The village head has fully accepted Zhu Rongrong's purchase of land to build a house. Although she didn't spend money on buying land, Wang is also a busy man now. She still gave the village head the benefit of two liang of silver. After all, in the future, we need the village head to help us get the land deeds before and after running, and we also need people to help us find the villagers to build a house, don't we?

Tian Yuqiao sat on the Kang, his legs swinging constantly. She said to Zhu Rongrong, "sister Rong, do you have any plans to build a house this time? No one in our village has built such a big house."

"Well, Joel, you usually go to town. You should have seen what happened to their house? Why don't you help me?" Zhu Rongrong said with a smile.

"Oh, Rong Rong, it's not a small thing. Joel is very capable, but she's only a child after all. I'm afraid it's wrong for her to do such a big thing." Zhao said quickly.

Tian Yuqiao knew that her grandmother was worried that if she couldn't do it well, she would be kind enough to do bad things.

Zhu Rongrong said, "it doesn't matter. I believe Joel's vision. Look at the fish pond at home and the glass shed behind. Isn't it all Joel's own idea? I believe her vision. Even if it's not done well, the big head won't say anything. Let her try."

Tian Yuqiao saw that Zhu Rongrong had said so, so she could only accept it.

"Sister Rong, I'll draw a picture for you at that time, and then you can have a look. If you think there's something wrong and need to improve, let's discuss it at that time?" Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Zhu Rongrong nodded, "Hmm", and then heard Wang Decheng shouting outside: "dinner, ladies and ladies, please move ~"

Zhao smiled angrily and said angrily, "look at your big uncle. He hasn't been in shape all day! Let's go out and have noodles, children."

Cross water noodles, with the chili meat sauce that Wang prepared for Fang Wenhao in the morning. Don't say, this collocation is amazing! The two uncles of the Wang family actually ate two sea bowls by themselves, which still has something to say.

Two large pots full of noodles were eaten by everyone. When Wang saw everyone eating happily, she was very happy. Thinking of Hao'er and big head's two children, I wish I could eat so delicious at that time

The little guy seemed to see Wang's mind and advised, "Mom, they've only been away for less than half a day. Do you want to? Eat quickly. If you don't eat this bowl again, they'll be robbed by your uncle."

Wang found that everyone else had finished eating, but she hadn't moved her chopsticks much. Embarrassed, she hurried to finish the noodles in the bowl. The chili sauce was very hot, but she didn't notice it.

After cleaning up the dishes and chopsticks, everyone went out together. Anyway, the land was opposite and not far away, so the gate was unlocked and passed directly.

Before leaving, ash shook his head and swayed his tail to flirt with the little guy, hoping to take it with him. The little guy was helpless. He touched ash's head and said, "good ash, stay at home and don't let the bad guys in. It's your duty. As a qualified watchdog, you must understand this..."

Tian Yuqiao reluctantly urged, "little brother, hurry up and go."

"Oh, come on, I'm comforting ash." the little guy said, and ran over.

Ash stood in the yard, his front paws were within the threshold, and he didn't jump out. It is now very sensible, and its figure is bigger than Huahua. It seems to have the appearance of Thor.

Although the land opposite is not far from Tian Yuqiao's house, there is a bubble in the middle. When it rains heavily there, the water on the mountain flows directly down the stream, and the extra will automatically gather in it, reducing the probability of flooding in the village.

At ordinary times, the villagers don't let their children near the river bubble. Although there is no water in it, it is full of mud. If one doesn't work, it's hard for the children to climb up again if they fall.

The village head led the villagers to build a fence around the river paozi for fear that children would fall.

Wang said to the family, "everyone should be careful. Although the water bubble is dry and cracked now, it's full of mud. It's not fun to fall down."

Tian Yuqiao couldn't help holding the little guy's hand. The little hands of his sister and brother held tightly.

It took a quarter of an hour to get to the opposite place. The land is full of weeds, and there are many broken stones in it.

Wang Decheng and Wang Dehai frowned immediately. Both of them are good at growing crops. Now they have a headache when they see this land.

"Oh, this place is really not good. You can't plant a dealer at all." Wang Decheng pinched a handful of soil from the ground and blew it away with the wind.

Wang Dehai also said, "yes, and it's still a slope. The water can't be saved, so it can only be used to build a house."

Tian Yuqiao didn't think so, because the little guy picked up some black stones he hadn't seen and handed them to Tian Yuqiao.

"Look, the stone here is really beautiful, but it's still black." the little guy looked at the sun and found that the stone was really as black as ink. I don't know if he can break it to write?

When Tian Yuqiao saw it, he found that it was coal! And it's the best kind of coal. With this thing, their winter life will be much better in the future. This is much more convenient than burning firewood. At least you don't have to worry about the stove going out.

"Listen, Yutang. You can't tell anyone about the black stones in the land, you know? When you have time, you take Er Gouzi and you two will pick up the black stones here. I can keep them for use." Tian Yuqiao whispered.

"Can't even mother say?" the little guy asked suspiciously.

Tian Yuqiao nodded and said, "well, don't tell anyone until I'm sure."

"Oh, OK, I'll listen to my sister. Then I'll pick it up with my cousin. Anyway, everyone is here now." the little guy said and walked away with a smile.

Not far away, Dahu and erhu quickly went back to get some baskets, and then picked up those black stones in the wasteland.

Wang Shi was curious and asked a few questions. As a result, everyone said that the little guy asked them to pick it up. He said that he went back and broke it to see if he could write instead of graphite.

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