Zhu Rongrong's sedan was carried to Tian Yuqiao's house, and the one who got off the sedan with her on his back was big head. To tell the truth, he didn't know whether it was right or wrong. In order not to let his beloved woman be insulted, he would rather do so. Even if he was beaten to death by the Zhu family afterwards, he wouldn't say anything.

However, in the hearts of the Zhu brothers, they actually like real men like big head. For that scholar, he doesn't look at it at all. What's good about being poor and angry? Now, instead of being angry, they murmured privately that they wanted to persuade their sister to just make mistakes and marry big head.

Now Zhu Rongrong's mood is also very complex. She originally wanted to turn around and go home. No matter how much I like the scholar, I can't accept sharing a man with other women.

She was raised as a son by Master Zhu since childhood. Although she didn't know many words, she didn't learn anything like three obediences and four virtues. So she can't accept men with three wives and four concubines.

And the solid back under her body can make her feel at ease.

From the gate of the yard to Tian Yuqiao's main house, it's only a short dozens of steps. But in the eyes of big head and Zhu Rongrong, it was like a magpie bridge.

After this short journey, their hearts also leaned together. Zhu Rongrong made up his mind and simply married the big head. Anyway, his father liked the young man very much. That scholar Lang even has children with the women in the county. What else can she miss?

Fang Wenhao has now gone up the mountain to find Lao Jiu. After all, it is the new funeral of the 12th prince, which is to be mourned by the whole country. Therefore, if someone wants to get married at this time, it is a great disrespect to the royal family.

"Uncle nine, I'm helpless this time, and he's in my hands now, and he's also my capable man. I'm here to beg uncle nine to help me ask for instructions from the top. There's really a reason for this. I hope the top can give accommodation."

The old nine frowned and said, "Hey, now even if the boss doesn't agree, you've all carried people in. It's a cut first and then play. Now the twelve princes are newly lost, and your majesty is very sad about it. Hey, it's estimated that big head will frown this time."

"Hahaha, Lao Jiu, now he is not subject to military orders abroad. Let the big head get married. I believe he can understand the spirit of my twelve emperor brothers."

The man who came was the prince! Lao Jiu doesn't understand how the great prince came here today. To tell you the truth, the mausoleum has been repaired for some time. He doesn't care. What kind of madness did he smoke today? He came here!

"I have seen your Highness the great prince."

"All right, no gifts. By the way, the prince has been suffocating here for a long time. Now there are subordinates to do marriage. Let's go and have a look. It's not that I'm not sad about the death of the twelve emperors, but that I want to do things in line with the purpose of being close to the people. Now we build a mausoleum here thanks to the help of the local people, so the prince will personally participate this time Add their wedding banquet. "

Lao Jiu was stunned, while Fang Wenhao was so angry that his teeth itched. Others don't know his big brother. He still knows something.

The great prince is definitely a man who can't get up early without profit. This time, he didn't blame big head for getting married at this time. He even had to go and watch the excitement. It's clear that the weasel is paying New Year's greetings to the chicken. He must have no good intentions.

Tian Yuqiao's family at the foot of the mountain. Now big head and Zhu Rongrong are kneeling down to worship Wang and Zhao.

Now Wang has recognized Zhu Rongrong as a dry daughter, and Zhao has more dry granddaughters. Therefore, it is reasonable for the girl to marry at the godmother's house.

"Well, well, I didn't expect that when I was old, I could see my granddaughter get married." Zhao's eyes were wet.

"Niang, you can certainly live a long life. When Joel gets married, he will have to worship you as an old birthday star." Wang comforted.

"Well, children, get up quickly. Joel, go and ask your chrysanthemum grandmother and Aunt Li to come and ask them to help arrange some dinners. They say that your sister is going to get married today, so we'll do it in our house. Hurry up." Wang ordered.

The big head over there helped Zhu Rongrong up, and then went to the little guy's study. They chatted and developed their feelings first.

The little guy led the big dog and the two brothers, the second dog, secretly approached the study and planned to eavesdrop. As a result, Tian Yuqiao dragged him back with his ears.

"Oh, it hurts! Sister, you're going to pull people's ears off." the little guy frowned and said with a face full of meaning.

"Stop it, little brother. Go to find Shuozi Niang, big dog and second dog to find grandma chrysanthemum. Ask them to come and help. They say big head is going to get married today and let them come quickly." Tian Yuqiao said.

Several little guys all ran out in a coquettish way. After all, helping the boss marry his daughter-in-law is more important than watching the excitement.

In the study, there was a touch of red glow on Zhu Rongrong's face. Even his head was shy. He had no courage when he was on the battlefield.

"Well, you ~" they said at the same time.

"You say it first."

"No, you'd better say it first!"

After a long silence, the big head said, "am I dreaming? Miss Rong, tell me, is this true?"

Zhu Rongrong blushed and stabbed his big head's chest with his sandbag like fist. "What do you say? Usually you go to my house when you have something to do and help my father and brothers work. In fact, they have already agreed with you very much. Alas, it's because I'm obsessed for a moment and can't tell who is worth trusting for life."

"So you mean, I'm the one you should trust all your life?" big head was a little excited and pressed his hands on Zhu Rongrong's shoulder.

It was the first time that the two people's eyes were so close. In an instant, there were electric lights. The two beating hearts, like beating drums, were violently surging in their chests.

Feel each other's burning breath, and they are getting closer and closer


Zhu Rongrong suddenly sneezed, then bowed his head and directly plunged into big head's arms. Originally, big head intended to kiss Fangze, but unexpectedly, his lips were hit by the hair ornament on Zhu Rongrong's head, which made him bleed.

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