It rained continuously for seven or eight days. In the village near the mountain village, some families were poor and the house quality was not particularly good. None of them could stand the test in the heavy rain. There are more than ten families whose houses have collapsed. All of them, old and small, have no place to live.

Jin Jin told Tian Yuqiao about the disaster in the eight villages around him. In fact, he didn't pay much attention. He just told Tian Yuqiao that there were seven or eight villages around him, which were flooded by the muddy water rolling down the mountain.

Tian Yuqiao knows that this is the debris flow. I didn't expect such a tragic thing when I spent my first summer here.

The big clock at the head of the village rang again. Tian Yuqiao had no men at home, so he didn't have to go there. However, worried about whether something had happened in the village, Wang took Tian Yuqiao out with the little guy.

When I came to the entrance of the village, I saw the village head standing on the big stone and said to the villagers, "dear parents and villagers, now there are more than a dozen families in our village. They have lost their houses in the heavy rain. Even the vegetable fields have been destroyed. So I called you today to ask us to help as much as we can."

"Village head, in fact, none of us is rich in the mountain village. If we were asked to help repair the house, it would be unspoken. But if we were asked to donate money, it wouldn't work." Tian Dajiang was talking.

When the pillar said, "brother Tian, you can't say that. If your house falls down, I guess you want someone to help you? Compare your hearts. No one is blind. Village head, I'll give you five Dou of sorghum rice."

"Although I'm a widow, I'm willing to contribute to the villagers in the village. Go and get two buckets of rice at home." Li said.

The embolus answered and ran to the house.

Then there were many villagers who asked their daughter-in-law or children to go back and get things. After less than an hour, the big stone at the entrance of the village was filled with a lot of things donated by the villagers.

There are old clothes, quilts, and all kinds of melons, fruits and vegetables. Potatoes, cabbage and radishes are the majority, and some people donate eggs.

Wang's eyes were red. She looked at Tian Yuqiao and whispered, "Joe, what do we donate?"

"Mom, I'll go back and get it now." Tian Yuqiao said, and took the little guy home.

Holding his little donkey, the donkey carried a bamboo basket with some vegetables, sorghum rice and corn flour on one side. It is not that she is reluctant to give rice flour, but at this time, if she is too popular, it may become the focus of people's eyes.

After bringing things, people also talked about it.

"Look at Joe's house. I donated these old things at once. Alas, all the things in our vegetable field are finished. At the moment, we don't have enough to eat and can't get anything."

"It's not why. People heard that a glass shed was built. It's estimated that the vegetables in the shed can still be eaten. It's not much to donate."

"Tut Tut, it's not too old. Joel's family doesn't have land. They have to spend money on their own food."


After the people dispersed one after another, Tian Yuqiao quietly handed the village head twenty liang of silver.

"Grandpa village head, my mother asked me to give it to you secretly. Don't say it's the silver taken out by our family." the little guy smiled and lay down beside the village head's ear.

The village head smiled and nodded. Then he said, "Hey, it's still your family's benevolence and righteousness. Cheng, your family doesn't want to be in the limelight. The village head's grandfather knows. Don't worry. I'll change this silver into grain and give it to those families."

"Village head, village head, it's bad. I heard that several other villages at the foot of the mountain have been flooded. Many mud and stones have been washed down by the flood. Many villagers have been trapped. I see that people are about to drown."

"Er Leng, what are you talking about? Other villages have been hit by disasters?" the village head asked in a trembling voice.

The second lengzi nodded and said anxiously, "yes, only a few villages haven't suffered from the disaster. Alas, if it's said, we are here thanks to the group of soldiers who built some tombs here, which blocked the river on the mountain. Otherwise, we might not be better this time."

"Amitabha, Amitabha, thanks to God, otherwise our village would be unlucky," said the village head's wife.

"Come on, stop nagging. Take time to go up the mountain and go to the Nanshan Temple. Thank the Bodhisattva and ask the Bodhisattva to bless us with good weather."

Tian Yuqiao was embarrassed that she had donated only a few things, but she was already quite a lot.

Ningguan village has its own dam and a drainage ditch has been built near the foot of the mountain, so there is no big deal at Zhu Rongrong's house this time.

However, big head still led Zhu Rongrong back to the Zhu family. After all, he didn't sell anything for so long. Big head was worried that the Zhu family only had meat and no food. So Guan ordered a large basket of green vegetables and brought them with him.

Fang Wenhao took the remaining nine people down the mountain and said he wanted to help dredge the drainage in the village. Fortunately, the road near the mountain village has been repaired, that is, the drainage effect of each household in the village is not so good.

But these things can be done by the villagers themselves. Now Tian Yuqiao is concerned that plague will break out after heavy rain.

She went directly to the town with Fang Wenhao to discuss the disaster relief with Yao Laowu of Jiren hall.

"Joe, we have done flood fighting and disaster relief in Jiren hall in previous years. Don't worry. We know what to do and how many people will be affected in those villages. I've asked people to prepare the medicine for the plague in advance." Yao Laowu said.

Tian Yuqiao said with a smile, "Uncle Yao is really not an ordinary person. He does great things. It's my honor to cooperate with people like you."

"Don't flatter me, you little girl. If you really have that heart, you can refine some other medicine for me. The medicine you sent me before works very well. Don't be lazy, you girl. I'm waiting for your good news."

Tian Yuqiao was a little embarrassed. He said that he was practicing poison. It was an accident that he could make the laxative slippery pill. Now she has a new drug in her hand, which can make a man not lift, for fear that he dare not ask for it.

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