After seeing off the matchmaker from the county, Li began to have a headache. She knows the strength of the Zhu family. If she goes to find someone else to retire, it is estimated that if they are not in good condition, she will have to give her a white knife in and a red knife out.

"What can we do? We have to think about it. If the Zhu family doesn't answer correctly, there will be trouble at that time. The Zhu family's daughter is not easy to mess with, let alone her brothers. Even she herself is not a fuel-efficient lamp. The pig killing knife in her hand is bright, and I feel scared when I think about it." Li said.

"If you don't do anything, why don't we just marry both of them back." Gao suggested.

Jiang Shi frowned and said, "the daughter of the Ma family is the daughter of the golden lady. How can she promise to marry the fourth with the pig killing girl of the Zhu family?"

Tian Guihua also said, "Mom, if you do this, I don't think the Ma family and the Zhu family will be happy at that time. If both of them turn against us at that time, our family will suffer in the future."

Reading Lang was holding his head and squatting on the ground. When he heard that Marseille was pregnant with his child, he was very excited. Just like when I found out I lost the list! It just feels the opposite.

Now, however, what he has to face is that he either goes to the Zhu family to withdraw from his marriage, or he marries both together.

He didn't dare to withdraw his marriage. Zhu Rongrong could beat seven or eight of him alone without gasping for breath. The horse family can't afford to offend themselves. Master Ma is rich and powerful. He will make a trip for himself at that time, which will be enough for him to drink a pot.

The old Tian family talked about it. It was almost midnight before they turned off the lights and went to bed.

Tian Yuqiao felt things clearly here. She was angry. After telling Fang Wenhao the news he heard, Fang Wenhao was too angry to sleep.

"Hum, the big head still likes sister Rong. Unexpectedly, in the eyes of your fourth uncle, they always want to use her. This family is really hateful. If they are not your relatives, I really want to take someone to cut them down directly." Fang Wenhao said angrily.

Now he has some meat on his face and looks like he has a little baby fat. When you are angry, you look cute and meaty. Tian Yuqiao couldn't help but stretch out his hand and pinched it hard according to Fang Wenhao's face.

"Qiao'er, what are you?" Fang Wenhao was stunned.

He is so big that no one dares to pluck the tiger's tail. Even his emperor Lao Tzu hasn't pinched his face like this. As for whether his mother had pinched it, Fang Wenhao couldn't remember clearly.

Being pinched by Tian Yuqiao, her face turned red. She took back her hand. With a smile, Wen Hao said, "hee hee, brother Hao'er, your face feels really good. It seems that you haven't been tired on the mountain these days."

Tian Yuqiao was a little embarrassed. After all, he was already a man of a certain age. He even started with small fresh meat.

However, since he entered the private school, the little guy always said that men and women were different, so he wouldn't let Tian Yuqiao pinch his face. At the moment, she couldn't help but take Fang Wenhao.

However, someone who was pinched by the little girl felt very happy instead of angry. He really hoped that the soft boneless hand could stay on his face for a while. That feeling is so familiar, so warm and happy.

However, when he recovered, the little girl had already run away with a smile.

The night was speechless. The next day, the housekeeper of the horse house came with people and sent a lot of furniture to the Tian family. It was a good thing at first sight, which made the whole village boiling. I think the Tian family has climbed the high branch, which is going to develop.

"Tut Tut, look at others. These old good things are specially sent from the town, aren't they? It's really happy."

"Hey, if only our son could find such a rich daughter-in-law?"

"This scholar is just different. Even if he doesn't get admitted to the scholar, he can marry such a good daughter-in-law."

Everyone said everything. For a while, the marriage of Shulang in the old house of the Tian family became the talk of people after dinner.

The housekeeper of the Ma family handled affairs very neatly. He directly changed the Geng tie and symbolically asked the Taoist priest who came with him to help him meet his destiny. This is a rite.

After Li smiled and sent the people away, he began to look at and touch the excellent carved furniture.

"Old lady, don't touch the paint off this good thing." old man Tian laughed and joked.

Li retorted, "ah, if I touch this good thing twice, the paint will fall off. What's the difference between it and the furniture made by the carpenter in our village?"

The date set by the Ma family is one day later. Because Miss Ma's stomach can't wait, there is also a hurry.

After the Tian family hastily replaced the one and a half room of shushulang with new tiles, they painted the new house with a layer of white pulp, and then it was the day of welcoming the bride.

Because the Ma family was worried, they didn't need the Tian family to meet them, but he sent his daughter directly. The same is true of the Zhu family. Because the Tian family's old house hasn't given a letter, they are still foolishly happy.

Mr. Zhu also shed tears all night. The next day, he said to his daughter tremblingly, "Rong Rong, after you marry, remember to come back to see your father every three or five times. Don't forget that you still have this family."

Zhu Rongrong also cried: "Dad, don't worry. When your daughter will be your own daughter."

The father and daughter then hugged each other and cried bitterly. It was the eldest brother and two sister-in-law of the Zhu family who persuaded them away.

"Dad, sister, don't cry. It's time for you to get on the sedan. Don't delay your time. Don't cry anymore. The bride won't look good."

"Yes, Dad, anyway, the two families are close. If you take a carriage, you can get home in less than two quarters of an hour."

When the girl was sent to the flower sedan, when the flower sedan came to the entrance of the mountain village, a team came from the official road, and the two families immediately collided with each other.

In this era, there are exquisite. That is, if the two people who meet or get married meet together, the person who is ahead will be happy. And those backward families will not be able to live.

Therefore, at this time, it is impossible for the two sides to make concessions to each other.

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