In the twinkling of an eye, it has been more than ten days since the flood. All the affected villages have been helped by the villagers and settled down temporarily. With the medicine of shopkeeper Yao, the food sent by Tian Yuqiao's family and the green vegetables watered by the lotus pond water in the virtual environment, the victims were not tortured by illness.

Lao Jiu promoted Fang Wenhao to an official position, but he still had to go through a formality. In addition, during this period, Fang Wenhao and Tian Yuqiao's family helped those villages, so they made him a centurion official completely justified.

When Fang Wenhao returned, he felt like he was in the clouds. After doing so many things, he became a centurion. In that case, he can't get cheap alone, can he?

The next day, he directly took the nine people down the mountain, plus big head. A total of ten people were promoted by him and became ten captains. A person in charge of the No. 10 person suddenly grew a lot.

"Boss, what's your luck?" the big head asked with a smile.

"Don't make a fool of me. This time it's because we're helping with disaster relief in the surrounding villages, so none of us is blind. I mentioned the centurion this time. I can't eat meat alone, so you can't even drink soup. Now you're all centurions. Go up the mountain and change your clothes later. Don't embarrass me."

"Well, the little ones will be satisfied with your words. But do we have people to choose by ourselves?" the big head blinked and asked.

Fang Wenhao nodded and said, "go, let's try to pick out the elite under the ninth master. You must have eyes and don't pick the wrong person."

After big head told Zhu Rongrong, he took those people up the mountain to change his waist tag and clothes.

Fang Wenhao's promotion was soon spread throughout the village. Li was so angry that he jumped around the room and scolded the stars.

"How can these goddamn bastards get such a big bargain for their family? Tell me, it's good that we worked hard for the fourth grade of Bala to study. We haven't even got a job. Hey, look at the foot of the mountain. People picked up such a wild child on the mountain, and now they are all senior officials."

Li shouted angrily in his yard for fear that others would not hear him.

"Oh, my mother, do you want to live or what? Now the boy is in charge of more than a hundred people. They kill people without blinking. Look at the big knife hanging in their waist. It's not a decoration. How good would it be if they heard it?" Jiang advised.

Now Jiang still has the mind to persuade his mother-in-law here. In the evening, she will be depressed.

These days, Tian Dahu has always been unable to do that, which makes him very depressed, so he can only take Jiang Shi to vent his anger. All day in the house, he was drunk and had all the money he had brought from Jiang Shicong Marx to replace the inferior Baijiu liquor.

Three inch Ding is also cool. Originally, Li thought it was sunny. That three inch Ding could come to him with a lot of betrothal gifts to marry spring flowers. As a result, there has been no movement up to now.

Tian Dahu didn't pass the gas with three inch Ding. They told each other all their "difficult words".

"Brother, I didn't expect that we had the same disease. It seems that it's not easy. I think someone calculated us on the eighth floor, otherwise we could all have such a disease? I heard your eldest brother and his sister-in-law shouting loudly in their room next door." three inch Ding said.

"Hey, that's not why. The fourth brother is fine. Although my sister-in-law is pregnant now, it doesn't delay them from doing that. I can't do it now. It's strange that I can sleep after listening to that voice." Tian Dahu said sadly.

Three inch Ding's mouse eyes suddenly stared round, and he was a little excited. He really wanted to cure his problems at once.

"There's something wrong with this. It seems that this man is specifically aimed at our brothers. Let me see, the eighth floor is your sister-in-law. She has revealed that she wants to betroth one of Chunhua and Qiuyue to their eldest brother. This time she sees me and Chunhua, and she hates me." three inch Ding analyzed.

Tian Dahu also said, "I think there's something strange about it. Hey, don't tell me. I'm a little suspicious of our mother-in-law. She's going to tell our Erlang about Qiuyue. When I saw that little girl staring at Qiuyue for two more eyes that day, she told us that our nose is not our nose and our face is not our face."

"Elder brother, that's right. It must be the two women who gave us some medicine. In my opinion, we can't wait any longer. We have to see the doctor quickly."

"What you said is light. We've spent all our money these days. We've all bought wine and drink. Where can we afford to see a doctor? There's such an old doctor in the village, but we can't spread the news, so we still have to go to the town to see a doctor." Tian Dahu said.

After the two men made up their mind, three inch Ding went to the spring flower girl and got some silver money from her to see a doctor.

"Chunhua, don't worry. When my brother is cured, I promise to make you comfortable to death. This silver won't let you spend it in vain. Just wait."

Three inch Ding finished saying, but he didn't forget to kiss Chunhua's face, and then he left.

Chunhua blushed and stamped her feet. Then she twisted her veil and went back to her house.

They came to the town, first to the jishengtang medicine shop. As a result, the guys there were just throwing dishes at people and seeing the rags they were wearing. They didn't have much money at first sight, so they blew them out directly.

"Where do you two come from? Get out of here. Don't delay the business of our medicine shop. Get out of here quickly."

"Hey, I'll take you bastards who don't have eyes. When I have money, I promise you to look good." after three inch Ding spat, he angrily patted the soil on his body and left with Tian Dahu.

"Hey, brother, we have to hurry to get some money now. It's a hard time for people," Tian Dahu said.

"Don't worry, brother. It's estimated that the private school will let the students study in a few days. Don't we have money as long as we tie the boy?" three inch Ding looked obscene.

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