Fang Wenhao and big head led the county magistrate up the mountain. The party first entered Nanshan Temple and, under the guidance of Hui Kong, first visited the Bodhisattva statues in each hall. With this set, the fat county magistrate can't bear it.

Just his belly, I don't know, I thought it was seven or eight months pregnant, and I fought with Mahalanobis. Now he knelt down, especially huikong, who knew that this old thing was not a good cake, and wanted to fix him on purpose. So he specially let Eryuan and his brothers aside and led the county magistrate Fang to make the big gift.

The eldest prince has no patience for a long time. Now he has gone back to his camp to find the concubines he brought with the army.

After a circle of worship in the temple, the head of the county magistrate kowtowed and swollen two big bags. Now he is dizzy and has cramps in his legs and stomach. The most important thing is his bucket waist, which feels like it's going to break.

"Oh, no, come on, help me up quickly. I have to have a rest first, and then we'll kowtow to... The twelve princes."

"Sir, you haven't seen the great prince yet. But there's a letter from the head saying that the leader of the mausoleum here this time is the great prince. Now that we're here, the great prince should meet you. But now, it's the old bald donkey who is tossing us from beginning to end. It doesn't see the face of the great prince, does it?"

After listening to Feng Wu's words, the bag on the county magistrate's head became bigger.

"Ah, isn't it because when we were at the foot of the mountain, we picked two other people's apples and the big prince knew that he didn't want to see us?" the county magistrate finally panicked.

Feng Wu could only come to Fang Wenhao and big head like a pug, and said humbly, "you two, I'm really sorry. What happened at the foot of the mountain just now is a misunderstanding, isn't it? We don't know it's the brother's wife. If we know, even if we borrow 10000 courage, we don't dare to do it to our sister-in-law?"

Big head ignored Feng Wu, but snorted coldly with his nose, then continued to fork his waist and stood on the side of Fang Wenhao.

"Young master, could you please report to the superior for help and say that the county magistrate Fang asked to see his Highness the great prince."

Fang Wenhao and Yuantong were there to discuss Buddhism, as if they hadn't heard what Feng Wu said.

"Oh, I'm sorry for you two. You two adults don't remember the villains. Don't be wise to me. Please do me a favor and help me say it to the top. Our master is still waiting. After meeting the eldest prince, he has to kowtow to the spirit card of the twelfth Prince." Feng Wu continued.

Fang Wenhao sat upright and directly let big head out.

According to the previous discussion, the big head wanted to add fuel and vinegar. He told the big prince about the bad deeds of the county magistrate. Unexpectedly, he broke the big prince's good deeds.

When the Grand Prince was doing that kind of thing, he didn't want to be disturbed outside, so the guards outside let him go. Now big head went directly into the camp. As a result, he saw a living spring palace that made him blush

"Who the fuck let you in?" the roar of the prince came out.

Big head had already retreated outside, but he still couldn't escape the boots thrown by the big prince. He was directly hit on his ass by his boots, which made him stagger. It can be seen how angry the big prince was in his chest.

"Big prince, the county magistrate said in the temple that he wanted to see you. If you don't go, you won't give him face." big head said.

"Let him get out of here, his grandmother. He has kept the prince waiting for him for so long. What's wrong with his face? I won't give him face. Bah, this dog official really takes himself seriously. If you disturb the prince's good affairs, don't worry about him. Just kill him and send my twelve younger brothers off. Let him serve the prince's younger brother well on the huangquan road."

Big head didn't expect that before he instigated it here, the big prince was very dissatisfied with the county official. Big head walked back to the main hall with great strides, and directly handed the Grand Prince's token to Fang Wenhao.

"Your Excellency, your Highness the great prince has ordered that the county magistrate Fang Zhongliang died within his jurisdiction because of poor control. Therefore, today, when the mausoleum is completed, that is, the day when the county magistrate makes amends to the twelve princes. The great prince has a life to sacrifice the dead of the twelve princes with the head of the county magistrate."

These high sounding words are naturally big head's own thoughts. But the meaning is almost the same. Anyway, it's just to let the county magistrate die.

It didn't matter if he said so. The county magistrate was so frightened that he peed in his pants. Even the Yamen guards and captains who came with him knelt down one by one. I'm afraid that the corners of the mouth of the man with a big head are crooked. What else can they do to serve the twelve princes together.

They are both old and young. No one wants to die in vain.

The prestige at the foot of the mountain had long disappeared, and some people even trembled as if they had a epilepsy.

As the big head wished, the magistrate was beheaded directly and then buried in a tomb next to the twelve princes.

At this moment, Fang Wenhao's heart is a little sad. There lay his body. Now he actually watched himself be buried. The feeling was strange, and he couldn't tell what was going on.

Those yamen servants were cleaned up one by one by the big head. They asked the villagers who followed to see the excitement this time whether these people had committed the crime of bullying the people. In the end, those who had beaten people and those who didn't pay for shopping and eating were beaten up by fat and their positions were revoked.

The old nine sighed and Wen Hao said, "Hey, now the great prince has left us such a big mess. It's really troublesome. Hao'er, why don't you choose the next county magistrate."

"What, let me choose? I'm not very familiar with here. It's better for the villagers here to elect their parents themselves." Fang Wenhao said.

"But we're leaving tomorrow. It's too late for anything, isn't it?"

When Lao Jiu finished, he directly took out a document with the seal of the great prince, threw it in front of Fang Wenhao and said, "Hao'er, I'll leave it to your mother and them. After we leave, let them go from village to village to solicit public opinion. At that time, a county official will be elected, and it's best to be a scholar."

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