Zhu Rongrong and big head entered the bridal chamber at the eldest brother of the Wang family's house, while the guests broke up in unhappiness at the Tian family's old house over there.

Because Li had long said that his schoolboy was going to get married, most villagers went to Tian's old house to have wine. As a result, there was no meat on the banquet, even eggs.

Originally, Li planned to go to Wang's house to ask for some fish, but because Marseilles had been making trouble, she didn't have time to ask for the fish. As a result, the banquet was all soup, so people couldn't eat enough at all.

Not even white flour steamed bread, but steamed Wowotou with two pots of Sanhe noodles.

Ma Wencai just took two symbolic bites. He felt that the taste of this dish was not as good as pig food, so he went hungry and took people away.

Although other villagers also had some opinions on this, they did not say a word. After all, farmers seldom eat any meat. It's good to eat so many kinds of vegetables today. At least it's better than eating at home.

Naturally, the gifts we brought were all three melons and two dates. The most was that the village head's family sent a basket of eggs and a few feet of cloth. People don't even eat here. In the eyes of outsiders, it is the Tian family's bad human nature. Li does not think so. She will think that she has saved a lot of food, which is a good thing.

From the beginning to the end, the scholar Lang didn't come out to say a word, but stayed in the house with Masai flower. Dr. Lin was originally invited by Wang to have a wedding wine, but he was trapped here by Masai flowers. She kept saying that she had a stomachache, which made Dr. Lin feel bad, so she left.

When they didn't have much fun and all broke up unhappily, Li asked people to quickly fold the dishes together and keep them for one day the next day.

There are five more people in Masai flower, so there is not so much room in the old Tian house. So the nurse and a woman brought by Marseille flower, as well as the two girls who served her, had no place to live.

"Tian Dahai, if you marry me, you will give me a big enough House. I want you to say today, when to build a house? My nanny and they have no place to live. Don't you want them to live in a pigsty?"

Before Tian Dahai could speak, Dr. Lin said, "girl, I think you are full of anger and don't look like you have moved your fetus. Why don't I give you a prescription? It's getting late today, so I won't be here to delay your couple's wedding."

After hearing what he said, the scholar remembered that there was a bad old man in the outer room.

"I'm really sorry. I've wasted most of your time today. I didn't even eat..." Shulang said with some guilt.

"It's nothing for me to be hungry, but the children in the new daughter-in-law's belly must not be careless."

After Dr. Lin gave a few more instructions, he wrote a prescription to eliminate fire. In fact, Ma's biggest disease is not fetal Qi, but that she is too easy to get angry.

Li Shi checked the gifts he received this time and was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth. In recent days, just the silver from the horse's house was more than a hundred Liang.

"Oh, old man, we're going to be rich now. Our in laws use silver tickets when they sell, and even silver horn people despise them." Li smiled as he counted the money.

"Can you really exchange this thing for silver? Then you have to go to the town to change it. After all, what if the paper is broken?" old man Tian looked at the paper with some worry.

"Don't worry. After three or five, I'll take the eldest and the third to the town to exchange the silver. It's time to repair our house." Li said happily.

The old house of the Tian family has lived for most of their life. After more than 40 years of wind, frost, rain and snow, it has long been a little shaky. Now it's good to borrow light from Xuelang and repair the house together.

"Mother, haven't you slept yet?" the voice of the scholar came from outside.

"Oh, it's old four. What's the matter with you? Why are you running to me when you're not in the house with your daughter-in-law so late?" Li asked curiously.

Reading Lang said, "Mom, what do you think of the servants brought by our Saihua?"

"Let your eldest brother spare an empty room for them and let them live in the four people at that time. It's the warehouse over there. Pick it up quickly and you can sleep. Oh, by the way, since they are the servants who have been married, they are also our servants. Let them pick it up by themselves."

Li Shi immediately put on an old woman's posture and figured out how to call the servants.

"What? It's too much for your mother to let my nanny and the dowry maid sleep in the barn."

Marseille flower was not happy when she heard what shushulang said. If you really let your girl sleep in the barn, isn't that beating yourself in the face? This is definitely what her mother said before. It's called xiamawei.

She must not be angry with her mother-in-law when she first got married, and she is still a rural old woman that she doesn't look up to at all.

Seeing that it was already dark, the nanny and another woman Feng were also intentional. Seeing that the old house of the Tian family did not have them, he took spring flowers and Autumn Moon to clean up the warehouse over the West Wing room.

All the food in it was stacked in the upper kitchen. As for those sundries, they were directly thrown into the ear room of the upper room.

Although the house hasn't been occupied for a long time, it's good that it's clean. It's just that the Kang mat on the Kang has long been broken, so I can only make do for one night today.

"Hey, this young lady really wants to marry such a poor man." Qiuyue little girl said with her mouth.

"You little girl, don't talk nonsense. We'll live here in the future, but we can't offend others." said the nurse.

Chunhua also said, "Hey, I feel depressed when I think of living here in the future."

"Ah, there are fleas here ~" Qiu Yue shouted as she jumped her feet.

"Hey, let's make do for one night. Their family's conditions are here. Fortunately, when we come here, the master and wife have brought a lot of dowries to the young lady. When the house is renovated, we will have a place to live."

Nanny and grandma Feng looked at each other, and they were helpless. After all, they are old. Even if they have complaints in their hearts, they can't say them in front of the two little girls. They can only endure.

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