After the prince left with people, the mountain village finally recovered its peace. However, what is not quiet is that this side of the Tian family's old house. Li Shi, they had been holding on for a long time. If Fang Wenhao hadn't been in charge of the army, she wouldn't have been stable for so long.

I don't know what she thinks. Seeing that Wang's family is living well, her heart is like a needle. No wonder people always say that mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are natural enemies. Tian Yuqiao understood this time. Her grandmother was really hard on her steamed stuffed bun mother.

Even if the elders are like this, what is Gao? I dare to throw dirty water on her mother. I can't bear it anymore.

Before Tian Yuqiao came out, the little guy had already come forward and put on the posture of being a top man to argue with Gao.

Relying on his status as an elder, Gao directly sprinkled his anger on Wang. Pointing to Wang's nose, she insisted on asking Wang to give her a statement.

Wang is used to being the master of her own family during this time. She was run like this, and her fire came up.

"Sister-in-law, as for how we educate our children, I don't think you should worry about it. Besides, our Wulang didn't say anything too much. But you obviously saw us passing here and splashing dirty water out. It was obviously intentional."

Tian chrysanthemum just came back from watching the excitement. Seeing that Wang's side quarreled with Gao's across the threshold, she immediately came to help and said, "I said that Tian's eldest daughter-in-law, this road is for people to walk, not for you to splash water. The road was built by people in the village, but you can't be dirty. Why don't you splash water in your yard?"

Naturally, there are people nearby who haven't dispersed yet. As soon as they listen, they all come to denounce Gao: "yes, this road is shared by the whole village and needs our common love. Why did you spill the dirty water for washing vegetables?"

"That's right. At the beginning, all the big guys worked hard. You're destroying everyone's labor achievements."

The village head is just going to Tian Yuqiao's house to discuss the paper document. After all, this is to let the people in their village choose the county magistrate. This is the supreme honor.

Now the people of the Tian family's old house are making trouble at this juncture. How can this be?

Tian Yuqiao's family is different from before. They have big backers. The county magistrate said he would kill him and said he would change it. How capable is this? When he was the village head, he had to be polite when he met the Tian family. Gao, who has no eyes, actually splashed dirty water on others. He really doesn't know whether to live or die.

At this time, when he is the village head, he doesn't have money to show his attitude, which is too unreasonable.

Wang Heng thought of this and squeezed into the crowd. He coughed twice and said, "cough, Gao Shi, if you dare to destroy the road in the village again, don't blame me for sending you to the ancestral hall and adding to you in front of our ancestors. Your old Tian family is too much. How can you pour this dirty water on the road?"

The village head didn't scold Tian Yutang, but asked with a smile, "Yutang, I met the village head of Ningguan village a few days ago. He said you learned the fastest and best one in your private school. Yes, continue to work hard in the future. When you are admitted to a child student, I recommend you to go to the county school at the head of the county."

The little guy smiled and nodded: "Grandpa village head, I will study hard."

Tian Yuqiao has heard before that if you want to enter a county school or a government school, you need someone with fame and reputation to recommend it. Otherwise, even if you go there with money, people won't accept it. Now that the little guy's future is settled, how can she be unhappy?

"Grandpa village head, my two uncles just need your help. Why don't you come back with us later? It's important."

Tian Yuqiao said at the same time. He didn't forget to wink at the village head. That means "you know". The village head naturally understood what Tian Yuqiao meant and couldn't help jumping wildly in his heart.

If his words as village head can determine a candidate for county magistrate, he will shine! In the future, he can straighten his back in all the villages around here. I'm afraid even the head of naningguan village will greet him with a smile.

Wang Heng was so happy that he nodded and said he knew.

Then he straightened his face and scolded the Li family standing in the yard: "take good care of your daughter-in-law in the future. If there is any more damage to public property, don't blame me, the village head, for being unkind."

Li Shi didn't know that the leader wanted Tian Yuqiao's family to help choose the County Prince. She looked so angry and said, "why, although Wang was separated, she is also our daughter-in-law after all. I taught her a lesson. Why can't she?"

"That's not what I told you. Your eldest daughter-in-law destroyed the stone road in our village. If such things happen again in the future, you can get out of the village." the village head said angrily.

Tian Yuqiao saw it. The village head made it clear that he wanted to protect his family. And Wang Heng also knows that it seems that this is already the case at the old Tian house and the second room. His attitude should be a little more obvious.

Seeing that his ignorant mother-in-law had provoked the village head, Tian Dajiang immediately pushed her into the house. Then Tian Dajiang's angry voice came from the West Wing room: "you loser, you know to make trouble for me all day. In the future, be honest and work at home. Don't go out and make a fool of yourself..."

The people watching the excitement around felt a little strange about the village head's attitude. Usually, the village head pays most attention to the younger generation and can't contradict the elders? Why is it a little different today? All changed. Instead of scolding Tian Yutang for contradicting Gao, he praised him for his serious study.

Li also led Tian Guihua back to the upper room, while Wang led the child to the foot of the mountain.

The village head followed. Along the way, Nakata chrysanthemum said, "village head, Wulang is very filial to his mother. Now their family has been separated. He is an orphan and widowed mother. He is a man who wants to start a family. If he is not strong, he can't do it."

Wang knew that Tian chrysanthemum was thinking about Wulang's reputation, so she gave Tian chrysanthemum a grateful look.

The village head smiled and said, "it's OK. Gao's practice is not worthy of respect. Let's hurry and discuss important matters."

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