again. He himself helped Tian Dajiang take off his clothes and washed his hair by the way.

Don't say, little guy, the pig manure they made is really characteristic. It may be that the piglets drink water from the virtual lotus pond every day, and the shit they pull out is particularly smelly.

It is said that the more smelly the shit is, the healthier the body is. This statement has a basis for people, and it seems so for animals.

"Bah, the second family is very annoying, even their pigs are so annoying. Why is the dung so smelly, vomit..."

Tian Dajiang is feeling that the smell of pig manure fermentation is really terrible.

He didn't feel much when he was outside at first. But now the pig dung on his body is so hot by hot water that it tastes like roasted durian.

"Hum, no, it can't be over this time." Tian Dajiang angrily said.

When both of them finished tossing, the day was bright.

Worried that the two of them would delay their work and be deducted, Li urged, "OK, you two hurry up the mountain. Twenty Wen a day is not a small amount."

"Oh, yes, mom, we don't have to go up the mountain in the future." Tian Dajiang said.

Tian Dahu also said, "yes, ma'am, the boy Fang Wenhao bumped into yesterday. He also said that he would punish us according to the military law. I said good or bad, so I won't be beaten. But the errands on the mountain were also lost. Fang Wenhao had to send us to see the officials at the beginning."

"What? How can things become like this?" Li was a little silly. She didn't expect the consequences to be so serious.

"I said you dead old woman. You didn't let me know what it was before. Now it's such a big thing. This time, you don't have to earn 40 Wen a day in the future." old man Tian said angrily.

"Don't worry, mom and dad. My friend found out from Linxian County before. The sister of the second sister-in-law ran out to escape marriage. Now if we leak the news of her here to the rich man, do we still have no money?" Tian Dahu said.

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