On the wedding day of the Tian family, the Ma family and the Zhu family both found someone to calculate the time. As a result, in order to send their daughter to the Tian family at the auspicious time, they ran into each other at the entrance of the village.

The two sedan chairs fought with each other, and no one would give in. The four brothers of the Zhu family who came to see them off immediately drew out a pig killing knife and directly played with it.

Zhu's eldest brother stared round his eyes and shouted, "get out of the way for me. Today is my sister's big day. We don't want to see blood. It's unlucky."

The Ma family came to see off the relatives, but it was the manager of the Ma family, the two women in charge of the backyard, and the two dowry maids. This is also because the housekeeper said that the Tian family's house was small and there were too many people to live in, so master Ma didn't let more maids and women come to accompany him.

Those trumpeters all stopped playing music, and the people who followed around to watch the excitement were on the inner and outer floors. They all surrounded the two sending off teams.

Ma Wencai, the manager of the Ma family, was not easy to mess with. When he saw that the people in the Zhu family dared to use a knife, he also asked all the people under his hand to take out their whip. For a moment, the two sides were in a stalemate.

This auspicious time is about to be missed. Old man Tian and Li over the old house are in a hurry.

"The boss's family, you hurry to go outside to have a look. Why hasn't this man come yet?" Li picked his eyes and looked out.

Erlang and Shiro suddenly burst in from outside. They didn't catch their breath, so they quickly shouted, "milk, it's not good. The two outside are fighting, and they're going to use a knife."

"Si Lang, what are you talking about? What two families?" Li asked with a frown.

She originally thought that she would not let xueshulang go to Ningguan village to meet the bride. At that time, she would marry the Ma's daughter first. The first one is the biggest. At that time, let Zhu Rongrong make a fuss. She is the later one.

If she doesn't want to make a small for the scholar, she doesn't have to come. If she likes, it's nothing. It's just one more servant in the family.

Li Shi is quite confident about his means of holding his daughter-in-law. So she is not worried that there will be another daughter-in-law at home. At that time, the two daughters-in-law will not get along well.

As a result, the Zhu family was careless. After calculating the auspicious time, they sent their daughter to the Tian family before they came to greet them. This is completely beyond Li's expectation. The two families actually collided together. What should we do?

"Old four, you hurry out to meet and carry the Ma's daughter back." Li urged.

Shushulang was a little silly at first, but when he heard Li's urging, he seemed to be awakened by someone and ran out like a spoiled fly.

When I came to the entrance of the village, I saw that both sides were at war, and they were unwilling to give in to each other.

"Well, you don't ask who we are. How dare you beat us to the Zhus. Bah! Don't blame us if you don't get out of the way." the second brother of the Zhus angrily said.

The housekeeper of the horse family also said, "I ma Wencai haven't seen any big storms since I met the master. I've seen a lot of pig killers like you. I advise you to make way for my lady, otherwise if you miss the auspicious time, don't blame me for being rude to you."

"Joke, what else can you do if you're not polite?" the eldest brother of the Zhu family said.

"Come on, get up here and beat these mountain village men to death. You will be rewarded when you go back."

The housekeeper gave an order, and the servants he brought rushed towards the Zhu family like wolves.

At this time, Tian Shulang suddenly appeared and looked at both sides. Then he hugged the housekeeper of the Ma family and said, "please get off the sedan and I'll carry her through the door."

"That's not good. Our Lady's body... You don't know. How can you carry it in?" Ma Wencai immediately retorted.

People in the Zhu family heard the speech, especially Zhu Rongrong. When she heard it in the sedan chair, she was immediately angry.

Directly opened the cover and rushed out of the sedan chair. Yelled at the scholar: "Wow, you ungrateful man. You promised to marry me, but now you've hooked up with other women. If you don't give me a statement today, I'll ~ I won't finish with you."

Zhu Rongrong's brothers were angry and red eyed. He looked at the scholar angrily, holding the pig knife tightly in his hand.

This knife was originally intended to help kill pigs for a banquet. There are two big fat pigs behind the wedding team. Unexpectedly, this knife will be used at the entrance of the village.

Reading Lang usually deals with those literati who dance and write. When have you seen such a scene? Suddenly I was at a loss. I wanted to run home and hide immediately.

However, at this time, Zhu Rongrong had rushed to the front, swung his arm directly, and slapped him in the face.

The sound of "pa" made it a crispy life. The big hand like a PU fan is a little wooden. Look at the reading man's face again. Good guy, that half of his face is swollen at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Tian Yuqiao naturally hid in the periphery of the crowd and listened to the news ahead. For a moment, she could not wait to raise her hands and shout "fun".

"OK, beat the heartless man angrily. Such a person should fight and mend two more feet."

The Marseilles over there are not honest. When they hear something outside, they naturally know that their man has been beaten. Although this man is not very good, he is also honest and can tolerate her willfulness.

So in line with the idea of marrying chickens and dogs, she directly threw the cover aside and rushed out.

When she came to Zhu Rongrong, she immediately felt that she was not of the same grade as others. He is like a weak jade, while the other party is a big stone with edges and corners everywhere. How do you play this?

"How dare you beat my husband? You bitch, whose daughter-in-law is this? Take it away quickly." Masai Hua roared, pointing to Zhu Rongrong.

One thing she hasn't figured out yet is that this man is going to marry both of them today.

"Bah, how could he be your man? He knows that I'm the one he's going to marry today." Zhu Rongrong also gave out her lion roaring skill, which made the root of Masai flower buzzing.

However, after she thought it over, she also slapped him and slapped him on the other side of his face. Well, although the size of the palmprints on both sides is not very symmetrical, they also look good.

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