Tian Yuqiao's family suddenly wanted to help big head and Zhu Rongrong get married, which made Wang feel a little unprepared. After all, nothing was prepared at home, and the new house was not arranged.

Tian chrysanthemum led the pillar couple to come soon. Even widow Li came to help with a bolt.

In Nanshan Temple on the mountain, old monk huikong changed into a new monk's clothes, called Yuanji and Yuantong, and said to them with a smile: "go, I'll take you down the mountain today. Someone else will have a happy event. We can't help going. Ahaha ha."

"Oh, Shifu, it seems that it's not good for us to go to fortune with others when they get married? After all, we don't lack food and clothing now." round channel.

"Duang", "you smelly boy, don't you want to see who's doing the wedding today?"

"Oh, master, you always hit people on the head with a hammer. People are going to be stupid by you. My head is not a wooden fish. Oh, it's really a post master!"

"Don't talk nonsense. Now that you recognize me as your master, you have to listen to me. Both of you dress cleaner and hurry down the mountain with the teacher. Maybe you have to count on your help."

The two brothers were puzzled, but they also knew their martial uncle's temper. Now there are only three men, so they recognize Hui Kong as their master. In that case, he had to obey his orders and go back to change his clothes.

Wang's side was busy, while Zhao took his two daughters-in-law and picked up the empty room over the eldest son and dressed it up.

She plans to let big head and Zhu Rongrong enter the bridal chamber in Wang Decheng's home. After all, Wang's home is not suitable for bridal chamber for new people.

"I think the big head is very good. Just recognize him as your dry grandson. He is also your dry son. Won't you two have an opinion?" Zhao asked seriously.

Wang Decheng said, "Oh, mom, look at what you said. It's too late for us to be happy. If we can have a soldier as a son, we won't be afraid of being bullied in the future, will we?"

Wang's sister-in-law also said, "yes, we can certainly pick up the house before tonight. Let the second couple go over there to help."

Dahu and erhu can't leave because they are responsible for watching the fish pond today. The two brothers are a little depressed. However, when Tian Yuqiao told them that they would specially save delicious food for them in the evening, the two brothers were immediately happy.

After making arrangements for a long time, Tian Yuqiao saw that Jin Jin was a little worried and hurried to run over. He also "squeaked" and looked a little uneasy.

"What's the matter, gold? Have you found any dangerous situation?" Tian Yuqiao asked with a frown.

At this time, there was no one around. Tian Yuqiao happened to choose the vegetables to be used for cooking today in his glass shed.

Gold then opened his mouth and said, "the sister and big head seem to be fighting."

"What? How could they fight?"

Tian Yuqiao was puzzled. If Zhu Rongrong didn't want to be his husband, he wouldn't kowtow to Wang and Zhao with him. So now it's fighting again. What's going on?

"Gold, what are they fighting for? Tell me in detail."

Gold waved two small claws, gestured a few times on his mouth and said, "they are biting their mouth. The big mouth is bleeding ~"

Tian Yuqiao immediately felt that a group of crows flew over his head, and then a large group of alpacas roared!

"Hey, come on, gold. You don't have to care about the two people in our study. Just pay attention to the movement over the old house."

Tian Yuqiao was a little speechless. It seemed that he was seen by gold. Alas, poor little thing.

Gold shook his head and said, "no, the big head was angry when he saw that his mouth was bitten, and tore a hole in his sister's clothes..."

Tian Yuqiao quickly covered Jin's mouth and looked around with vigilance on his face. Then he lowered his voice and said, "shut up and let you leave it alone. You can do whatever you should do."

Caicai walked over from the side with a proud face and said, "the old monk on the mountain has come down again. It seems that he should come to eat and drink."

"OK, I know. When I pick more dishes, we can go back."

Wang Xiuer came directly to the vegetable field in the backyard from the back door. She happened to see Tian Yuqiao picking vegetables. She also hurried to help.

This time, Tian Yuqiao picked a lot of fresh vegetables, including celery, Chinese cabbage, beans and eggplant, as well as pepper and leek. Potatoes and sweet potatoes have also been dug. After all, their vegetables grow better than others and mature early.

"Qiao'er, your mother is waiting over there. I'll help you bring it now." Wang Xiuer said with a smile.

Tian Yuqiao cried sweetly, "aunt, thanks to you coming, otherwise I really can't take such two baskets of vegetables."

Huikong just left the temple and happened to meet the Grand Prince and his party.

"Oh, the Grand Prince is so clever that you also go down the mountain to drink wedding wine?" old monk huikong asked with narrowed eyes.

"Ha ha, I'm worthy of being the younger martial brother of the divine monk. I'm really good at calculating. Master huikong, since we met here, it's fate. Why don't we go and ask for a wedding drink together."

The eldest prince has no airs at all in front of huikong. Because he knew that the old monk was by no means ordinary. If he could get his advice, it would be very helpful for him to achieve great things in the future.

"Please, Prince."

"Please, old abbot."

Zhou lame in the temple saw that he asked Eryuan to come back and remember to bring him some food, while Thor hunted a robe from the mountain. This time, Eryuan and his brothers took it down the mountain as a gift.

Eryuan still wondered. They didn't expect that this noble man was the great prince today. Why didn't Shifu say it before? And this gift was also given by master. Who in the end got married and could make such two great gods value it so much?

Ignoring the depressed eyes of Thor directly, the three teachers and disciples of huikong and the great prince came to Tian Yuqiao's house.

This time, the prince came out in micro clothes. He took Lao Jiu and Fang Wenhao with him. Fang Wenhao was followed by nine of his own men. Nominally, it is to protect the eldest prince and the ninth, but in fact, it is the boys who are going to make a bridal chamber for the eldest.

After all, we are all brothers of life and death for so many years. Now that brothers are married, how can they not join in the fun?

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