When Li and Jiang got home, they saw an old woman wearing a pink silk flower skirt, wearing several flowers on her head, walking towards her house step by step.

It doesn't look like the matchmaker in Ningguan village, let alone matchmaker Liu in mountain village. The woman seems to have come from town at least, doesn't she?

"Excuse me, is this the Tian family in the mountain village? Is it Tian Dahai's family?" the woman smiled a little falsely, and the thick powder on her face fell down with her smile.

"Yes, it's here. Who are you?" Jiang asked with some wonder.

"Er... Let's go in and talk about it. It's a little complicated, hehe." the matchmaker separated the crowd and squeezed in.

Those who came from outside the village to watch the excitement suddenly became curious again. It doesn't matter whether it's getting dark or not. Anyway, the sky is big and the earth is big. It's not important to watch the excitement and listen to gossip.

When she got into the house, the matchmaker smiled and asked, "Oh, old sister, is your family going to have a wedding?"

Li smiled, nodded and said, "yes, this is not our old son. Now he has studied for a long time, and it's time to start a family. He'll get married in two days."

"What? Is your old son Tian Dahai? Who is he going to marry?"

Jiang interrupted, "it's from Ningguan village..."

Li quickly raised his hand and asked her to shut up. Jiang realized that he had made a mistake and quickly closed his mouth.

Seeing this, the matchmaker smiled and said, "Hey, in fact, I'm here to kiss your fourth brother."

As soon as Li Shi heard this, he immediately smiled and asked, "I don't know what the old sister wants to mention to my fourth brother. Which daughter is it?"

"Oh, look at my worry. I forgot my business. The marriage I'm going to tell you is much better than the country girl in that village. Her family is innocent and her young lady is beautiful. Especially at home, there are several shops in the county, all of which sell rouge."

Li's eyes immediately lit up. He always felt that such conditions seemed very familiar. Just for a moment, I can't remember.

"It's the daughter of the horse family in the county. Its name is Saihua."

As soon as the matchmaker said his words, he heard a bang, and the door was pushed open from outside.

The scholar Lang's eyes were straight. He directly pulled the matchmaker's sleeve and asked, "aunt, what did you say just now? Repeat what you just said!"

"Yes... Miss Ma from Saihua Rouge shop in the county."

After reading Lang was happy, he frowned again, looked unbelievable and said, "didn't her father agree with our marriage before? How could he change his mind so soon?"

"This ~" the matchmaker looked around, and Li asked Gao and Jiang to go out. After they all left, the matchmaker said, "Hey, to tell you the truth, Congratulations, you'll have grandchildren again."

Li Shi was stunned. For a moment, he didn't react. What did the matchmaker mean. But shushulang understood, because he knew the things he had done best in his heart.

"Aunt, do you mean she has Saihua?" the scholar almost cried with joy.

The matchmaker smiled, patted the scholar Lang's hand and said, "yes, that's why master Ma had to let his daughter marry you. Ah, you're really lucky. The threshold of the horse family is very high, which is not affordable for ordinary people."

"Mom, great, you and dad will have grandchildren again." the scholar shouted excitedly.

Gao and Jiang, who were hiding outside and eavesdropping, were very happy when they heard the speech.

It should be said that in the past, if it was because of money that xueshulang married the pig killing daughter of the Zhu family. Now it's "marriage with children", which feels like a dream.

You know, most people can't afford the shops in the county. The matchmaker said that the horse family is not generally rich in the county. There are several shops.

Worried that Li would not agree, they broke in directly and pulled Li from left to right.

"Niang, this matter can't be delayed. I have to let the old four marry Miss Ma back quickly." Gao said.

Jiang Shi also said, "that's right, mom. We can retire the marriage of the Zhu family. Anyway, this time it's done in a hurry. There are countless three media and six recruits that haven't finished yet."

"Hey, it's just that the Zhu family are all knife wielding. What if some savages of the Zhu family kill them at that time?" Li said with some worry.

The matchmaker patted her thigh and said with a smile, "Hey, what are you afraid of? The family is just killing pigs. Don't you dare to kill people? Just put your heart in your stomach."

When she finished, she took out a hundred Liang silver note from her arms and slapped it on the table. I look very forthright!

Li Shi and her two daughter-in-law were stunned, because they had never seen what a silver note looked like in their life. I don't know what the matchmaker meant by patting such a piece of paper covered with red square on the table.

Reading Lang naturally knew it. He immediately said to Li, "Mom, this is a silver note of one hundred Liang silver."

"What, one... One hundred liang?" Li's voice trembled.

"That's right. Master Ma asked me to bring you this hundred Liang silver. He was worried about the poor conditions of your family and was afraid that you would neglect his precious daughter's marriage, so this silver is for you to prepare for your marriage. Oh, by the way, and this house, you'd better repair it well."

"Yes, we must do it, we must do it."

Li smiled and put away the silver ticket. His face smiled like a blooming chrysanthemum.

She also forgot to be afraid of the Zhu family. She directly assured her that she would return the marriage of the Zhu family, and then let the scholar marry the Ma family's daughter.

"OK, I won't keep much. You should make good preparations here. Also, those things you bought this time can't be used at that time, and they can't be put on the table. Make good preparations, and master Ma will send someone to help arrange them. The furniture will also help you out. All you have to do is get rid of the house, and there's more It's a ready banquet. "

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