After the people in the Tian family's old house made trouble, Wang was a little worried. She didn't sleep much all night. She knew what the children were going to do.

On the one hand, she is worried about what conflict will happen between the two sides. On the other hand, she is also worried that someone will really damage her fish pond. So she spent the night almost with her eyes open.

After hearing the movement in the yard, she found out that it was Tian Dajiang and Tian Dahu who came to make trouble today.

"Qiao'er, you said that many traps were dug in our fruit forest. What would we do if the villagers accidentally stepped on them?" Wang frowned.

Looking at Wang's two big black circles, Tian Yuqiao's heart couldn't bear it. He smiled and said, "Mom, don't worry. We'll put up warning signs around our land today to keep the villagers away. If they have to go to our land, even if they really fall, it's none of our business."

"Yes, ma'am, don't worry. Hey, we can't kill people in the trap, but we can make life worse than death." the little guy smiled and said while eating.

Tian Yuqiao put down his chopsticks, frowned and said, "little brother, I'm eating now. What do you say? I'll settle with you later for the good things you've done."

"What, what good did Yutang do?" Wang was a little surprised.

"Mom, forget it. Just let brother Hao'er tell you after dinner. By the way, I can't eat. I can't waste this meal. It's better to have cheap gold."

When Tian Yuqiao finished, he picked up the rest of his bowl and poured it into the small bowl of gold.

Poor gold, waving two small claws, strongly protested against this! "Squeak"

"Good boy, you did well yesterday. I'll make a great contribution to you." Tian Yuqiao smiled and comforted.

After big head sent the little guy away, Tian Yuqiao began to ask big tiger and two tigers to help make warning signs.

They are all small signs made of wood. There is such a brand 20 meters apart. What is the danger ahead? Do not approach; And private land. Don't trample on it.

There are five or six different warning slogans. Tian Yuqiao also let out the wind and said that he was next to the fish pond. He caught two gangsters yesterday. In order not to let their own fish pond suffer losses, they dug a lot of traps in the fruit forest. I hope the villagers with good faith don't approach, otherwise they will bear all the consequences.

Dr. Lin soon came the news that the medicine in the two bamboo tubes could make the fish suffocate from lack of oxygen, and the other was more lasting. It could make the fish sick and then infect each other.

"Hey, this man is really vicious. He put such poison on him." Doctor Lin shook his head.

Zhao also sighed: "Hey, it's not how. If this person is poor, wow, no one looks up to you, even relatives don't look up to you. But once you're rich, someone will be jealous and think of the law to harm you."

When Tian Yuqiao came back from outside, Dr. Lin just left. Zhao and Wang are sitting on the Kang, sighing for each other.

"Hey, what can I do? Why don't you let us go? It's all because my mother didn't take good care of you. I let you marry such a family, and now I'm dragging you down with your two brothers. Your mother-in-law must see that I live in your house. She's not shy." Zhao said.

"Mother, what are you talking about? My mother lives in my house, and they can manage it?" Wang said.

Tian Yuqiao also said with a smile, "yes, grandma, we've all separated. When we separated, there were no tiles on the ground. Thanks to the old abbot of Nanshan Temple, without his last words, it's estimated that our wives would really fall into the street."

"Hey, no matter what, I shouldn't live with you. Well, anyway, your eldest brother and second brother have a big and bright house. I'll take your sister to your eldest brother's house. I can't, can't give you any more trouble, otherwise it will spread. It's hard to say."

Zhao is also a stubborn temper. She says she can do it. Now the eyes are almost recovered. There is no delay in working, that is, they can't embroider or simply sew clothes.

Wang and Tian Yuqiao stopped, but it didn't help. The old lady's temper was very stubborn. She directly packed up the new clothes that Wang had bought for them during this period. Carrying a burden, she moved to Wang Decheng's house.

In this regard, Wang's sister-in-law naturally said nothing. However, this is just not said in his mouth. In his heart, he has a big opinion on his mother-in-law.

"Hey, my mother is really grumpy. No one can stop her when she comes up. Brother and sister-in-law, I'll bother you to take care of my mother in the future." Wang said.

"Oh, big girl, what are you talking about? We should take care of our mother when we are sons and daughters-in-law. In fact, even if my mother doesn't say it, I'll live with your big brother for a while. When I stabilize, I'm going to pick up my mother and let her live with us." Mrs. Wang said.

The second sister-in-law of the Wang family also said, "yes, big girl, we've got a lot of bargains from you these days. We can't let your mother follow you anymore. Even if your mother-in-law doesn't gossip, we can't pretend we don't know, don't we?"

"Yes, big girl, your second sister-in-law is right. In the future, our mother will live in the eldest brother's house, and we can be filial to her every day. Now we don't have much money to be filial to her, but now we can at least serve her more."

The eldest brother of the Wang family smiled foolishly. He didn't speak, but expressed his feelings for Zhao with his own practical actions.

Leading Dahu and erhu, he directly gave the east house to Zhao. They cleaned it up. Now Zhao and Wang Xiuer live in the east room over the big room. In the inner room of the east house, there are two brothers, Dahu and erhu. The eldest couple live in Westinghouse.

Even so, there is still one room left empty.

"Yes, yes, your mother hasn't been here. I didn't expect that the houses your sister built for you are so good." Zhao smiled.

"Isn't it? The eldest sister also said that if their family finished the glass shed, there will be surplus glass left at that time, and they can also give it to the eldest brother and the second brother to let them change the windows." Wang Xiuer said.

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