After the gold and wealth poisoned the three inch Ding, they went straight back to Tian Yuqiao's house.

"How are things going?" Tian Yuqiao asked curiously.

The gold "squeaked" twice and rushed directly to Caicai. Unexpectedly, it performed the scene it saw in front of Tian Yuqiao.

Nima, this is a typical cat and mouse spring palace battle scene! Tian Yuqiao immediately felt a chill.

"Stop, I know the effect. Don't act again." Tian Yuqiao roared with a red face.

Caicai is also playing with gold. Although it is a spirit, it also thinks that such action is very fun.

Tian Yuqiao seemed to understand something from the action of gold. He immediately sighed with a bitter face: "Hey, it seems that the medicine still didn't work."

Caicai said, "your pill is not effective enough. People have said that you are not allowed to refine it with the herbs you dig. You have to listen. Your pill will last longer, but the effect is only a little. You can only poison the part."

Tian Yuqiao realized that the soft bone pill combined with others could paralyze the bones of the enemy, and his own pill was a variant version. She doesn't know how long it will last, but it can only soften the man's heart.

Alas, this is really a good medicine to punish the scum man! If only she had this medicine in her previous life? It's better than any law to give all those scum men who cheat on him this medicine.

If you want to return, Tian Yuqiao still hopes to practice the soft bone pill.

Looking at the sky outside, it's already dawn, but it's still cloudy outside. It's raining continuously and it's endless.

Wang has gone down to cook for everyone. Looking at the hot pot soup she washed out yesterday, she was reluctant to pour it out, so she added some meat and vegetables and stewed a big pot directly.

The little guy didn't expect to have that taste this morning. He was so excited that he ate two bowls of white rice at one go. After dinner, when there was nothing to do, Tian Yuqiao hid in the room and sneaked into the virtual environment to improve her soft bone pill.

The little guy helped Wang chop chicken food in the stove. One person had a big rusty kitchen knife, which made the vegetable board "clang". Don't say, that sound sounds rhythmic.

Tian Yuqiao closed the contact with the outside world, but let Jin take charge of the wind outside. She herself is dedicated to looking for deficiencies in the virtual environment.

Before, she considered refining with the medicinal materials she dug from the mountains. This time, she listened to Caicai's suggestion and used the medicinal materials brought by Xujing to refine.

Honghong is idle and bored. She eats all the pill residues that Tian Yuqiao left in the medicine field. It also burps. Now it burps with the smell of medicine.

After Tian Yuqiao finally refined a furnace of pills, he found that the red that served as his belt was gone.

"Hong Hong, where have you been?" Tian Yuqiao shouted.

When Caicai brought Honghong out of the medicine field, he was paralyzed and couldn't even lift his head.

"Caicai, what's going on?" Tian Yuqiao asked with a frown.

Holding the soft red in his hand, Tian Yuqiao was worried. He didn't know what happened to the little guy.

"Hum, this greedy devil, he used the waste residue of pills you left in the medicine field as fertilizer as snacks. He also ate a lot. It's estimated that even the medicine king can't get it out. It's not easy to digest. It's estimated that he won't wake up until the messy drugs disappear."

Tian Yuqiao's eyes brightened and asked with a smile, "Caicai, do you think it's my soft bone pill? I should keep all the residues that I failed to refine, and then combine them together and refine again. Maybe I can develop a more powerful variant soft bone pill."

Caicai wrinkled his two small black eyebrows and said with disgust on his face, "ah, it's really poor. Honghong has been sacrificed. Won't you experiment with the fool of gold next time?"

"Don't talk nonsense. Why is gold stupid? At least it's more reliable than you. You don't test the medicine for me." Tian Yuqiao said with a mouth.

"If you let me stay with young lady Yutang, I'll promise to test the medicine for you. But even if your things are so powerful, they won't work here."

Tian Yuqiao squatted on the ground and said in his heart that Caicai was not afraid of poison.

On second thought, since his third uncle wanted to kill the little guy, it's better to let Caicai follow him. Anyway, when the little guy is in class, Caicai can also be invisible. With money around, the safety of the little guy is guaranteed.

"Yes, I promised you, but you must take good care of Yutang for me. Now someone wants to plot against him, you must protect him." Tian Yuqiao asked seriously.

Caicai nodded excitedly and said, "don't worry about it. I'll just collect more pill residues you've wasted. Anyway, it can't kill people, but it can make life worse than death."

Tian Yuqiao, with a black face, smiled and said to Caicai, "well, do I think you're praising me or me? Hehe, just think you're praising me. You've got a good eye, so you'll follow the little guy in the future. Alas, I didn't expect that Caicai was a little flower maniac."

After Caicai gave her a white eye, he plunged into the medicine field and looked for it there. How it hopes that Hongfang didn't eat up all the "garbage", but the reality is skinny! It didn't find any residue

Tian Yuqiao is frantically improving his pill, while Tian Dahu is sad at the old house of the Tian family.

Three inch Ding said to Chunhua, "I may have drunk a little too much today. Although the wine is not strong enough, it makes it drunk. I'll hurt you another day. Go back first. Don't worry, I'll be able to scrape up enough money to redeem you in the future."

"Then you have to keep your word. You can't hurt others." Chunhua said with a shy face.

"Hey, look at you being beaten by that bitch. I feel distressed to see my brother. I want to hurt you into my bones, but now the conditions don't allow it. Go back first and take good care of yourself, but don't frown on the bitch's mildew." three inch Ding asked.

Chunhua nodded shyly and went out of the house with tears. As soon as I went out, I ran into Gao.

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