Tian Yuqiao and Fang Wenhao both fell into the puddle. Fortunately, it didn't rain much these days. The water in the pit has been absorbed by fruit trees. So there was a lot of mud at the bottom this time. They didn't fall much, but they rolled all over.

Tian Yuqiao was embarrassed to ask Jin Jin to ask for help. He had to help Fang Wenhao deal with his feet in the pit first.

Fang Wenhao used his sword as a crutch and staggered to his feet. Well, I got another piece of mud.

"Brother Hao'er, slow down. It's slippery around here. Hey, if only we were as tall as Brother Big head..." Tian Yuqiao sighed.

Fang Wenhao was a little depressed. He was despised by the little girl because of his height. Is this?

"Well, Joe, don't worry. I'll eat more in the future." Fang Wenhao said solemnly, all serious on his face.

Tian Yuqiao was depressed and didn't pay attention to what Fang Wenhao said here. I heard him say over there that he would eat more in the future. What's the logic?

"Er ~ brother Hao'er, are you hungry on the mountain? When you leave, I'll ask my mother to steam more sausages for you. When it's air dried, it can hold you for a while." Tian Yuqiao said.

Fang Wenhao was also embarrassed. He just said his heart. Eating more means that he wants to grow tall. He can't let Joel sigh in front of himself that the height of other men is not!

Now the two "little guys" can only look at the pit and sigh! At this time, Tian Yuqiao suddenly felt his stomach moving. When I looked down carefully, a small red thing came out.

"Hong Hong? Are you awake?"

"Oh, it stinks here. People don't like it here."

Honghong climbed up Tian Yuqiao's neck along her shoulder. Gold immediately opened his teeth and claws and demonstrated towards the red. There is its territory. How can this hateful red always want to occupy his own territory?

"Come on, gold, you two stop playing. Honghong, can you pull us all up?" Tian Yuqiao asked with a wink.

Honghong shook the sarcoma on her head and said softly, "it's not a problem. As long as people make their body bigger and then longer, that's OK."

Tian Yuqiao nodded, "well, try it, but you must be careful. The pit wall is a little slippery."

"Don't worry, people will be very careful. Hey hey, thank you for your concern." Honghong jumped to the bottom of the pit excitedly.

"Zhizhi!", "stop smelling beautiful. Do you really think people care about you? I'm afraid you'll fall down and hit others after you get bigger."

"Woo woo ~ is it true? Do you really think so? Honghong has a bitter heart. Honghong wants to cry and spray poison!" Honghong shakes her head with anger.

"Come on, gold, what time is it? If we don't go up again, once my uncle and second uncle find out, we will lose our face." Tian Yuqiao scolded.

The gold side soon changed into a shape. The body that used to be as thick as a thumb has now become the thickness of a bowl. Then it climbed up one by one. Soon its head had climbed to the trunk of a fruit tree outside the pit and made a joint.


"Let's go, brother Hao'er. Honghong is ready. It's letting us go up. Be careful, the scales on it are also a little greasy."

Tian Yuqiao first held Fang Wenhao and asked him to sit on the body in the shape of "π" in Honghong. Then he saw Honghong's body and wriggled up quickly. In the blink of an eye, Fang Wenhao had been transported up.

This time Fang Wenhao didn't dare to move any more. First, his feet still hurt; Second, he was worried about falling into the pit again, which would be too unlucky.

Although he knew the pit, he didn't come much. He couldn't remember it clearly for a long time. Moreover, the two brothers of the Wang family filled in the old pit every three or five times and dug a new pit. This is what Tian Yuqiao ordered. We should constantly change, so as not to be missed by those who have a heart.

She really ate her own fruit. When Honghong also sent her up, she stood by the pit, held Fang Wenhao, and carefully walked out according to the footprints when she came in.

During this time, the three inch Ding's leg has almost recovered, while Tian Dahu's arm is a little difficult to use. Today, they just got free, one with soft legs and one with drooping arms. They helped each other out to relax.

Turning around, they unknowingly came to the foot of the mountain again. I can't help it. The fruit smell in the garden is so strong that people can't help walking past it.

"Oh, big brother, how can I look at the tree branch over there? Why does it grow so fast?"

Three inch Ding's chassis is low, so at his height, you can just see the red that just came up.

Tian Dahu is not in the mood to listen to three inch Ding. He is staring at the persimmon on the persimmon tree in front of his eyes.

After swallowing a few mouthfuls of water, he said to himself, "I'm a good girl. I wonder. Joel, a dead girl, is really lucky wherever she goes. No one wants this broken wasteland. Hey, she bought it to dig a fish pond, and she can plant fruit trees. It's outrageous to say that their food grows well and the fruit grows so well."

After standing there feeling for a while, Tian Dahu kicked the three inch Ding next to him with his foot. Three inch Ding's chassis was unstable and almost turned to the side.

"Elder brother, don't be silly. Let's run quickly. There are monsters in your second sister-in-law's house. They are in the fruit forest. If we run late, we have to explain our two lives here." three inch Ding said.

"What? There is a monster, where is it?" Tian Dahu was also startled.

However, in another blink of an eye, there was nothing in the fruit forest. Three inch Ding rubbed his eyes, and then rubbed his eyes again. The eyes of the small meat bun, which was not big at all, suddenly looked a little red.

"Hey, I'm surprised. The big branch I saw just now still bears such a big one..." three inch Ding motioned with his hands, "it's so big that it can have a red meat tumor as big as the mouth of a big bowl."

"Pure nonsense, it's clearly the girl qiao'er and the little bastard they picked up." Tian Dahu said bitterly, biting his teeth.

"Come on, brother, when they're far away, brother, I'll carry you. Go up and pick two persimmons and let's have a taste. The mouth will fade out these two days."

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