The days passed day by day. In the twinkling of an eye, it was the season when the water ran out and the cold pool was clear, and the smoke was condensed and the mountains were purple at dusk.

The fruit trees on the edge of Tianyu Qiao's fish pond are already full of fruits. The vigorous branches are also bent by the full fruit, and different fruit aromas are everywhere. Occasionally, there are a few ripe fruits that have not been picked in time. They will fall into the fish pond and soon be divided by the fish.

"Sister qiao'er, this is the bamboo flute I cut for you with tearful bamboo when I was in the mountain. For this reason, the old monk huikong almost turned against me. What is it? It's the Feng Shui bamboo he planted with great difficulty. Alas, this old man is so superstitious."

Tian Yuqiao's cheeks were reddened by the afterglow of the sunset, with a little gold. At this time, he was looking up at the boy who had become more beautiful. I didn't expect that in just a few months, he was no longer as thin as before, and he was full of heroic spirit.

"Brother Hao'er, even if you give it to me, I won't use it." Tian Yuqiao frowned and played with the bamboo in his hand.

"It doesn't matter. The most important thing is that I gave it to you. As long as you remember this, it's enough."

After they were silent for a long time, Fang Wenhao continued: "Hey, qiao'er, now the project on the mountain has been completed, and the date for the army to leave has been set."

"What, are you leaving now? It's too sudden. Where are you going?" Tian Yuqiao asked in surprise.

Fang Wenhao shook his head and said, "I don't know the details. I heard Lao Jiu say that there seems to be a barbarian making trouble for us in the northwest. It seems to be the emperor's will to ask the eldest prince to take people to pay. I just don't know if we will be arranged to go there this time."

Tian Yuqiao's mood was a little disordered. She didn't expect that the army would leave so soon. After this goodbye, I don't know when it will be.

Seeing that the little girl was distracted, Fang Wenhao took Tian Yuqiao's hands, looked at Tian Yuqiao with burning eyes and said, "sister Qiao, don't worry, I will come back soon. I will make great achievements in war at that time, and I will never give you... Shame on my mother."

"Well, brother Hao'er, I'm sure you can do it. But more importantly, I don't want you to be busy. In that battlefield, you fight and kill all day. What if you get hurt?"

Looking at the nervous look of the little girl, Fang Wenhao's heart was about to melt! I really want to hold her in my arms, but he can't do that. Before he has enough strength, he can't make any commitment to her. And the little girl hasn't grown up. She can't be so dirty~

When Fang Wenhao was stunned, he suddenly found that the attractive little face in front of him was gradually enlarged, and then he felt a soft touch on his face.

"You little girl, pinch my face again." Fang Wenhao pretended to be angry and said.

Tian Yuqiao deliberately tooted his mouth and said like a coquettish, "brother Hao'er, you will leave in the future, and people will never pinch your handsome face again. Now let me pinch it a few more times. What's the matter? Anyway, you don't suffer, and you won't lose two pieces of meat."

Seeing her plausible appearance, Fang Wenhao immediately felt angry and ridiculous. In desperation, I can only let the little girl "ravage" on her handsome face.

Looking at her satisfied smile, Fang Wenhao couldn't help staring at her angrily and said, "since you touched my face, do you have to repay me?"

Seeing his evil smile, Tian Yuqiao realized that he was playing a little too much this time. Looking at someone's two red faces, Tian Yuqiao quickly ran away.

The two men ran all the way from the vegetable field, but they came to the fish pond directly from the vegetable field in the backyard.

Tian Yuqiao didn't pay attention, but he felt soft under his feet. Then he felt dizzy. When she regained her senses again, she found that she had fallen into the pit she had dug~

Fang Wenhao was also in a hurry. He fell in with her. Unfortunately, he sprained his foot and showed his teeth in pain.

"Fortunately, we both fell into a puddle this time. If we fell into that cesspit, we would have to be isolated tonight. Hey, I said, Joel, why are you so careless?"

"Oh, don't blame me. Didn't you fall down too?" Tian Yuqiao said with some complaints.

"Isn't it because I'm worried about you? In such a hurry, I also fell in. Hey, I knew I shouldn't have dug so many holes." Fang Wenhao said in some silence.

Tian Yuqiao's face is loveless. Although the pit is not deep, it can't stand it. He is still a little fart child now! In contrast, the pit is quite deep.

"Hey, it's good this time. We're a couple. We'll fall off a pair! It's terrible if you can drag me up outside." Tian Yuqiao said with some complaints.

In fact, Jin Jin had to go back and ask someone to save her. Tian Yuqiao thought it was a bit embarrassing, so he didn't let Jin go to find someone.

"Brother Hao'er, take off your boots and I'll show you your feet."

Tian Yuqiao then began to pull Fang Wenhao's boots, which hurt Fang Wenhao so much that his head was sweating.

With such a scratch in his sleeve, Tian Yuqiao felt out a bottle of golden sore powder at the bottom of the pressure box. Now she doesn't want to refine this, but she still keeps some spare. No, it'll come in handy this time.

Directly put a handful of powder on Fang Wenhao's ankle and covered all the red and swollen places. Then he gently smeared the powder on him with his little hand.

Fang Wenhao was ready to "die bravely" at the beginning, but his eyebrows stretched out after he felt the coolness on his ankles.

"Joel, your medicine really works."

"Well, when you leave, I'll bring you more in case of need."

Tian Yuqiao didn't lift his head, but still carefully smeared powder on Fang Wenhao's ankle with his small hand. His expression was focused and careful. For a moment, Fang Wenhao was crazy.

"Joe, thank you so much. I can't let them take this medicine for nothing. Lao Jiu should also need such a good thing. Let them buy a bottle with one or two silver."

Fang Wenhao showed a bright and evil smile, which made Tian Yuqiao think it was a little devil.

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