When Zhu Rongrong returned to Zhu's house, she was directly called to the house by her father and locked the door inside. The big head doesn't know this because he is playing with the two children of brother Zhu at the moment.

"Uncle, uncle, Dabao wants to eat fish."

"Bufu, er Bao also wants to eat his aunt."

Dabao is five years old and Erbao is only three years old this year. The little guy can't speak clearly. He makes his head laugh.

"OK, my uncle will cook fish for you this afternoon. What flavor does Dabao like? Do you like braised or stewed?" the big head asked with a smile.

Brother Zhu quickly pulled his two sons over and asked his daughter-in-law to take the children aside.

"Brother in law, you don't have to listen to these two smelly boys. They are still so young. What do you know? You don't have to do anything today. Just wait to eat. Your second brother can do this fish. Just let him do it."

In the house, father Zhu said to Zhu Rongrong meaningfully, "Hey, Rongrong, you are no longer the pig killing girl before. You are now someone else's daughter-in-law. Don't do what men do. Just like today, you shouldn't drive yourself."

"But Dad, don't you want me to learn from those small footed girls in the county and city? Daughter, I'm right and good, and the big head doesn't care about this." Zhu Rongrong argued cunningly.

Father Zhu immediately helped his forehead and said angrily: "Girl, if you're a woman, you should be weak and don't stand out in everything. Dad doesn't want you to learn from the ladies of the family and don't touch the spring water with your fingers. But your skills should be more or less restrained. Don't let the boss think you can do anything. Only if he thinks you can't do anything, he will care more about you and take care of you."

Zhu Rongrong still shook his head: "Dad, I can't pretend it, and I don't feel as strong as I am."

"What nonsense are you talking about, girl? Big head was born in the army. When he helped us work before, your big brother took it seriously. His strength is no smaller than your brothers, and he has Kung Fu."

"Dad, I drank too much wine the night we got married. When I was interested, I broke my wrist with him. As a result, he didn't even break mine. Don't say something nice for him. I think I'd better cover him." Zhu Rongrong was still unconvinced.

Father Zhu's nose was almost crooked by her. He trembled with his fingers and pointed to Zhu Rongrong and shouted, "you, you, wedding night, didn't your sister-in-law teach you before? How can you break your wrist with your husband at that time? You're really going to annoy me."

Seeing that his father was really angry, Zhu Rongrong smiled and grabbed his arm and said coquettishly, "Dad, can't my daughter know that she's wrong? In the future, I'll try to pretend to be weak and let him care more about me."

"Hum, that's about the same. OK, let's go out, too. I want to talk to big head."

Big head is sitting in the main room, next to Zhu Laosan and Zhu Laosi. Zhu's eldest brother and second brother are chopping bones in the kitchen, ready to make a table of pig killing dishes.

The sisters in law of the Zhu family are busy one by one, fishing for fish and killing chickens for chickens.

All the children at home were running happily in the yard. Dabao smiled and shouted, "Oh, great! Today's food at home is better than that cooked for the new year. Hehe, it's so happy."

"Look, I'm happy with those little guys. Alas, it seems that my father is really happy today, otherwise he can't be so willing to give up his money." Zhu Laosi said with a smile.

After teaching his daughter a lesson, father Zhu began to prepare to beat his big head again.

Seeing that big head was foolishly looking at Zhu Rongrong and giggling, father Zhu immediately felt a little more fond of his son-in-law. However, he still had to say what he should say.

"Big head, I didn't expect you to be our son-in-law. In fact, my father observed you every time you came to see Rong Rong at home. You are a good child and a responsible person. I just hope you can be kind to Rong Rong. Don't think she can kill pigs and is very capable. Just treat her as a boy..."

Even Zhu Rongrong is a little confused by the black line on her face. What do you mean to treat her as a male child?

"Dad, I swear to God in front of my brothers and sisters today! I will be good to Rong Rong, and I will live and die!"

Zhu Rongrong quickly covered his mouth and said in two voices, "are you stupid? My father just asked you to be nice to me and hurt me more. He didn't say to make you swear. Why are you so stupid? I don't allow you to say death."

As soon as the big head held Zhu Rongrong's hand, the temperature on the two hands gradually increased, and then the two hearts became hot. It was as if all the people around didn't exist, so they looked at each other.

When they came back to reality again, they found that there was no one in the house.

Someone outside whispered, "Why are you so blind? Hide away quickly. Well, the big head seems to really like your sister. Dad hasn't seen anyone look at her like that. It's just like when your father and I looked at your mother!"

Father Zhu began his memories of those years again. For these, the children and grandchildren of the Zhu family can recite them back. Father Zhu drinks every time when he is in a good mood, but also when he is in a bad mood. When he gets drunk, he will say how much love he had with his wife.

Seeing that his father was going to start nagging again, everyone quickly ran out to work.

Chopping firewood, burning fire, plucking pig hair. For a moment, everyone rushed to work.

Father Zhu was very satisfied with this. He smiled and stood in front of his outer room, nodded and smiled and said, "yes, you'll have to treat your sister and brother-in-law so warmly when they come back. Alas, it's rare that someone wants your sister ~"

He seemed to realize that he had said something wrong. Father Zhu quickly coughed twice, lowered his head, stuffed a bag of dry cigarettes and began to smoke. While he looked at his son and daughter-in-law working with a smile, his ears were pointed up, listening to his daughter-in-law and son-in-law talking inside.

It's not his gossip. He wants to know whether his daughter will get along with men.

"Big head, let's go out and help. When I get home, my father thinks I'm a guest. I feel very uncomfortable."

"Yes, let's go out to help. Anyway, everyone is a family, and I can't go back to my parents. In the future, your father will be my father and your brother will be my brother."

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