Lao Jiu adopted the four fatherless orphans and planned to train them all into qualified killers. But the children are still young. He has to take his time.

The oldest girl is only six years old. Lao Jiu changed her name to rose because she has a thorn. There are two four-year-old girls, one is lively, while the other is silent. They are completely opposite.

"How old are you two?" Lao Jiu squatted down and asked with a smile.

The lively little girl replied, "she and I are four years old. We are all from chenjiacun."

"Oh, you are both four years old. Well, you'll be called Rose and she'll be called rose. What do you think of this name? If it doesn't sound good, Shifu, I'll change it for you."

"Yes, the name is just a code. Just like my father, his name is erlengzi. My mother says such a name is easy to feed." Rose continued.

Rose did not say a word, but nodded, a little shy.

The remaining three-year-old, bolder little girl said crisply, "I also like thorns. I heard my mother say that cactus is full of thorns. I'll call it cactus."

Lao Jiu nodded with a smile and said, "OK, you like it. But cactus can not only have thorns, but it's still a medicinal herb. Do you know?"

"I don't know, uncle, you know so much. Will you tell us a story later?" the little cactus blinked a pair of clear and innocent eyes.

Seeing Lao Jiu a little ashamed, he wanted to bring them all a way of no return, and those little girls even regarded themselves as good people. Alas, for his revenge, he can only give up these poor little girls.

"Well, you can call me master nine in the future. I'll take time to exercise you, make you all healthy, and then teach you Kung Fu. If anyone performs well, I'll tell her a story alone."

Old nine smiled and picked up the little girl called cactus. He was happy and smiled very kindly.

"Master nine, if people learn well, can they eat chicken legs every day?" the cactus asked.

When she mentioned the drumstick, Lao Jiu was surprised to find that there was a glimmer of longing in the eyes of several other little girls.

The corners of Lao Jiu's mouth rose and said that as long as these little girls have weakness, it would be much easier to do. Tempting them with delicious food is the best way. It works better than anything.

He told the two guards outside to boil some eggs, and each divided them into two.

Looking at the way they wolfed down, Lao Jiu couldn't help falling into meditation. He went out and shouted to the two people, "didn't I say I wanted you to take good care of these little girls? Why are you hungry?"

"If we return to the ninth master, how dare we neglect them? Our brothers give them all the best food for three meals a day."

"That's right. When did our brothers do the work you arranged? We both ate dry food and gave them hot food."

Lao Jiu patted the two men on the shoulder and said, "I know you two have a hard job. I have to. You can't take in girls in the military camp, and these little girls are hard-working people. Their fate is similar to that of me, so I plan to cultivate them into my confidants, and I also want them to become a sharp blade in my hand."

"Nine masters are wise." they bowed together and said.

When I returned to the camp again, I found that the little girls had eaten their eggs and were all a little sleepy. At first they were afraid, so they didn't dare to sleep. Now, once you put down the burden in your heart, the little girls will be defeated by sleepiness. After eating and drinking enough, they will be too sleepy to lift their heads.

"You guys live here first. After three days, you'll learn some basic skills from the two uncles who are guarding you outside. You practice best. You have chicken legs to eat every day." Lao Jiu said with a smile.

As soon as they heard the word "chicken leg", several little girls suddenly perked up and nodded heavily.

"Don't worry, master nine. We will practice martial arts well. For the sake of chicken legs, oh no, for the sake of master nine's face. We won't lose face to you in front of the other eight masters in the future." Rose said with a smile.

Old nine hates cold. What do you mean there are eight masters?

"Is rose wrong? Shouldn't there be one master and two masters in front of master nine...?" asked the cactus.

Lao Jiu smiled and touched her little yellow head: "all your other eight masters died in their jobs to protect our master. Children, are you afraid? Once you follow me into the killer business, your life will be the master's. If you regret now, I will find some more people to settle you down."

All the little girls looked at each other. Although they didn't know what the killer was, they seemed to like the uncle in front of them. So he whispered for a while, and then they all expressed their attitude.

"We are willing to learn martial arts from master nine. When we grow up, we will uphold justice."

"Yes, so are we. As long as there are chicken legs every day..."

"Hahaha, you little girls are really thinking about drumsticks. Don't worry, as long as you practice martial arts well, master nine promises you that you will do it. Even if you don't have drumsticks, master, I'll bring you some game to eat."

After arranging things here, Lao Jiu called Fang Wenhao over all night.

"Hao'er, to tell you the truth, I was originally a subordinate of the twelve princes, that is, the person buried in the mausoleum. Now my master is gone, but his great revenge has not been repaid. I am unwilling."

Fang Wenhao jerked from the corners of his eyes and felt as if he had knocked over the bottle of five flavors. Looking at his familiar subordinates, it seemed that he didn't see the appearance of lying in his eyes. Maybe he covered it up well. Anyway, he won't easily trust anyone anymore.

Fang Wenhao nodded and could only say that he was willing to obey the orders of the ninth master.

"I didn't call you so late for anything else. This is the centurion's token. You can have more people under your hands in the future. I won't ask about these people in the future. It's up to you."

Fang Wenhao's heart was cold. Could it be that Lao Jiu was extending an olive branch to himself? But let's watch it. I can't believe him yet.

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