Li's anger was half dead. When he returned to the upper room, he became more and more angry. No matter how Tian Guihua advised him, it just didn't work.

"Mom, what kind of anger are you angry with them? You're so angry that you'll feel bad yourself." Tian Guihua was a little impatient.

Li shook his head and said, "can I not be angry? Look at that big family. In their eyes, do I have to be a mother-in-law and grandmother?"

Gao came in again from the outside. When he heard Li scolding Wang, he immediately came to the spirit. Now the second room is separated. She is the one who gets the most scolding on weekdays. So this time she finally saw Li's shifting the spearhead, and she felt this beauty in her heart.

With a big mouth, she quickly echoed: "no, look at them. She doesn't pay attention to our mother at all. When she was standing in the crowd today, she didn't even look at us when she moved things to the carriage."

"The eldest daughter-in-law is right. They don't have my mother in their eyes. Now they can pick up a wild child from the mountain and raise it. They can do well. Look at our worthless..."

Li's eyes fell on Erlang, who was running around chasing hens with Shiro in the yard. He looked angry.

Jiang Shi said awkwardly, "Mom, Erlang's child is not a normal child. Alas, if I said it, it's all my fault. If I had been more careful when I was pregnant with him, he wouldn't be like this now."

"I don't blame you. If you hadn't been pregnant and didn't know it, Erlang wouldn't have become dull and stupid. You said that you are also a woman. How can you even tell whether you are pregnant or have worms in your stomach?" Gao complained.

When Jiang was pregnant with Erlang, she had no experience because she was pregnant for the first time. She thought she was greedy. As a result, she told her mother that she wanted to eat foreign spicy food.

Jiang's mother was also used to children, and she didn't ask what was going on. As soon as her daughter said she wanted to eat the foreign spice on the fruit tree, she quickly asked Jiang's brothers to find it in the mountain.

Gao once happened to find that Jiang was secretly eating roasted peppers. After all, it tastes delicious. It's hard not to be found. So Gao asked Jiang for it. Jiang naturally refused to give it, and fooled Gao, saying that it was a folk prescription sent by her mother for treatment.

Gao naturally didn't believe it, so he said that Jiang was greedy and didn't fear insects in his stomach

As a result, the Jiang family was intelligent and confused for a while. When she felt something moving in her stomach, she really thought she was told by Gao.

Scared, she hurried to Dr. Lin to prescribe insect medicine. Fortunately, Li found it in time. Otherwise, it is estimated that Erlang can't keep the child~

If it is true, it is thanks to Wang. At that time, Wang found that her third daughter-in-law's stomach was strange. It seemed that she had something. As a result, she found that she often secretly tampered with something in the house alone.

Smelling the smell of insect medicine floating out of Jiang's room, Wang was very frightened and hurried to stop it.

The children of the farmer's family usually have worms in their stomachs. Because they often catch food and pick wild fruits in the mountains. I never wash it, so I will accidentally eat insect eggs into my stomach, so I often need to beat insects.

When Wang pushed the door into the East chamber, he found that Jiang was really drinking soup medicine. Fortunately, Jiang didn't drink much. He just drank a few mouthfuls.

Wang asked, "third brother and sister, what are you drinking? You can't drink soup medicine indiscriminately."

"What's the matter? I bought it with the silver money my mother-in-law sent me. I didn't mind my mother-in-law asking for money." Jiang was still a little reluctant and thought Wang was meddling.

Wang sighed and said, "I didn't mean that. You misunderstood. Is this insect medicine you drink? Put it down first."

Jiang put down the medicine bowl impatiently. After listening to Wang's finish with her, she was stunned at that time.

He took Wang's hand and said, "sister-in-law, what can I do? If I really have a child, my mother-in-law can't scold me because I lost the child because I took insect beating medicine?"

Wang comforted her and advised her not to worry too much. Fortunately, she didn't drink all the medicine. After the consolation, Wang personally invited Dr. Lin and asked him to feel Jiang's pulse.

As a result, when Dr. Lin came, he immediately frowned and shouted angrily, "you're too shameful. You've broken your child. How can you take this medicine for beating insects? I thought you bought it for Dalang before, but I didn't expect you to take it yourself. Fortunately, there was no accident, otherwise I would have become the sinner?"

It's so noisy that it's hard for them to know. He scolded Jiang, and Tian Dahu slapped Jiang in the face. Because she had to give Jiang's birth protection medicine, Li had to take money. It's strange that she can't be angry.

After Jiang finally gave birth to Erlang, the Tian family found that the child didn't seem to cry very much. At that time, Gao Shi said, I'm afraid he was a fool? At that time, Jiang and Gao quarreled several times because they said Erlang was stupid.

When Erlang got older and older, the Tian family found that the child was a little slow. It's already so. It's no use blaming anyone now. It can only be considered that Erlang is more sad and urged to cast the wrong fetus.

The matter of Erlang was like a thorn in Jiang's heart. If she hadn't believed Gao's nonsense and thought she had a bug in her stomach, she wouldn't have hurt her son.

So now the Tian family's old house is indifferent to Erlang. Just let him grow with the seedlings. Anyway, there are many children in the family, so there is no difference.

The clothes he had just changed in the morning could be dirty before noon. Erlang is often teased by his brothers and often follows Silang's ass like a follower.

Since that time, Tian Dahu has not been cruel to Gao, but to Wang. Had it not been for Wang's meddling, he would not have had such a useless son and would not have been laughed at.

Every time he saw Erlang, he wished he had never given birth to this son at the beginning. When he saw him, he was flustered.

This is the heart of the people. Naturally, Wang didn't know that he had done a good deed and helped others keep a son. As a result, people hated him.

The last time Tian Dahe went to join the army, Tian Dahu didn't give up. He meant that if he destroyed a son, he could not make Wang feel better, so he tried his best to encourage old man Tian and Li to let his second brother become a soldier.

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