Now, a new house is being built in the burned place of Tian Yuqiao's house, and it is planned to give it to the nanny and their servants.

Beside the gate of the yard, there is also a rhubarb mud pit, which is used to build brick walls. This time, Li bought some old earth bricks. After all, this is for the next people. She can't build a better house than her own.

Now she is planning to buy green bricks and new tiles after a while and turn over the upper room first. Then they will build two new houses for the scholar Lang, and let the scholar Lang live in the new house at that time.

There is enough room for Dalang to get married. This is also very good. As for Erlang's grandson, whose snot can't be wiped clean all day, Li doesn't bother to let someone talk to him.

Not far away came the sound of horses' hoofs. Four Lang ran back from the outside and said breathlessly, "milk, there's a big carriage at the entrance of the village. It's coming to our house. I don't know if the father of four aunts is coming."

Li's eyes lit up as soon as he heard it. He quickly got up and patted the dust on his body, and then stretched the pleats on his clothes. After looking at it, I felt quite healthy. Then I went out to pick up my in laws with old man Tian.

Ma Wencai led the way by riding a tall horse. Although the path near the mountain village has been rebuilt with stones, it is still somewhat bumpy compared with the green brick road in the town.

"Master, why haven't you arrived yet? My old bones are about to fall apart. Alas, it's really difficult for our family to marry to such a broken place where rabbits don't shit. I really regret that I didn't watch it at the beginning and let her have a baby. If it weren't for the fact that abortion would hurt her bones, I wouldn't let her have the baby in her stomach."

Master Ma frowned and said, "just shut up. Now things are like this. It's too late for you to say anything. I just hope my son-in-law can be admitted to the scholar in the exam three years later."

Ma Wencai outside said with a smile on his face, "Sir and madam, you are about to arrive in front of you. Please bear with it a little longer."

"Come on, old lady, you're about to go. When you arrive, don't say what you have and what you don't have. You must control your mouth. Now our daughter is someone else's daughter-in-law, not at home." master Ma asked.

The carriage stopped outside the courtyard of the Tian family's old house, followed by many villagers and children who came to see the excitement.

Now there is no need for too many people on the mountain, so everyone has leisure for the time being. Just go to the fields to weed and fertilize every day.

There was such a gorgeous carriage in the village. Naturally, everyone wanted to know who came to the rich relatives, so they all followed to watch the excitement.

"Oh, the carriage stopped at Laotian's house. Is this the master from the county?"

"It should be. Seeing the bride's magical appearance that day, I knew that they must have a lot of money. Tut Tut, look at the carriage. The covers of the carriage are made of good cloth."

"Don't tell me. It's just this tall horse. It's straight at first sight."

Li Shi tilted his mouth and listened to the discussion of the villagers outside the courtyard. Her heart is now a word "beauty"!

Ma Wencai helped master Ma in from the outside, and master Ma was holding his arm with his wife. The gate of the Tian family's old house was not very spacious, and the carriage couldn't get in. So it's difficult to walk with three people side by side.

As a housekeeper, Ma Wencai naturally couldn't squeeze with the master, so he leaned in. In order to leave enough space for Mr. and Mrs. Ma, he tried to stay aside. As a result, one accidentally stepped into the yellow mud.

I heard a "puff" sound, and it was so deep. Erlang over there laughed when he saw someone stepping into the yellow mud pile. Not to mention, the two big runny noses hanging under his nose all year round even sprayed out a runny nose bubble.

Master Ma immediately frowned. Mrs. Ma also covered her mouth and nose with a handkerchief for fear that Erlang's snot would splash on her face.

Ma Wencai is even more depressed over there. The new boots are so useless~

"Oh, housekeeper Ma, I'm really sorry. Our family is building a house these days. You see, your family has brought four servants at once. People eat horses. Alas, it's really not easy for us." Li said.

Nobody paid any attention to him. Master Ma nodded to master Tian and took his wife into main room.

Originally, Li Shi planned to cry for her in laws. At that time, maybe someone else's high master can give her another silver ticket or two. As a result, people didn't pay attention to her beard at all. She immediately felt powerless when she punched the cotton.

Tian Dahu quickly came with a smile and helped Ma Wencai fetch water. He asked him to change his boots first and asked Jiang's help to brush them.

Ma Wencai has a dark face, wearing reading Lang's boots and squeezing his feet. However, other people's boots are broken, so he can only make do with them first.

"Oh, your family will live in such a house for our daughter? If it's windy and rainy, won't the house leak?" Mrs. Ma looked at the blackened roof with some worry.

Master Ma also frowned and looked around the old Tian house. He didn't speak, but went to their new house with Shulang and Ma Ma.

"The house looks ok. Oh, my poor girl." Mrs. Ma took Ma's hand and immediately shed tears.

The mother and daughter hugged each other and cried bitterly for a while. Mrs. Ma was distressed that her daughter married a poor scholar, while Ma was depressed in these days.

Li Shi always satirizes her every once in a while. Although she is not afraid, she has a feeling of being buzzed by flies in her ears, which is very unpleasant.

"Mom, I want to move home when I have a baby here." Ma cried.

"What's the matter, girl? Is it your mother-in-law who bullied you? It's okay. Tell your mother everything. My mother will decide for you. Even if my mother can't, there's your father."

The scholar Lang's face changed as soon as he heard it. He grabbed the Marseille flower and asked anxiously, "what do you mean, madam?"

"I don't mean anything. I just want you to join our family. I married you so quickly because I already have your flesh and blood in my stomach. With the conditions of your family, you can't live at all. After giving birth to the child, you can live in the county with me. At that time, it's convenient for me to let my father take the money for you to study in the county, isn't it?"

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