Tian Yuqiao and Fang Wenhao were brought up by Honghong from the pit. They were covered in mud! If Fang Wenhao hadn't been here, she would have gone directly into the virtual world to take a bath. Now she can only flush with Fang Wenhao and the cool stream at the inlet of the fish pond.

"Joel, we're all wet, so we can't do this. Especially you, a little girl, now it's cold in autumn. What can you do if you get cold? Forget it, don't care about your face, let's go home quickly. You'd better take a hot bath and don't look back. I'm so sorry for my mother." Fang Wenhao frowned.

At the other end, Tian Dahu and three inch Ding are getting a little nervous by the so-called "monster". Now that Tian Yuqiao and Fang Wenhao are gone, Tian Dahu is bolder.

"Come on, brother, I'll take this tree. If you ride on my neck, it's enough for the persimmon on the branch over there. It looks red and big."

When Tian Dahu finished, he directly pressed the tree trunk with his two hands, and then put the three inch ding on his shoulder like a child.

As a result, he felt that the fruit fragrance around him seemed to be mixed with a smell ~ er, it seemed to stink!

Feel it carefully. Well, it came along his neck. This touch, good guy, touched a sticky golden hand.

"Snap", "ouch ~"

Three inch Ding was directly thrown to the ground by Tian Dahu, which almost made him bubble. After snoring for a long time, he covered his stomach and got up from the ground.

"I said, brother, you can't kill your brother for a mouthful of persimmon. Don't you? I have to say that the little girl is your own niece. Why don't she dare not give you two?" said three inch Ding.

"Hey, don't mention it. You haven't noticed that our family doesn't kiss them at all these days. Hey, let's forget this first. I said brother, when did you marry the girl Chunhua? My mother has urged me several times. If you don't show some sincerity, she will drive people out." Tian Dahu frowned and said.

"Big brother, don't say anything else now. Let's find a place first and let me change these pants. Just now I saw the monster, brother, I just softened my legs. I'm ashamed, isn't it?" three inch Ding said with a red face.

Three days later, the small mountain village finally welcomed a great nobleman for the first time after the great prince.

"Come on, gather the villagers. It's amazing. The county magistrate is coming to the temple to offer incense today..."

It soon spread in the village that the county magistrate was coming, which they had never dared to think of in their life.

"Fourth master, hurry out to meet the county magistrate. You are a child's master. At least you are also a scholar. Maybe you have a friendship with the county magistrate. Didn't you say that officials also attach importance to scholars? You have to get ready quickly." Li kept nagging with excitement.

Mr. Tian was smoking a dry cigarette and coughed twice: "old four, your mother is right this time. You quickly let Qiuyue help you clean up. The county magistrate is the biggest official here. You must not neglect others and let the master choose our etiquette."

Now Ma's stomach is not small. She doesn't think Chunhua's body is dirty, so she won't let her serve the scholar. The little girl Qiuyue will be much more tired. She has to wait on Ma Ma all day, take anti abortion drugs, and take care of the reading Lang's food and daily life. Except that Ma didn't let Qiuyue sleep with her, she let Qiuyue do all the other work she should do.

"Hum, I say you're in charge. Come here for a while." Ma shouted deliberately.

"Ah, here comes the lady. Don't worry. Don't move your fetal Qi again. That's great." the scholar hurried back to his house.

Li was so angry that he patted on his thigh and said, "well, I see, my son is feeding for nothing. He really forgot his mother when he had a daughter-in-law. Hey. Look, old man, look, when his daughter-in-law called him, he ran faster than a rabbit. When is it? Why does he still listen to that little woman? He didn't prepare well to meet the county magistrate, he..."

"Bang bang ~", close to the mountain village, can be described as the Loess cushion road of clean water splashing street. Everyone cleaned up the road ahead of their home. With the sound of gongs from far to near, the team with the sign of "silence and avoidance" is moving towards the mountain village.

There are more than twenty yamen servicemen who are in front of and behind. At the back of the team, many villagers from surrounding villages followed. There is also the head of another village who has to believe. At this time, who doesn't want to see the true face of the county magistrate?

As usual, when everyone saw those in official clothes, they were scared away all the way. But now it's different. The county magistrate came to the Nanshan Temple to offer incense, not to catch people, so everyone dared to come and watch the excitement together.

Fang Wenhao went home early in the morning and explained to Wang and Tian Yuqiao. He said that the county magistrate actually came to sweep the tomb, and the tomb was swept for him. But he didn't say anything later. After all, it was sensational.

"Aunt, the county magistrate and their team have arrived at the entrance of the village. Shall we go out to meet them?" the two dogs ran in excitedly.

"Joe, look at this..." Wang hesitated.

As she meant, she didn't like to get involved in it. After all, the man in her family is not here, and she doesn't like to join the fun.

Tian Yuqiao naturally understood Wang's worries, so he smiled and comforted him, "Mom, we won't go out. If we go out, we'll have to kowtow and kneel when we see the official. Although he is our parent official, we don't need to do this, don't we? Let's not go out."

"But the village head summoned the big guy early this morning and asked everyone to come out to meet the county magistrate. Isn't that bad if we really don't go out?" Wang was worried.

"Sister, you don't have to worry. We and your second brother's family are all welcome. Anyway, the county magistrate doesn't know how many people there are in your family. You'll just listen to the news in the house. It's estimated that once you walk past, there will be nothing to do when they go up the mountain." Wang Decheng said.

Wang nodded and agreed.

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