Tian Dahu and three inch Ding went to the town and were driven out by the waiter of jishengtang. Then he wandered around the town and came to the door of Jiren hall.

"Eh, the name of Jiren hall is very similar to that of Jisheng hall. It's estimated that the people here are not good. Come on, brother, let's not wander in front of such a big medicine shop. Let's find a smaller medicine shop." three inch Ding pulled Tian Dahu and went outside.

Tian Yuqiao just came to deliver the medicine. As a result, he just saw Tian Dahu and the three inch Ding sneaking at the door of Jiren hall. So he let Jin eavesdrop on what they were whispering, so that they knew themselves and the other.

"Oh, these two people have been making trouble for a long time. I said Caicai, but you said before that the poisons I refined are difficult to solve." Tian Yuqiao said.

Caicai cried twice in response to Tian Yuqiao. Yes, it must swallow Tian Yuqiao's pills and excrete them before it can be solved.

"Sister Rong, I didn't expect that your driving skills are even better than big brother. Let's go to Jiren hall in front to see the excitement." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

After Zhu Rongrong answered, he drove the donkey to the gate of Jiren hall.

They are old acquaintances. Baofu smiled and took Tian Yuqiao and Zhu Rongrong in. As a result, he saw Tian Dahu and three inch Ding. The two men saw Tian Yuqiao, exchanged a wink with each other, and then followed them in.

Tian Yuqiao was naturally let into the back. This time, he directly handed in 500 bottles of golden sore medicine, and then directly received the empty bottle, and then came out to pick up Zhu Rongrong.

"Two girls, our shopkeeper is busy ahead. Today, there are two patients with incurable diseases. Hey, if we can't cure them, we'll really have trouble." Baofu sighed.

"Oh, how can this good man be in trouble?" asked Zhu Rongrong curiously.

"No, those two boys are not good at first sight. Our shopkeeper recognized that one of them seems to be a relative of your family. The other is short and should be a little gangster. Girl Joel, you should be careful in the future. It's not a good thing for your relative to associate with that kind of person." Baofu kindly reminded.

Tian Yuqiao smiled twice and asked Baofu to invite shopkeeper Yao over.

Baofu believed Tian Yuqiao blindly, so he went ahead and called Yao Laowu. Over there, the old doctor who kept the treasure of their town store was there.

"Oh, girl Joel, what's the matter with you?"

Tian Yuqiao said, "Uncle Yao, this is my newly developed medicine. I knew my third uncle and his friend had that strange disease. My medicine is specially for that."

Yao Laowu looked at Tian Yutang with a monster like look, frowned and said, "do you know what's wrong with your relative? How can you know about it?"

"Our Yutang heard what Erlang and Silang said. Those children always play together when they are free. What can't they say or dare not say?" Tian Yuqiao looked at Yao Laowu with a look you know.

Yao Laowu was stunned by Tian Yuqiao. Originally, he was curious about how Tian Yuqiao could know the "hard words" of the two people. Now, after listening to Tian Yuqiao, it was actually said by several boys, and it was taken for granted. It seems that he is a big shopkeeper of a medicine shop.

The scene was a little awkward for a moment, but Yao Laowu was soon relieved. Nodded to Tian Yuqiao and said, "it's done. Give me the medicine quickly."

"But this medicine should not be given to them, at least five Liang silver, otherwise it can't be given to them." Tian Yuqiao said mysteriously.

"You know, this medicine is absolutely hard to find. Five liang of silver is not expensive, ha ha, not expensive." Yao Laowu said, laughing and leaving with the medicine Tian Yuqiao gave him.

When I heard that the medicine was five Liang silver and one pill, Tian Dahu and three inch dington all sweated.

If it were in a small medicine shop, they would have robbed it openly. But looking at such a large shop, and there are more than a dozen people who just help in front of the medicine shop. The two of them are just tied together. They are not their opponents, are they?

"Brother, how much did the girl Chunhua bring you?" Tian Dahu asked in a low voice.

"I have three Liang, and it's five Liang silver and one pill. I don't have enough of my own. You can only think of your own share." three inch Ding said.

So they went back. It was easy to solve the problem at the three inch Ding side. They directly dug two liang of silver from Chunhua. He bought a pill of antidote and took it. Sure enough, he felt it in less than half a day. He was so happy that he kept learning to bark like a mouse.

Just called Chunhua and planned to love her. As a result, the three inch Ding found that his legs were a little soft and couldn't lift up anything.

"Hey, I wonder, why is this leg hard to use? Can the poison be transferred?" three inch Ding said to himself.

"Didn't you say you could do it with five Liang silver? What's going on?" Chunhua said with some complaints.

"I don't know. I'll ask the shopkeeper of the medicine shop tomorrow. Damn, my legs are soft and I can't even go to a thatched house." three inch Ding lay on the Kang angrily.

This is really in response to the sentence: how much worry can you have? It's like a group of eunuchs going to the brothel~

When Tian Dahu saw that three inch Ding had curative effect, he hurriedly took care of Jiang's family to ask for silver.

"I said I'm in charge. Where can I have so much silver?" Jiang's face was surprised.

"What's the matter? Your men are dying, and you still don't want to give up money? Tell me honestly, is it the ghost you did with Gao? You two old women, don't think I don't know what you're thinking." Tian Dahu shouted angrily.

"When I say you're in charge of the family, you have to beat your conscience. Where can I make a stumbling block for you? It may be that you offended someone outside and were calculated by others. You don't know yet. If you have nothing to do, everyone goes to the head of the family. Now it's good. The other people's affairs have been solved. You don't have money here, do you?"

"I said you're a dead woman, aren't you looking for a cigarette? I think you're itching again. Hurry to think of a way for me, but we can't let our mother know about it, otherwise she can't tell. The whole mountain village will know."

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