Tian Yuqiao's family held a particularly rich wedding banquet for Datou and Zhu Rongrong, and three big Buddhas, the Grand Prince, huikong and Lao Jiu, were present. The eldest prince took 500 taels of silver. Although the old nine didn't know how much silver the eldest prince took, he couldn't work.

Because he did a lot of meritorious service over the years, but he didn't get a lot of money, so this time he gave big head a dagger embedded with precious stones he carried with him.

"Big head, this is the booty I got when I went to assassinate the Barbarian King. It can be said that the hair is broken. I'll give this to you for self-defense." Lao Jiu said with a smile.

Big head's heart is a little empty. Just now he was thinking about being a spy for the big prince to monitor Lao Jiu. I didn't expect that people gave me such a precious dagger in a twinkling of an eye. It's a treasure in the hands of the Barbarian King.

"Ninth master, this subordinate must not. You'd better keep such a precious thing yourself." big head said excitedly.

The eldest prince smiled and said, "big head, take Lao Jiu for you. There's no need to be polite to him. He'll follow me later. Good things naturally need him. It's just a dagger. Take it."

Big head accepted the dagger with a smile and kicked it in his arms. I can't help but press it, so I can rest assured.

This is a good thing. It can't be bought with money.

Today is definitely a good day for big head. Those brothers gave gifts to the leaders. They were embarrassed to be empty handed, weren't they?

"Big brother, this is a new sock I have kept for a long time. It was made for me by your sister-in-law. I've never been willing to wear it. I know your boy has sweaty feet, so I'll give you this pair of socks. Exchange logistics for some socks and don't smoke your sister-in-law."

Everyone burst into laughter, and big head was so ashamed that he buried his head in his chest. He seems to remember that when he was in the Tian family's old house, he threatened others and asked Jiang to wash his smelly socks.

"Don't say that, boy. The big brother has his own mother-in-law now. Naturally, his socks will be washed in the future. You don't need to."

The big head also said, "yes, yes, since your sister-in-law gave it to you, you'd better keep it yourself. I can't want it."

"This is the sleeve arrow you told me last time. I only cut ten. It's cheaper for you today. I'll give it to you directly."

"This is the money I secretly saved for drinking. I'll give it to you as a gift."


The men all saluted with the only things around them, which made the big head's eyes wet. They are all soldiers who go out and are not rich. Although the gifts are not very valuable, they are full of heart. They are more friendly than the 500 Liang silver given by the Grand Prince.

"Big brother, let your sister-in-law come out and pour wine for everyone. We haven't seen your sister-in-law yet."

"Yes, big head, hurry to call out your younger brothers and sisters. Let's see who has such a good eye. He picked our big head at once, ha ha."

Originally, the boss thought Zhu Rongrong would be shy. As a result, he heard a voice like thunder behind him: "Xianggong, since everyone is your brother, I'll have two drinks with them?"

Big head looked back, and sure enough, it was Zhu Rongrong who had just changed into a red dress. This dress was embroidered by her sister-in-law. Anyway, Zhu Rongrong's hand allows her to operate a knife. It's really difficult for her to take an embroidery needle.

I didn't expect the big head bride to be so cool, but those soldiers are also cool men, so they appreciate Zhu Rongrong more.

Although she is not a little Jasper, her character is also liked by people, so everyone soon became one.

Tian Yuqiao didn't have wine at home, so he bought it from the town.

Seeing that it was a small bowl, Zhu Rongrong said to the big head, "Xianggong, this small bowl is not enjoyable. Why don't we change the sea bowl?"

The sweat beads on the big head fell off. The heart said that if his bride was drunk today, wouldn't this wedding candle night be wasted? You know, that spring night is worth a thousand dollars.

"Madam, let's forget it. We'll invite our brothers to drink another day. Today is our happy day. You'd better drink less." the big head advised.

Zhu Rongrong has a stubborn temper this time. Originally, the scholar Lang made her a little depressed today. She was going to use wine to relieve her worries. Seeing the big head blocking herself, she was a little unhappy immediately.

"Just married you, you don't like to drink some wine?"

When asked, big head nodded and said, "Rong Rong, you can drink less. They can all drink."

"Oh, don't worry. Women chirp. It's really wordy."

Tian Yuqiao was also speechless about Zhu Rongrong's heroism. The heart said that there was no bride who shared wine with the guests on the wedding day? Even use a sea bowl.

"Hey, Joel, let Rong drink. She's pathetic enough today. She was going to marry your fourth uncle. Who knows what horse's daughter was killed on the way. Oh, what a sin." Wang whispered.

Tian chrysanthemum also said, "I didn't expect that the fourth of the Tian family had read a lot of sages and sages, and actually cheated other people's girls. Fortunately, this time, the big head married Rongrong. What else could she do?"

Over there, Zhu Rongrong has finished offering wine to Zhao's family first, as well as several brothers and sisters in law. After a round of respect, she directly took the big head and sat at the table of the Grand Prince.

Then everyone began to stroke, what five Kui head, six six six

Later, Zhu Rongrong, with his own ability, intoxicated all the people on the table.

Watching them lying on the table one by one, others have been lying under the table. Zhu Rongrong smiled and said, "sample, dare to share wine with me. I've been drinking with my father and my brother since I was a child. I've never been drunk."

As soon as she finished, she plunged her head into her big head's arms and began to snore.

Big head quickly helped people into the house. After the banquet, the two sister-in-law of the Zhu family personally sent Zhu Rongrong to Wang Decheng's house.

The bridal chamber over there has been prepared. Everything is ready-made.

After entering the house, just as the big head was about to blow the light, he saw Zhu Rongrong suddenly open his eyes and said with a smile: "Hey, my husband, is the acting skill of his wife good? If I hadn't pretended to be drunk, it's estimated that their boys would have to come to the bridal chamber."

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