There is also the custom of returning to the door for three days. However, because Ma is pregnant, master Ma ordered earlier that they don't need to come back in three days. Just come and see his daughter.

Early in the morning, Li began to be busy. The previous banquet was not done well, which made the people in her in laws pick a lot of reasons. Today, her in laws will come with her in laws. She can't be careless any more.

Now the big room and the third room of the Tian family's old house get up early in the morning to work. Their only purpose is to simply repair the house in three days, so as not to let the fourth father-in-law come and see a joke.

"Oh, I'm so bored. Can you stop your brother from getting up early in the morning? Even if I'm not worth money in your family's eyes, the children in my stomach are afraid of quarreling?"

Marseille turned over and wrapped her arms around the reading Lang's neck, whining.

"Hey, they are also for our good. It's the third day today. It's estimated that father-in-law and mother-in-law will arrive before noon today. You don't know the situation in our family. If the second old man sees that our family is so poor, it's estimated that they will love you."

"But I can't sleep well all day, and people will be haggard. If my parents see me, wouldn't it be more painful? I really don't understand you. I'm stupid to read this book?"

"Er ~ well, I'll go out now and let them all whisper. If you sleep a little longer, I'll come right away."

Reading Lang finished, he changed his clothes and went down to the ground.

Just after going out to stop the boss and the third from making so much noise, Li heard it.

"Don't we all do this for you? Your father-in-law's family will come to see our daughter today. If they see our house so shabby, they won't look down on us? Also, how can a new daughter-in-law sleep for a long time? I haven't even drunk a mouthful of daughter-in-law tea. She's still a young lady, even so little Don't you understand the truth? "

Li Shi was right here, and Mrs. Feng over there came out of the barn, just listening to all this. Originally, she was dissatisfied with the living conditions here, and Li always asked them to do this and that in the past three days. She had been very unhappy with Li for a long time.

"Mrs. Tian, you're wrong to say that. Our young lady is a golden branch and jade leaf. Usually, even our master and wife haven't said anything about her. Now she's pregnant, so she should have a baby. If you have to gossip about sleeping more, I think we gave you too much money."

As soon as Li heard the silver, he was speechless. After all, I have received a lot of money from the Ma family. Now even if my daughter comes here to live in dignity, she shouldn't say anything more.

Thinking of this, she smiled and said, "Hey, isn't that what I said? I didn't really say that the old fourth daughter-in-law is bad. In fact, I'm worried that her body will be swollen if she sleeps too much."

Masai Hua's nanny also came out at this time. She slept on the hot Kang these days and hurt her all over. Although she paid for a new Kang mat and some thick bedding, she was still not used to this rural place.

"Who says that if you sleep too much, your body will be swollen? Let me say, the earth Kang is too hard for people to sleep. Alas, it's a pity for our young lady. She hasn't suffered anything in her life. Now she married to your family and wants to live in such a place."

Li Shi's face was a little stiff, so he turned around and went into the house.

Zhu Rongrong also wore a new dress that day and went to Ningguan village with big head. Before leaving, Tian Yuqiao specially asked Dahu and erhu to help and fished two big carp weighing three kilograms in the pond.

Pork can be bought everywhere, but the fish is not so easy to catch. Near here, only the place where Tian Yuqiao fished fry had fish. But the place was too far away from the outside. When the fish were transported to the town, it was estimated that they had already died. If it is carried away with water, the cost is too high and it is not cost-effective at all.

In addition to two fish, Tian Yuqiao picked some fresh green vegetables from his glass shed. Their own dishes are watered by the virtual lotus pond water, and the taste is naturally different.

Big head now has silver in his hand. He originally planned to buy a piece of land and build a house. But Zhu Rongrong didn't agree, because she knew that big head would leave with the army in a while, so she didn't want to keep the empty house alone.

"Rong Rong, it's really hard for you. Let's go to town first and buy some snacks for our father and brothers." the big head suggested.

"No, my father doesn't like those vulgar gifts. As long as you have this intention, let's go and get home early. My father must be happier than anything." Zhu Rongrong said.

Seeing that his wife was eager to return home and didn't say much, he drove the little donkey cart of Tian Yuqiao's house all the way to Ningguan village.

The Zhu family is at the entrance of Ningguan village. Today is the day for Zhu Rongrong to return to the door. Therefore, father Zhu didn't go out today, but asked several sons and daughter-in-law to wait at the door.

Seeing that the driver was his son-in-law, Master Zhu smiled brightly. He had been longing for his daughter to be with big head for a long time. He didn't like that scholar at all.

Now that he has achieved his wish, how can he be unhappy?

Far away, he said to the house, "come on, your sister-in-law and brother-in-law are back. You all come out to meet them."

Several sons and daughter-in-law all came out, and even Dabao and Erbao, two children of the eldest family, ran out with a smile.

"Boo boo, boo boo fat to provoke ~"

"Come on, that's my eldest brother's second treasure. Hehe, this little guy usually has the best relationship with me." Zhu Rongrong smiled and looked at his mouth.

Looking at the two little dolls staggering towards themselves, Zhu Rongrong's heart was lifted up for fear that they might run and fall.

Big head hurried out of the donkey cart, ran first, picked up both children, took big steps and walked towards Zhu's yard.

Zhu Rongrong continued to take the reins and drove the donkey cart smoothly into his yard. Not to mention, her driving skills are no worse than big head, which surprised big head.

He said in his heart, how many skills does his wife have that he doesn't know? It seems that I really picked up a big bargain this time and married such a capable daughter-in-law.

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