On the happy day of studying in the Tian family and getting married, the bridegroom was slapped with a full house of applause. Now Zhu Rongrong and the Masai flower are looking at each other angrily. In their hearts, each other robbed their own man, so in their position, they are love enemies.

"What are you looking at?" Marseille pointed at Zhu Rongrong's nose and shouted.

"What do you think? You shameless bitch robbed me of a man. I made an engagement with the scholar first." Zhu Rongrong was also forked, and her momentum was no weaker than that of the other party.

Big brother Zhu strode forward and grabbed his sister. "Come on, let's go home and be his daughter-in-law."

"Eldest brother, if we just take our little sister back, she will become a joke in this ten mile eight village. We can't just swallow it. Whatever she does, Miss Ma or miss donkey, we'll beat her up. She won't be able to enter the bridal chamber at that time. Our sister is the wife and she is the concubine," said the second brother of the Zhu family.

The Housekeeper on the other side of the horse house immediately smiled grimly, took out a contract with the official seal from his arms, and said to the people around him: "fellow villagers, please see clearly that the marriage between our young lady and the fourth master of the Tian family has been filed with the government. No matter who enters the door today, our young lady is a big room."

"Yes, Miss Ben already has Tian's seed in her stomach. What are you?" Masai Hua said proudly, and deliberately stroked her slightly raised abdomen with her hand.

"Oh, my God, the girl in the county is too rude?"

"Yes, how can you be such a bad boy with a man? Alas, the world is getting worse."

"My God, the world has really changed. A woman is pregnant without getting married. She can take it for granted. Tut Tut, it's so immoral."


Originally, the Marseille flower was going to deliberately annoy Zhu Rongrong. Unexpectedly, she put herself in such an embarrassing situation.

In order to make things right for the young lady, the housekeeper of the horse family took out a silver note of one hundred Liang silver from his arms, smiled and said to the second brother of the Zhu family, "if you know the truth, get out of the way quickly. This one hundred Liang silver is yours."

The third brother of the Zhu family was so angry that he rushed directly to tear up the contract, but he was stopped by two servants of the Ma family.

Now Zhu Rongrong's situation is very embarrassing. It can be said that he has fallen into a dilemma. When she married, she had to be a concubine for xueshulang, and was bullied by the eldest lady who carried her back from the county city. If you just turn around and go back, old Zhu's face will be completely lost. You can't pick it up.

His sister was originally in Ningguan village, which is quite "notorious". If she is carried back today, it will definitely become a big joke in people's mouth.

"Zhi Zhi", Zhu Rongrong's ear suddenly heard the cry of gold. Zhu Rongrong naturally knows the little thing of gold. Usually, when she sends the little guy home, she will bring some pig liver to gold, so Zhu Rongrong has a good relationship with gold.

Originally, she thought gold was trying to comfort herself, but she found that there was something in its two small claws.

Zhu Rongrong pulled out a small paper ball from the small claws of gold. When you open it, it says "come to my house".

Zhu Rongrong turned back to the sedan chair and told the sedan bearer to carry the sedan chair directly to Yuqiao's house in Tianyu village.

According to Fang Wenhao's instructions, big head went back and said hello to Wang in advance. This is also Tian Yuqiao's temporary idea, which can better preserve Zhu Rongrong's reputation.

Because the Masai flower was still in place, it was Zhu Rongrong's sedan chair that advanced the mountain village.

The horse manager was so angry that he hurriedly urged his young lady to return to the flower sedan, and then followed the flower sedan in front and walked towards the end of the village.

In order to catch up with Zhu Rongrong's sedan chair, the horse housekeeper really struggled. Although he fell behind in the order of entering the village, if his young lady went first when he entered the gate of the Tian family, he would explain to the master when he returned.

Seeing the leader, he went to the Tian family's old house, and Zhu Rongrong's sedan didn't go in directly, but continued to go forward. Housekeeper Ma was also concerned and disorderly. He didn't even care about the obstruction of xueshulang. He also followed Zhu Rongrong's sedan chair and walked towards Tian Yuqiao's house.

"Hey, come back, come back. You've passed!" the scholar shouted in front of his yard.

However, with so many people and the sound of blowing suona, who can care about his cry?

When Zhu Rongrong's sedan arrived outside Tianyu Qiao's yard, a seven foot man came out from inside. This man has a sword eyebrow and star eyes, water chestnut mouth and big eyes. He is full of heroism. It's the red lucky clothes you're wearing. They look a little old, and some don't fit very well.

He personally carried Zhu Rongrong in from the sedan chair, which made everyone wonder.

"Isn't this... The young man who often follows behind the little official?"

"Yes, what's your name again? Oh, yes, it seems to be big head!"

As soon as Zhu Rongrong heard this, the man who walked in on his back and gave himself the steps was actually a big head. Her heart was tumbling for the first time.

Some of them were shocked, but more were moved.

She was already disheartened about what xueshulang did this time. When she was completely disillusioned, the man named big head, who had never cared about himself, actually helped himself solve the siege.

I don't know what he thinks, whether he really wants to marry himself, or just to help himself out and let himself have a step down.

Anyway, first stay at Tian Yuqiao's house for a few days, and then decide whether to make peace with the scholar Lang or what.

At least for now, I don't have to face the cold eyes of the villagers or see my father's sad expression.

Ma Wencai behind him was a little anxious. He just came back. He remembered that the old Tian house didn't seem so rich.

Suddenly aware of his mistake, he quickly made people turn around and go to shushulang's home.

It's very unlucky for the villagers around to turn around in this sedan chair!

But there is no way. Marseille can't learn from Zhu Rongrong. She won't enter other people's doors because of anger.

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