With silver in his hand, Li renovated his house. Both inside and outside were plastered, and some broken earth bricks were replaced with new ones. The tiles on the roof were replaced with good red tiles, and two East Wing rooms were built over there.

On the other side of the West Wing room, there were also two rooms on the floor where Tian Yuqiao's family used to live, which were for nannies.

Now the Tian family's house can be ranked first in the whole mountain village, which makes the old man Tian go out to the ground and straighten his waist.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to build a house during this period, Jiang found a job to help Ma buy, which gave her some money in her hand. That day, Tian Dahu asked Jiang for some copper plates and went to the town to eat out.

I ordered a plate of fried peanuts, a plate of sauce beef and a pot of wine. He was pouring and drinking himself when he heard a familiar voice: "brother Tian, it's such a coincidence that our brothers met here."

The person who came was the little gangster three inch Ding, the short man who went up the mountain with Tian Dahu to take Tian Yuqiao away.

"Oh, brother, hurry to sit here. It's a coincidence today. I haven't seen you for a long time. Where are you getting rich recently? Why are you so busy?" Tian Dahu said with a smile.

The three inch Ding quickly "rolled" his short figure, jumped directly into the chair and squatted down like a ball. Now he looks almost as tall as Tian Dahu sitting. If he sits, he can't reach the table at all.

"Elder brother, it seems that you've been doing well these days. You have spare money to drink here. Why, my sister-in-law doesn't watch you spend money now?" three inch Ding poured himself a glass of wine and asked with a smile.

"Don't cancel my brother. If I had money, would I still drink here? I would have gone to the aftertaste restaurant to eat big fish and meat."

"I heard that a rich man in Linxian County seems to be looking for a child's daughter-in-law for his idiot son. We didn't succeed last time. I don't know if you dare to do it this time?" three inch Ding asked in a low voice.

Tian Dahu shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "Oh, forget it. Before, their family had only orphans and widows, and they still lived in the mountains. We can't do it. Now it's even more impossible. Brother, I advise you to die."

Three inch Ding's chopsticks, which were holding sauce beef, immediately stopped and asked curiously, "Oh? Why is it more impossible now? Is it because your second sister-in-law remarried?"

"That's not true. I just don't know what wealth they made. They actually made a lot of money, and they built big brick houses in the village. That's not enough. Now they have dug a fish pond. Although my second sister-in-law is not a big landlord, she can also be a small rich man."

"What, your second sister-in-law's family is so rich. How can it be? Darling, could it be that your second sister-in-law's red apricot came out of the wall? No wonder people say that when this woman hooks up casually, a man takes the initiative to send money. Tut Tut, tell me quickly."

Three inch Ding showed his gossip and his face was full of cheap smiles. He also rubbed himself against Tian Dahu's side with his chair. The chair made a lot of movement and attracted the dissatisfied eyes of many customers.

Tian Dahu poured himself a glass of wine and drank it directly. Then he said, "my second sister-in-law is not like that. It is said that my niece got the relics of master Huiyuan in Nanshan Temple. It is said that there is a recipe and maybe other things in it. They didn't disclose them at all."

"Recipe? What recipe can be worth so much money?" three inch Ding was a little unbelievable.

"That's not why. I heard the guys in huiweizhai mutter that they bought the sausage recipe from my second sister-in-law. You see, the sausages in huiweizhai are very popular, and they probably don't earn less money. You said that the recipe for making sausages can sell less money? Moreover, I heard that my niece is powerful, and even has the same recipe with Ji Ren Tang Involved. "

"Oh, so we really have to find a good way. By the way, why don't we just find a chance to kidnap her. At that time, we don't have to sell her to other places. Let her mother hand over the recipe and silver, which will be enough for our brothers to be free and happy." three inch Ding said stealthily.

"That's my niece after all. Even if I really want to kidnap, I'll have to share more of the bonus." Tian Dajiang narrowed his eyes.

"Ha ha, that's natural. Brother, you should take the big head. After all, you provided the news."

After thinking for a while, Tian Dahu moved his chair in the direction of three inches and whispered, "the girl is very clever. Now my nephew is studying in the next village. Let's tie the boy directly when he goes to school. It's faster than tying my niece to get money."

"Oh, come on, let me give you a toast. It's worthy of my recognition. You really have a vision."

"Well, let's not meet so openly in the future. If there's any news, you'll be under the big locust tree in our village. There's a pile of stones. If there's anything, just put a note under it."

When three inch Ding heard the speech, he said, "Hey, brother, you're really good. There's a brother reading at home. Even you learned to read?"

"That's not true, but now there are some little girls at home. Hey, why do I tell you this?"

Three inch Ding heard that there was a little girl, and a pair of mouse eyes immediately gave out a thief light.

"Your fourth brother married his daughter-in-law? Oh, brother, you really have the ability. It's said that rabbits don't eat nest grass. Are you interested in your sister-in-law?" three inch Ding smiled obscene.

Tian Dahu put down his chopsticks and flicked them on three inch Ding's head. He angrily said, "what are you talking about? My four younger brothers and sisters are the ladies of a large family. As soon as they marry into our family, they bring two old women and two beautiful little girls."

"Oh, brother, oh, no, I should call you brother-in-law. Ha ha! Today's meal is my brother's invitation. Can you help me make peace? After all, they are servants of your family now, and you are half the master? If you can't, you can ask your old brother for help. Alas, how old am I now, and I'm single..."

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