Nanshan Temple on the mountain has long been built. Now it is autumn, and the tombs of the twelve princes have been built. As a local official, the county magistrate naturally can't sit idly by. Before he didn't come, the big prince didn't agree. Now he has the permission of the big prince, so he dares to come and worship the twelve princes.

In order to express his attention to the twelve princes, he deliberately opened the way with gongs this time. This spectrum is called a big one. I don't know. I thought he was the top three products of the imperial court.

A blue soft Ni soft sedan soon entered the entrance of the village near the mountain village. The villagers quickly shouted and all knelt down. On both sides of the clean gravel road, there was a dark place.

Big head, with about a dozen officers and soldiers, met the county magistrate here. After the two sides met, they were polite to each other, and big head led his soldiers to lead the way.

Wang Heng, the village head and his family, led a large family of old and small children, all respectfully following behind the sedan chair.

After the sedan chair, the villagers dared to get up. Most of them were brave enough to watch the excitement at the back of the team, while those timid women took their children back to their yard and peered out on tiptoe from the crack of the door and the low wall.

The villagers dare not even show their grandeur, and those who like to sneak around usually hold their farts.

The sedan chair "crunched" and soon came to the foot of the mountain. The trees were filled with the fragrance of different fruits, which made those who carried sedan chairs, as well as those yamen servants who beat flags and gongs, feel a little "longing for plum to quench their thirst".

Even the county magistrate did not lift the curtain from beginning to end. At this moment, he couldn't help but raise his hand and lift the curtain of the sedan chair.

"Wait a minute."

"Oh, sir, is it convenient for you to come down?"

Feng Wu, the constable next to him, quickly ordered the sedan bearers to stop and plan to listen to the instructions of the county magistrate.

"Cough, I'm a little thirsty. The fruit forest here is good and the fruit looks very watery. Pick me two fruits and you can eat some to quench your thirst." the county magistrate coughed for two times.

In fact, he is really thirsty. Now autumn is cold in the morning and evening. At noon, the sun is poisonous. He has been thirsty for a long time, but he can't wait until after noon to burn incense for the Bodhisattva and kowtow to the spirit throne of the twelve princes.

Feng Wu turned his head and explained a few words to the two yamen servants behind him. The two yamen servants directly began to overlap and climb up according to an apple tree.

Originally, there were some flattering villagers along the way who sent wine and food to these people. But the county magistrate was also a person who knew the depth. He was worried that he would delay his trip, so he didn't dare to stop all the way.

Running all the way, the bones were almost tossed and scattered. Now he saw where he was. It was still early outside. His heart was put in his stomach.

Looking at the fruit with strong aroma nearby, for a moment, I couldn't walk.

The big head found that the voice behind him was getting smaller. When he turned back, he found that the county official's team had stopped.

"Boss, it seems that the county official is taking the fruit from your relatives' house. What should we do? Let's take care of it or not?" a young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes whispered in big head's ear.

"These grandsons have long heard that the county magistrate here likes to scrape land. I didn't expect that he would dare to touch the people's fat and cream in front of us this time. It's really hateful, but it's a big matter to give incense and kowtow to the twelve princes this time. We can't delay it. I'll go to the leader later to discuss it and see how to deal with it."

At this time, although Zhu Rongrong was not among the kneeling crowd, he looked around at his own door. She didn't wonder if the county magistrate had three heads and six arms. She just wanted to see her husband more.

Big head has told her that he is leaving. In Zhu Rongrong's heart, this is to take a look and take a less look. Bah, bah, it's unlucky to think so. Zhu Rongrong quickly shook his head and threw away the idea.

Just when she calmed down, she saw two people picking apples in the fruit tree forest. Zhu Rongrong's thoughts were all on big head, and he didn't notice what clothes they were wearing.

Seeing someone stealing fruit, she went straight back to the hospital and carried a machete for cutting bones. Before Zhao could stop her, Zhu Rongrong rushed to her.

"Wow, where's the thief who dares to steal my fruit? I think you're impatient. It's not so easy to eat our fruit. Eat my knife first ~"

These yamen servants usually have the word "Ye" in front of the farmers. Who dares to kill them? Today, I never expected that a village woman who looked like a hairless bear would be chased with a knife just because she wanted to eat two other people's apples.

They were so frightened that they fell into one, like a rolling gourd, holding together. If they didn't roll sideways to the edge of the fish pond, they would have to fall into the pit.

"Bold, where is this crazy woman from? She dares to attack officers and soldiers. Come here, catch her." Constable Feng Wu ordered the people behind.

The Yamen servants and captains who came with the county magistrate took out their big knives one by one and were about to attack Zhu Rongrong.

At this time, Tian Yuqiao also got a letter. He was going to come out to help explain. Then an old woman shouted.

"Master, this girl film is the daughter-in-law of this family. She is not a good thing. It's not what I said, this..."

"Where do you come from, old woman? Go aside and don't delay our work." a yamen directly kicked the man to sit on the ground.

"Mom, are you all right?" the scholar Lang nervously helped Li from the ground.

Li Shi originally wanted to sell a good girl. Unexpectedly, people didn't pay attention to her at all and gave her a kick.

It was only when she summoned up her courage that she came forward to talk to those yamen servants. It's also to attract people's attention. At that time, let your scholar come forward. It's best to have a word with the county magistrate.

"How can you beat people indiscriminately?" Shushu Lang stood up and came forward to argue with the Yamen.

"Where is the village head of the mountain village?" the voice of the county magistrate came out of the sedan chair.

The village head, who fell behind the others, hurriedly bumped into the front of the crowd for fear that the county magistrate would be worried and catch himself in the prison.

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