As soon as Chunhua came out of the warehouse, she happened to meet Gao Shi next door who was pouring water. The two almost hit each other. Fortunately, Chunhua was thin and small, so she turned to one side directly, which made Gao pass.

"Oh, I say you little girl's film is OK. It's only a few days after the third brought the man back. You actually hooked up with him. Tut Tut, your Ma family's tutor really gave us people in the gully a good insight. That's how you educate your daughter with your so-called big families?"

Originally, the girl of spring flower has grown so big. She has just tasted the forbidden fruit. Today, she is dissatisfied with her desire. Now her heart is on fire. Hearing Gao's run, her anger suddenly came up.

"No matter how bad I am, it's not up to you. I'm the dowry girl of our master for our young lady. According to the truth, I'm also the housekeeper of the fourth master. I think the identity of the fourth master should be the first in this family. I'm afraid even the master can't do anything. Where can you come to me?"

Hearing that Chunhua dared to talk to her like this, Gao immediately became angry and didn't fight at all. At the beginning, she planned to ask Li Shi for a girl to call. Even if she couldn't, at least it shouldn't be a problem to find a daughter-in-law for their eldest brother. Now this spring flower girl has given it to the outsider cheaply.

After Gao complained about Tian Dahu, he turned his anger to Chunhua.

This big man is already seventeen this year. If he doesn't get married again, he will be reduced to a big joke in the village. Originally, she was going to ask Tian Dajiang to go to Li Shi to say that she was thinking of a little girl coming over, whether she was a spring flower or an autumn moon, at least a woman, wasn't she?

As a result, today, the spring flower really hooked up with the short white gourd.

"Well, you cheap hoof, dare to talk to me like that. I don't think you want to be good, do you?"

When Gao finished, he swung his arm round and put a big ear scraper on Chunhua's face. Yuanben Chunhua was beaten by Ma today, and now she was beaten by Gao, and the corners of her mouth immediately shed blood.

Three inch Ding, who was worried about himself somewhere on the Kang, heard the cry of spring flowers outside. He immediately put on his clothes and jumped out of the window, almost smashing Gao's foot face.

"Oh, who should I be? It's you. Why do you go through the window? Do you think you're a great Xia or something? Why do I look so like a toad in our place? Tut Tut, it's almost jumping on my face. It really doesn't bite and respond to people." Gao twisted his ass and said.

When dington was three inches old, he turned over his toad eyes and scolded with jumping feet: "You woman, I've never seen anything like you. Where did our spring flower offend you? You ran on her like this? Did you like me too? Tut Tut, but with your honor, I'm tall, even though I'm short. I really didn't like your size. Ugly people do more mischief."

"Pooh, you look like a toad and have a high heart? I think you are a toad wanting to eat swan meat. Unfortunately, we don't even have a few ducks here, let alone the swan. By the way, what about the old hens in our chicken pen? They are all beautiful compared with you. Why don't I make peace with you? You don't have to Thank me so much. "

Before Gao finished, he felt a burning pain on his feet, as if he had been hit by a big stone.

"Oh, wow, you dare to step on my feet." Gao turned to his house and shouted, "master, master, your woman has been bullied. If you don't want to be a live bastard, hurry out to me."

Tian Dajiang is now full of thoughts about the autumn moon girl. He doesn't like Gao's view. Now when he hears her yelling outside, he is even more impatient.

"What are you yelling about? You're a black sheep. You don't look very good. Your voice is louder than that of a donkey every day."

Tian Dajiang pulled his shoes and walked out of the house reluctantly.

"I said to boss Tian, you don't take good care of your mother-in-law. She came out to find my bad luck when she was free. Look, she beat our spring flowers." three inch Ding was so angry that he jumped on the ground.

"Hum, what kind of thing are you? At best, the third man picked it up from the outside. He really treats himself as a dish. Look at you, you're not as tall as our fourth man. Just because you still want to think about other people's spring flowers. I suggest you'd better die. Now our eldest man and the second man of the third family haven't found anything yet." Tian Dajiang angrily said.

When he was three inches dington, he jumped up and stepped directly on the bench. Only then did he barely look at Tian Dajiang.

"Don't think I don't know what you're thinking. You're not comfortable with yourself holding such a vulgar mother-in-law and seeing that I've married a beautiful little wife. Yes, you can rest this smelly mother-in-law in your family now. Then we'll compete fairly. I don't believe it. Chunhua was my man yesterday. Can you take it away?"

Before Tian Dajiang spoke, Gao quit and kicked directly on the small bench. The three inch Ding didn't stand firm. He went directly under the steps and fell all over the mud.

Spitting out the mud in his mouth, three inches of Ding was so angry that he had to come forward and start with the Gao couple.

"Brother, don't tell my eldest brother the same thing. The spring flowers will be yours sooner or later. My mother will talk to you after these days, even rainy days. You can live here at ease these days. I'll see who dares to show you the face, hum."

Tian Dahu turned his head and went back to the house, leaving Tian Dajiang and Gao standing under the eaves.

"Hum, for my elder brother's sake, I won't argue with you today. I'm a capable man. You offended me today, so be careful. When you started out, you were still digging in the mud. Tut Tut, I think highly of you. Now you're also digging in the mud? Ha ha..."

"Bah, look at his virtue. He really takes himself seriously." Gao spat.

"Come on, you mother-in-law, don't say a word. I'm hungry, hurry to cook some corn flour paste for me." Tian Dajiang frowned and walked into the house.

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