Spring flower and autumn moon have become the fragrant pastry in the eyes of the eldest and third of the Tian family since they came to the old Tian family house that day. Although these two girls are Ma's dowry girls, they can also be regarded as the Tongfang of the scholar Lang. It's just that Mahalanobis is more domineering, dominates the reading man, and doesn't let the two girls have a chance to get close to the reading man, so he's cheap.

In private, Tian Dajiang and Tian Dahu did not discuss less. The two thought that the two little girls could be divided into one. If they were not in good condition, they could add two sons to the family.

Now Tian Dahu is trying to kidnap his own nephew, so he leads the wolf into the house and takes the three inch Ding home. The old man also joined in the fun and stayed with guests in rainy days. There's no way, Li Shi can only keep the short white gourd.

Li's side is leading Tian Guihua to paste window paper there. It's been raining for so long. Fortunately, the old house has just been renovated. Otherwise, it's estimated that it will leak.

"Mom, I heard the noise from the fourth sister-in-law before. It seems that it's because of the money losing goods of Chunhua."

"Hey, your third brother didn't come to me today to tell me what happened. The short white gourd he brought back has a crush on the girl Chunhua. Well, let's let him come and hire him when it's sunny. He can't think about it if it's less than twenty Liang silver. Hua Hua, is there enough paper on your side? If it's not enough, go to your eldest brother's side and ask for some more."

Tian Guihua had just finished pasting half a window here, and the other side was blown open by the wind.

"Oh, mom, I'm so bored. If we also changed the glazed windows, would it take so much effort now? Really, by the way, mom, how much silver do you still have in your hand? Can you change my house first?" Tian Guihua said with a smile.

Li's face stiffened and said, "I said, you dead girl, how much money do you have in your mother's hand? Don't shout around. If your sister-in-law knows, they won't have to worry about it. After building the house, there's not much money left for your fourth sister-in-law's family."

"Cut, don't think I don't know. How much money can you use to build those two houses?"

"Oh, you little girl, you really don't know how expensive firewood is. It doesn't hurt your back to stand and talk. Why do you talk like your sister-in-law and third sister-in-law? Tell me, are they encouraging you again? It must be these two things that want to use you as a gun again." Li angrily didn't look at Tian Guihua.

"Mom, I think what my sister-in-law said is also right. You should marry that spring flower to that who..."

"That toad thinks about eating swan meat all day. Hum, don't think your sister-in-law is kind-hearted. In fact, she just sees that your eldest brother looks at the girl more. She's eager to marry someone else's daughter." Li said fiercely.

Tian Dajiang was depressed because of the spring flower. Suddenly, he had an idea and thought of the girl of the autumn moon. Although she is relatively young, she is also very good. It's just that the mother-in-law of her family is bent on betrothing the autumn moon to her eldest brother. It's not easy for him to be a father to rob a woman with his son, isn't it?

Tian Dahu also has his own calculations. In fact, he is optimistic about the autumn moon girl. Originally, Jiang Shi also saw the signs and immediately proposed to mention it to Li Shi to let Qiuyue be Erlang's daughter-in-law.

In order to tie Tian Dahu's heart, Jiang likes to Pound himself these days. Those who paint rouge and powder all day and those who see the sky stick it on Tian Dahu's body.

During this period of time, she didn't give less words to Ma, which instigated Ma's relationship with his mother-in-law to become worse and worse. Jiang himself benefited from it and got a lot of benefits from Mahalanobis.

The money for buying Rouge powder was all given by Ma Ma. Otherwise, she could not have been so extravagant and bought the 20 Wen box of rouge.

After dinner, Jiang's family flirted in front of Tian Dahu. Tian Dahu also moved that idea. I thought about taking my mother-in-law as the little girl of autumn moon. Anyway, it's the same when I blow the light.

After they had been lingering for a long time, at the most critical time, the Tian Dahu failed! Jiang turned angrily and ignored his man.

"Do you think your soul has been taken away by the two little girls brought by your fourth daughter-in-law?"

Tian Dahu is also depressed. It usually works very well. Why can't you stand up today? Hearing Jiang scold himself, he naturally didn't have a good tone.

"What are you talking about? Go to sleep. Maybe I drink a little high with my brother today, and maybe I can do it tomorrow." Tian Dahu said angrily.

When the light was blown, there was rain outside from time to time. Although Tian Dahu and Jiang slept on the same Kang, they had different dreams in the same bed and had different thoughts.

Jiang's family thought that she had to "deal with" the little girl Qiuyue. Even if she didn't become her own Erlang's daughter-in-law, she had to ask her mother-in-law to marry her to Dalang as soon as possible. Anyway, you can't let your men think about it any more.

Tian Dahu is also thinking. Although he usually doesn't like to see his own yellow faced woman, he won't be like that, will he? It's better to marry the little girl Qiuyue as a concubine as soon as possible. It's better to learn from the three inch boy. Let him cut first and then play. Let's cook the raw rice first.

He doesn't believe it. Can he still face the little girl Qiuyue? If that were true, he would have no meaning to live.

The nanny slept in the earthen brick house built by Tian Jiaxin for them and sighed, "Hey, Chunhua, I said, how can you do such a stupid thing? Don't you know who that short white gourd is?"

"Aunt, I can't help it. That day I went to the thatched cottage. Your fear doesn't matter. I left myself there. In my hurry and in the dark, I ran to the wrong place. Isn't it? I can't blame me completely. The dwarf just... Sobbing ~"

Chunhua cried miserably. Mrs. Feng said, "Qiuyue, you can't also go astray, do you know? I don't think the other two brothers in the Tian family look like good stubble except our lady's uncle. Don't let them take advantage of us who are not familiar with our place of life now."

The nanny also said, "yes, I also know that you two are old and want to get married. When our uncle passes the scholar's examination, you two can become the concubine of the scholar's master. Isn't it much better to be a concubine for his two mud legged brothers? I can see that the two brothers are not kind."

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