Big head and Zhu Rongrong brought back a lot of things after they came back from Ningguan village. In addition to pork, there are a lot of meat skins and pig intestines. Zhu Rongrong asked the Zhu family to help keep these because she knew that Tian Yuqiao's family could make sausages and meat skin jelly.

Although I brought a lot of things, I brought more things back from Zhu's house. This made Wang and Zhao feel a little embarrassed, but Tian Yuqiao accepted everything with a smile.

"Grandma and godmother, these things are all for you. They are also a little token of my father and my brother and sister-in-law." Zhu Rongrong said with a smile.

This time she brought Zhao a brown cotton cloth with dark flowers and Wang a silver bracelet. Even the two brothers and sisters in law of the Wang family had gifts for everyone, and even the children didn't fall behind.

The gifts to Tian Yuqiao and Fang Wenhao are even heavier. They are given to Tian Yuqiao and Tian Yutang, each with a small gold lock. Although the small lock is not big, it is also pure gold.

Big head mysteriously gave Fang Wenhao a sharp pig killing knife and said with a wink: "Brother, take this knife with you. There is a saying in our hometown that this pig killing knife can ward off evil spirits and protect you from killing countless enemies on the battlefield. I finally asked for it from brother Zhu. You must keep it and don't be robbed by others."

Fang Wenhao looked at the thing handed over by the big head in silence. The handle of the pig killing knife was yellow and shiny because it had been soaked in lard for many years. At first glance, it was a knife that had been used for a long time.

Frowning and trying to resist the urge to throw it away, Fang Wenhao took the knife.

Over there, master Ma and his wife had a meal here. Nobody spoke during the meal, and they couldn't get used to the food here. Especially when they saw that Gao still tasted the soup with his mouth, and then poured the rest of the soup back into the pot, the Ma family lost their appetite.

After all the food was taken away, master Ma wiped the corners of his mouth with a satin pad and said to master Tian: "In laws, I also know the conditions of your family. Now my daughter is married to your family, which is also their fate. But there is only such a precious daughter in our family, and I can't bear to let her suffer here. So after she gives birth to children, I'll pick them up to live in the county. I'm sure you won't have a problem?"

Old man Tian frowned at this.

"This... I'm afraid it's not very good. We Tian people live in your horse's house. What's the matter? It's hard to say when it comes out." old Tian shook his head.

"Hehe, with you, my son-in-law's future will be ruined. Don't you want your son to have a good career? If he is in the county, our family can pay for him to continue studying in the county, and let him go to the best Academy."

Master Ma took out his killer mace, because he knew that the Tian family expected the fourth to be admitted to the scholar. The whole family could rely on him to honor their ancestors.

"But when you say that, why does it sound like I want old four to step in?" Li frowned.

"I said to my mother-in-law, you think a little too much. If we really want to let the sea interfere in the door, can we let the daughter marry? It's all to make it convenient for him to study, isn't it? You think, he lives here, and it takes a lot of time to go back and forth every day. And those students who live in the county use this time to read."

Mrs. Ma quickly helped her master speak, hoping to persuade Li.

Sure enough, the woman in the countryside is not as smart as the old lady in the county. As soon as Li listens, this is also a good thing. At that time, someone will take care of the tuition fees of her own scholar and don't have to take money from her own family. Isn't that a good thing?

In addition, Mahalanobis is really difficult to play. Because of Mahalanobis, the other two daughters-in-law are a little cocky these days. Therefore, if xueshulang goes to live in the county with his daughter-in-law, his position at home can be consolidated.

Mr. Tian also thinks it's OK to do this. Anyway, he wants his son to live in the county for a few years. Anyway, when he is admitted to the scholar, his family can follow him. Moreover, he doesn't have to worry about having no money to pay for his teaching all day. It's really good.

"I'll think about it first, and wait until the baby is born." Mr. Tian said.

Seeing that there was a way, master Ma got up with a smile and directly led his wife away.

Before leaving, Ma was reluctant to let his parents go. She cried for a while when she watched the carriage go away. Fortunately, there was a nanny coaxing her, so she didn't feel so uncomfortable.

"Cut, I'm going to be a mother, and I'm crying all day. It's a joke." Gao said with his mouth tilted.

"I said sister-in-law, don't talk about others. The girls from the county are just different from us. We are all careless. They are very expensive. We can't compare with others," said Jiang.

"Oh, isn't it? She can sleep happily all day until she gets up at any time, and she doesn't have to cook with us. Didn't she work all over the world when I was pregnant?"

"Sister-in-law, it's said that people are the ladies of big families. Unlike us, don't keep looking at people's heels." Jiang was a little impatient.

Jiang Shi is a typical wallflower. Now she has chosen her own team. She always runs to Mahalanobis when she has nothing to do. During this time, she is familiar with Mahalanobis.

"You two lazy bones, if you want to be lazy, you have to give birth to a good family, or you have to work. What are you doing there, boss? Don't hurry to help Heni?" Li said angrily.

Jiang had long been carrying the basin with eyes and went to help with the mud. The earth brick house still needs to be bonded with something mixed with yellow mud and some sand and stone. In order to save money, Li didn't intend to hire anyone at all.


Fang Wenhao played with the pig killing knife given to him by the big head, and his thoughts immediately floated out of the sky.

He remembered several crises Tian Yuqiao had encountered before, all related to pigs. The greasy looking knife in my hand is the bane of pigs. If this is given to Joel, it is estimated that with the bloody and murderous gas on the knife, the pigs should not dare to approach her again.

Thinking of this, he immediately scalded the handle with hot water. After washing it, he wrapped a circle of red rope around the outside. Decided to give Tian Yuqiao as a gift on her birthday.

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