Because picking two apples provoked Zhu Rongrong, who was tortured by the sadness of parting. It's a good time this time. With this strength, she came out directly with a machete.

She didn't notice until her head cooled down. Everyone else is wearing official clothes. I'm going to attack the Yamen.

For a moment, she was a little flustered. With a "clang", the machete fell on the stone road and jumped up several stones. The blade of the big knife trembled three times on the ground, and then it lay on the ground honestly.

It happened suddenly, but between the electro-optic flint, the smell of gunpowder at both ends became very strong.

Shushulang's side has been pressed on his shoulder by two yamen servants, while Li's hair is dishevelled and dealing with the two yamen servants. She is now using her half knocked teeth to grab the shoulder of the Yamen who is pressing shushulang.

I don't know. I thought this was a mad dog who had been hungry for several days and was released to bite people.

As soon as the Yamen servants were about to surround Zhu Rongrong, the big head's men spontaneously rode back without waiting for his orders. They also showed their waist knives and protected Zhu Rongrong behind them. All of a sudden, he confronted the Yamen guards and captains. They were so frightened that the Yamen guards naturally retreated one after another.

"Gentlemen, do we have any misunderstanding? Our master just wants to punish the female assassin who came to attack. Don't misunderstand. We are all a family. Don't flood the Dragon King temple." the constable arched his hand.

At this time, big head had separated the crowd and rode to Zhu Rongrong's side bravely. He rolled over and dismounted, put his arms around Zhu Rongrong's shoulder and took a generation in his arms.

"Oh, how come you still don't understand? The person you want to deal with is our sister-in-law!"

A young man with a leopard head and eyes and a bulging nose and face beside big head roared at the Yamen servant opposite.

At this time, the county official couldn't sit still and came out of the sedan chair directly. The expression on his face, not to mention how rich, all kinds of embarrassment, were written on his face.

The eldest prince over there has long been impatient with the delay of the county official. Now he is wandering around the main hall.

"Lao Jiu, didn't you say that the county officials of our county will come to worship my twelve younger brothers today? Why haven't they arrived yet? It's really annoying. If it weren't unreasonable, the prince wouldn't bother to spend money with him here." the prince said impatiently.

"Don't be impatient. I'll send someone down the mountain to have a look."

When Lao Jiu finished, he ordered Fang Wenhao to take people down the mountain for a look.

Fang Wenhao has royal blood in his bones. He doesn't pay attention to such a big fart official at all. Now I have no choice but to let him watch it.

I brought some good Kung Fu. The ten captains who followed him before quickly went down the mountain.

As soon as I got to the foot of the mountain, I found a lot of people standing on the other side of the fruit forest. When I looked closer, it turned out that it was the big head. Now they are facing off with those yamen servants and captains. Both sides are unconvinced by each other. They are all angry.

"Big head, what's going on? The leaders are in a hurry. Why don't these people go up the mountain?" Fang Wenhao asked with a straight face.

"My Lord, when these people saw that our fruit was good, they would go up to the tree to pick fruit. My wife saw it and she rushed out to stop it. As a result, these people lit their knives." big head said nonsense with a serious face.

"Yes, I can testify. They are ashamed to steal our fruit." the two dogs ran out of the gate and angrily accused.

The fruit is not yet fully mature. Cousin Qiao said she would share it with everyone. Now these officials are actually going to pick fruit. How can they do that?

"Hey, you little bastard, what are you doing here?" the Yamen looked at the two dogs disdainfully.

Fang Wenhao's whole body released a cold feeling. His eyes like knives swept over the Yamen servants and remembered their appearance in his heart.

"OK, it's all a misunderstanding. Is this Lord Fang? Please." Fang Wenhao said coldly.

When Zhongliang, the official of the county, saw that he was talking to himself, he was actually a little fart child in his teens. He immediately showed his disdain, snorted, turned his head, shook his sleeves and got into the sedan chair.

Fang Wenhao and big head were ahead of them, and Zhu Rongrong had been pulled into his yard by Wang and Tian Yuqiao.

"Oh, I said Rong Rong, why are you so impulsive? Just pick two apples and let them pick them. Anyway, our family is still older, isn't it?" Wang advised.

Zhao Shi also followed and advised: "it's not so bad! Look at you girl, it's too bold to dare to use a knife in front of those officers and soldiers. If they weren't here, you'd be lucky today."

"I ~ actually didn't think about that much, so I was vaguely thinking about what big head was going to leave. I didn't see anyone climbing the tree today, and I didn't see it clearly. On impulse, I went back to the house and rushed up with a knife..." Zhu Rongrong blushed, a little embarrassed.

On the mountain road, the big head put the horse close to Fang Wenhao. Then he lowered his voice and asked, "Hao'er, did you really let the dog official go this time? Earlier, I heard people here say that the dog official usually has a melon field of three feet. Now I see that the fruit forest is good again. I'll take it directly."

"It doesn't matter, mainly because sister Rong has offended them. Now we are here, which can ensure that they are safe. But we are about to leave. I'm a little worried." Fang Wenhao frowned and said.

"Well, later on, the Grand Prince will certainly accompany the county magistrate to worship the Bodhisattva. When we have a chance, let's go and react with the superior. As far as I know, the Grand Prince seems to care about his reputation. It would be nice if he could cut the old boy, the county magistrate."

"Pa" slapped on the big head, which was two sizes bigger than others. "OK, you're a good idea. You can solve our worries."

After their discussion, they honestly led the way ahead.

After entering the gate of Nanshan Temple, Fang Wenhao raised his hand and stopped the team.

"Why didn't you leave? Why did you stop?" asked Feng Wu, the constable behind.

"We have entered the pure land of Buddhism, and the heroes of the twelve princes are here, so any of us must get off and dismount as soon as we enter the mountain gate. As for adults, please take two steps." the big head said.

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